- 中文名:張才喜
- 出生地:湖北省黃梅縣
- 出生日期:1972.10
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:日本鳥取大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:果樹發育生物學植物激素調控和信號轉導暖地櫻桃栽培與育種
- 職務:上海交通大學農業與生物學院教授、植物科學系系主任
- 主要成就:上海交通大學凱原十佳優秀教師(2015),上海交通大學校長獎獲得者(2016)
2003.10-2005.09 日本鳥取大學 農學博士 果樹學。
2001.10-2003.09 日本鳥取大學農學碩士 果樹學。
1994.09-1997.07浙江農業大學農學碩士 果樹學。
1990.09-1994.07湖北農學院 農學學士 園藝學。
2006.04-2008.02 日本學術振興會外國人特別研究員 (JSPS)。
2005.12- 上海交通大學農業與生物學院 副教授。
2005.10-2008.02 日本鳥取大學農學部 副教授。
1999.04-2001.09上海交通大學農業與生物學院講 師。
1998.04-1999.03 上海農學院植物科學系 講 師。
1997.09-1998.03 上海農學院植物科學系 助 教。
積極開展教學改革和課程建設,參編《南方葡萄安全生產技術指南》、 《葡萄設施栽培》、 《現代溫室園藝》和《現代種子種苗學》等教材。主講《葡萄和葡萄酒文化》全校通選課。
1.主持 上海市農委 現代農業產業技術體系 (葡萄和柑橘) (2014-2018)
2.參加 國家自然科學基金 根域限制提高葡萄果實品質機制的轉錄組學及蛋白質組學解析(2015-2018)
3.主持 農業部948項目 適合南方暖地栽培甜櫻桃種質資源的引進與利用(2013)
4.主持 國家自然科學基金 赤黴素促進梨果實庫強轉錄組和蛋白質組學研究 (2011-2013)
5.主持 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫 GA促進梨果實庫強的功能蛋白質研究 (2011-2013)
6.主持 晨星青年學者獎勵計畫 赤黴素促進梨同化物運輸的關鍵蛋白質研究 (2011-2013)
7.主持 上海市教科研創新 基於根域限制的葡萄、桃等果樹有機型栽培技術示範推廣(2011-2012)
8.主持 上海市科委重點攻關 基於根域限制獼猴桃等水果優質栽培新技術研究與示範(2007-2009)
2.參加 國家自然科學基金 根域限制提高葡萄果實品質機制的轉錄組學及蛋白質組學解析(2015-2018)
3.主持 農業部948項目 適合南方暖地栽培甜櫻桃種質資源的引進與利用(2013)
4.主持 國家自然科學基金 赤黴素促進梨果實庫強轉錄組和蛋白質組學研究 (2011-2013)
5.主持 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫 GA促進梨果實庫強的功能蛋白質研究 (2011-2013)
6.主持 晨星青年學者獎勵計畫 赤黴素促進梨同化物運輸的關鍵蛋白質研究 (2011-2013)
7.主持 上海市教科研創新 基於根域限制的葡萄、桃等果樹有機型栽培技術示範推廣(2011-2012)
8.主持 上海市科委重點攻關 基於根域限制獼猴桃等水果優質栽培新技術研究與示範(2007-2009)
1.Z Gao, C Zhang, M Luo, Y Wu, S Duan, J Li, L Wang, S Song, W Xu, S Wang, C Zhang* ,C Ma,. 2016. Proteomic analysis of pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) core and mesocarp during fruit development. PROTEOMICS. doi: 10.1002/pmic.201600108. (Front cover)
2.Y Wu, S Duan, L Zhao, Z Gao, M Luo, S Song, W Xu, C Zhang, C Ma, S Wang*. 2016. Aroma characterization based on aromatic series analysis in table grapes. Scientific Report. 6, 31116; doi: 10.1038/srep31116.
3.L Wang, C Zhang*, J Huang, L Zhu, X Yu, J Li, Y Lou, W Xu, S Wang .2016. Hydrogen cyanamide improve dormancy release and flowering associated with gibberellin acids and abscisic acid in sweet cherry cv. ‘Summit’ trees. New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science. doi:10.1080/01140671.2016.1229344
4.L Wang, L Zhang, W Xu, Z Liu, C Zhang*, MD. Whiting, S Wang. 2016. Impact of chilling accumulation and hydrogen cyanamide on floral organ development of sweet cherry in a warm region. Journal of Intergrative Agriculture. doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(16)61341-2 (Front cover)
5.Y Lou, Y Miao, Z Wang, L Wang, J Li, C Zhang, W Xu, M Inoue, S Wang. 2016. Establishment of soil water potential thresholds to trigger irrigation of ‘Kyoho’ grapevines based on berry expansion, photosynthetic rate and photosynthetic product allocation. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 22,(2), 316-323.
6.J Li, Z Gao, Y Lou, L Wang, S Song, W Xu, S Wang, C Zhang*. 2015. De novo assembly, functional annotation, and marker development of Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) fruit transcriptome through massively parallel sequencing. Genetics and Molecular Research. 14 (4): 18344-18355.
7.J Li, X Yu, Y Lou, L Wang, J P. Slovin, W Xu, S Wang, C Zhang*. 2015. Proteomic analysis of the effects of gibberellin on increased fruit sink strength in Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia). Scientia Horticulturae 1195: 25-36.
8.C Zhang*, M Whiting. 2013. Plant growth regulators improve sweet cherry fruit quality without reducing endocarp growth. Scientia Horticulturae 150: 73-79
9.B Wang, J He, Y Bai, X Yu, J Li, C Zhang, W Xu, X Bai, X Gao, S Wang. 2012. Root restriction affected anthocyanin composition and up-regulated the transcription of their biosynthetic genes during berry development in ‘Summer Black’ grape. Acta Physiology Plant 35:2205–2217.
10.C Zhang*, M Whiting.2012. The occurrence of protruding pistil in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) and its consequence on fertilization. Scientia Horticulturae 140:156- 163.
11.X Yu, B Wang, C Zhang, W Xu, J He, L, S Wang. 2012. Effect of root restriction on nitrogen levels and glutamine synthetase activity in ‘Kyoho’grapevines. Scientia Horticulturae 137: 156-163.
12.B Wang, J He, C Duan, X Yu, L Zhu, Z Xie, C Zhang, W Xu, S Wang. 2012. Root restriction affects anthocyanin accumulation and composition in berry skin of ‘Kyoho’ grape (Vitis vinifera L.X Vitis labrusca L.) during ripening. Scientia Horticulturae 137: 20-28.
13.C Zhang*, M Whiting. 2011. Pre-harvest foliar application of Prohexadione-Ca and gibberellins modify canopy source-sink relations and improve quality and shelf-life of ‘Bing’ sweet cherry. Plant Growth Regulation 65:145-156.
14.C Zhang, M Whiting. 2011. Improving 'Bing' sweet cherry fruit quality with plant growth regulators. Scientia Horticulturae 127: 341-346.
15.C Zhang*, N Tateishi, K Tanabe. 2010. Pollen density on the stigma affects endogenous gibberellin metabolism, seed and fruit set, and fruit quality in Pyrus pyrifolia. Journal of Experimental Botany 61:4291–4302.
16.Li B, Z Xie, A Zhang, W Xu, C Zhang, Q Liu, C Liu, S Wang. 2010. Tree growth characteristics and flower bud differentiation of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) under different climate conditions in China. Horticultural Science (Prague). 37:6-13.
17.C Zhang*, K Tanabe U Lee, S Kang, T Tokunaga. 2009. Gibberellins and N-(2-Chloro- 4-pyridyl)-N'-pheny lurea improve retention force and reduce water core in pre-mature fruit of Japanese pear ‘Housui’. Plant Growth Regulation. 58:25-34
18.C Zhang*, U Lee, K Tanabe. 2008. Hormonal regulation of fruit set, parthenogenesis induction and fruit expansion in Japanese pear. Plant Growth Regulation. 55:231-240.
19.C Zhang*, K Tanabe. 2008. Partitioning of 13C-photosynthates from different current shoots neighboring with fruiting spur in later-maturing Japanese pear during the period of rapid fruit growth. Scientia Horticulturae. 117:142-150.
20.C Zhang*, K Tanabe, H Tani, H Nakajima, M Mori. 2008. Identification and quantification of biologically active gibberellins in fruit of Japanese pear cultivars. Acta Horticulturae. 774:35-40
21.K Matsumoto, F Tamura, J Chun, C Zhang, K Tanabe. 2008. Effect of the shank length of Pyrus betulaefolia rootstock on the photosynthesis and the sodium and chloride distribution of Japanese pear saplings under saline conditions. Journal of the American Pomological Society. 62:151-159.
22.C Zhang, K Tanabe, H Tani, H Nakajima, M Mori, E Sakuno. 2007. Biologically active gibberellins and ABA in fruit of two late-maturing Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cultivars with contrasting fruit size. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 132:452–458.
23.C Zhang, K Tanabe, F Tamura, A Itai, M Yoshida. 2007. Role of gibberellins in increasing sink demand in Japanese pear fruit during rapid fruit growth. Plant Growth Regulation.52:161-172.
24.C Zhang, K Tanabe, S Wang, F Tamura, A Yoshida, K Matsumoto. 2006. The impact of cell division and cell enlargement on the evolution of fruit size in Pyrus pyrifolia. Annals of Botany. 98: 537-543.
25.L Zhu, S Wang, T Yang, C Zhang, W Xu. 2006. Vine growth and nitrogen metabolism of ‘Fujiminori’ grapevines in response to root restriction. Scientia Horticulturae. 107:143-149.
26.C Zhang, K Tanabe, F Tamura, K Matsumoto, A Yoshida. 2005. 13C-photosynthate accumulation in Japanese pear fruit during the period of rapid fruit growth is limited by the sink strength of fruit rather than by the transport capacity of the pedicel. Journal of Experimental Botany. 56:2713-2719.
27.C Zhang, K Tanabe, F Tamura, A Itai, S Wang. 2005. Spur Characteristics, fruit growth, and carbon partitioning in two late-maturing Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cultivars with contrasting fruit size. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 130 (2):252–260.
28.C Zhang, K Tanabe, F Tamura, A Itai, S Wang. 2005. Partitioning of 13C-photosynthate from spur leaves during fruit growth of three Japanese pear cultivars differing in maturation date. Annals of Botany. 95: 685-693.
29.S Wang, G Okamota, K Hirano, J Lu, C Zhang. 2001. Effects of rooting-zone restriction on vine growth and berry development of Kyoho grapevines. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 52:250-255.
30.陳曉丹, 王磊, 張才喜, 嚴雨潔, 畢思贇, 王傑, 彭勇政,許文平, 王世平. 2016. 上海地區甜櫻桃改良型籬壁式栽培模式初步評估. 果樹學報, 33: 1111-1119.
31.王 磊, 張才喜, 陳曉丹, 吳玉森, 段書延, 駱萌, 許文平, 王世平. 2016. 單氰胺對甜櫻桃休眠解除及開花過程樹體碳氮營養影響. 果樹學報33:385-392
32.王傑, 宋士任, 董能利, 趙麗萍, 張才喜, 王世平, 許文平. 2016. 根域容積對柑桔果實品質及土壤養分、微生物和酶的影響. 中國南方果樹,1:6-12
33.李節法, 楊琪, 何建軍, 王世平, 許文平, 張才喜. 2015. 赤黴素處理對梨果實山梨糖醇和蔗糖代謝酶基因表達的影響. 上海交通大學學報, 33: 21-28.
34.王博, 何建軍, 李節法, 虞秀明, 白揚, 謝兆森, 張才喜, 白先進, 趙麗萍, 王世平. 2015. 根域限制對‘巨峰’葡萄花色苷代謝途徑關鍵基因表達的影響. 果樹學報, 32: 19-25.
35.王小龍, 李節法, 張才喜, 王世平, 許文平. 2015. 砂梨過敏原蛋白基因(Ppmal)的克隆與表達分析. 果樹學報,32: 536-545.
36.李瑛, 張睿佳, 張偉達, 李政, 陸姍姍, 顧巧英, 單傳倫, 張才喜, 王世平, 許文平. 2015. 基於光合特性的設施栽培耐弱光葡萄品種篩選. 果樹學報, 32: 885-893.
37.張睿佳, 李瑛, 虞秀明, 婁玉穗, 許文平, 張才喜, 趙麗萍, 王世平. 2015. 高溫脅迫與外源油菜素內酯對‘巨峰’葡萄葉片光合生理和果實品質的影響. 果樹學報,32: 590-596.
38.郭蕾萍, 許文平, 朱麗娜, 張才喜, 王世平. 2014. 根域限制對‘巨峰’葡萄樹體生長、果實品質及內源脫落酸含量的影響. 果樹學報, 31:231-237.
39.王磊,張才喜,王小龍,李節法,楊琪,王世平. 2014. 暖地甜櫻桃砧穗組合適應性研究. 果樹學報 31(增刊): 139-145.
40.婁玉穗,楊天儀,劉曉清,李洪艷,趙麗萍,許文平, 張才喜, 王世平. 2013. 根域限制對'峰後'葡萄果實韌皮部糖卸載的影響. 園藝學報,40:817-827
41.張才喜, 王磊, 王世平.2013. 南方暖地甜櫻桃短低溫品種選育和利用. 中國南方果樹, 42:48-51.
42.李節法, 王世平, 張才喜. 2012. 桃樹流膠病的發生和防治新技術研究進展. 中國南方果樹, 6:36-40.
43.李勃, 王磊, 張才喜,王世平.2011.上海地區使用單氰胺打破甜櫻桃休眠的效果. 中國南方果樹, 5:22-25.
2.Y Wu, S Duan, L Zhao, Z Gao, M Luo, S Song, W Xu, C Zhang, C Ma, S Wang*. 2016. Aroma characterization based on aromatic series analysis in table grapes. Scientific Report. 6, 31116; doi: 10.1038/srep31116.
3.L Wang, C Zhang*, J Huang, L Zhu, X Yu, J Li, Y Lou, W Xu, S Wang .2016. Hydrogen cyanamide improve dormancy release and flowering associated with gibberellin acids and abscisic acid in sweet cherry cv. ‘Summit’ trees. New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science. doi:10.1080/01140671.2016.1229344
4.L Wang, L Zhang, W Xu, Z Liu, C Zhang*, MD. Whiting, S Wang. 2016. Impact of chilling accumulation and hydrogen cyanamide on floral organ development of sweet cherry in a warm region. Journal of Intergrative Agriculture. doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(16)61341-2 (Front cover)
5.Y Lou, Y Miao, Z Wang, L Wang, J Li, C Zhang, W Xu, M Inoue, S Wang. 2016. Establishment of soil water potential thresholds to trigger irrigation of ‘Kyoho’ grapevines based on berry expansion, photosynthetic rate and photosynthetic product allocation. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 22,(2), 316-323.
6.J Li, Z Gao, Y Lou, L Wang, S Song, W Xu, S Wang, C Zhang*. 2015. De novo assembly, functional annotation, and marker development of Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) fruit transcriptome through massively parallel sequencing. Genetics and Molecular Research. 14 (4): 18344-18355.
7.J Li, X Yu, Y Lou, L Wang, J P. Slovin, W Xu, S Wang, C Zhang*. 2015. Proteomic analysis of the effects of gibberellin on increased fruit sink strength in Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia). Scientia Horticulturae 1195: 25-36.
8.C Zhang*, M Whiting. 2013. Plant growth regulators improve sweet cherry fruit quality without reducing endocarp growth. Scientia Horticulturae 150: 73-79
9.B Wang, J He, Y Bai, X Yu, J Li, C Zhang, W Xu, X Bai, X Gao, S Wang. 2012. Root restriction affected anthocyanin composition and up-regulated the transcription of their biosynthetic genes during berry development in ‘Summer Black’ grape. Acta Physiology Plant 35:2205–2217.
10.C Zhang*, M Whiting.2012. The occurrence of protruding pistil in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) and its consequence on fertilization. Scientia Horticulturae 140:156- 163.
11.X Yu, B Wang, C Zhang, W Xu, J He, L, S Wang. 2012. Effect of root restriction on nitrogen levels and glutamine synthetase activity in ‘Kyoho’grapevines. Scientia Horticulturae 137: 156-163.
12.B Wang, J He, C Duan, X Yu, L Zhu, Z Xie, C Zhang, W Xu, S Wang. 2012. Root restriction affects anthocyanin accumulation and composition in berry skin of ‘Kyoho’ grape (Vitis vinifera L.X Vitis labrusca L.) during ripening. Scientia Horticulturae 137: 20-28.
13.C Zhang*, M Whiting. 2011. Pre-harvest foliar application of Prohexadione-Ca and gibberellins modify canopy source-sink relations and improve quality and shelf-life of ‘Bing’ sweet cherry. Plant Growth Regulation 65:145-156.
14.C Zhang, M Whiting. 2011. Improving 'Bing' sweet cherry fruit quality with plant growth regulators. Scientia Horticulturae 127: 341-346.
15.C Zhang*, N Tateishi, K Tanabe. 2010. Pollen density on the stigma affects endogenous gibberellin metabolism, seed and fruit set, and fruit quality in Pyrus pyrifolia. Journal of Experimental Botany 61:4291–4302.
16.Li B, Z Xie, A Zhang, W Xu, C Zhang, Q Liu, C Liu, S Wang. 2010. Tree growth characteristics and flower bud differentiation of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) under different climate conditions in China. Horticultural Science (Prague). 37:6-13.
17.C Zhang*, K Tanabe U Lee, S Kang, T Tokunaga. 2009. Gibberellins and N-(2-Chloro- 4-pyridyl)-N'-pheny lurea improve retention force and reduce water core in pre-mature fruit of Japanese pear ‘Housui’. Plant Growth Regulation. 58:25-34
18.C Zhang*, U Lee, K Tanabe. 2008. Hormonal regulation of fruit set, parthenogenesis induction and fruit expansion in Japanese pear. Plant Growth Regulation. 55:231-240.
19.C Zhang*, K Tanabe. 2008. Partitioning of 13C-photosynthates from different current shoots neighboring with fruiting spur in later-maturing Japanese pear during the period of rapid fruit growth. Scientia Horticulturae. 117:142-150.
20.C Zhang*, K Tanabe, H Tani, H Nakajima, M Mori. 2008. Identification and quantification of biologically active gibberellins in fruit of Japanese pear cultivars. Acta Horticulturae. 774:35-40
21.K Matsumoto, F Tamura, J Chun, C Zhang, K Tanabe. 2008. Effect of the shank length of Pyrus betulaefolia rootstock on the photosynthesis and the sodium and chloride distribution of Japanese pear saplings under saline conditions. Journal of the American Pomological Society. 62:151-159.
22.C Zhang, K Tanabe, H Tani, H Nakajima, M Mori, E Sakuno. 2007. Biologically active gibberellins and ABA in fruit of two late-maturing Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cultivars with contrasting fruit size. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 132:452–458.
23.C Zhang, K Tanabe, F Tamura, A Itai, M Yoshida. 2007. Role of gibberellins in increasing sink demand in Japanese pear fruit during rapid fruit growth. Plant Growth Regulation.52:161-172.
24.C Zhang, K Tanabe, S Wang, F Tamura, A Yoshida, K Matsumoto. 2006. The impact of cell division and cell enlargement on the evolution of fruit size in Pyrus pyrifolia. Annals of Botany. 98: 537-543.
25.L Zhu, S Wang, T Yang, C Zhang, W Xu. 2006. Vine growth and nitrogen metabolism of ‘Fujiminori’ grapevines in response to root restriction. Scientia Horticulturae. 107:143-149.
26.C Zhang, K Tanabe, F Tamura, K Matsumoto, A Yoshida. 2005. 13C-photosynthate accumulation in Japanese pear fruit during the period of rapid fruit growth is limited by the sink strength of fruit rather than by the transport capacity of the pedicel. Journal of Experimental Botany. 56:2713-2719.
27.C Zhang, K Tanabe, F Tamura, A Itai, S Wang. 2005. Spur Characteristics, fruit growth, and carbon partitioning in two late-maturing Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cultivars with contrasting fruit size. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 130 (2):252–260.
28.C Zhang, K Tanabe, F Tamura, A Itai, S Wang. 2005. Partitioning of 13C-photosynthate from spur leaves during fruit growth of three Japanese pear cultivars differing in maturation date. Annals of Botany. 95: 685-693.
29.S Wang, G Okamota, K Hirano, J Lu, C Zhang. 2001. Effects of rooting-zone restriction on vine growth and berry development of Kyoho grapevines. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 52:250-255.
30.陳曉丹, 王磊, 張才喜, 嚴雨潔, 畢思贇, 王傑, 彭勇政,許文平, 王世平. 2016. 上海地區甜櫻桃改良型籬壁式栽培模式初步評估. 果樹學報, 33: 1111-1119.
31.王 磊, 張才喜, 陳曉丹, 吳玉森, 段書延, 駱萌, 許文平, 王世平. 2016. 單氰胺對甜櫻桃休眠解除及開花過程樹體碳氮營養影響. 果樹學報33:385-392
32.王傑, 宋士任, 董能利, 趙麗萍, 張才喜, 王世平, 許文平. 2016. 根域容積對柑桔果實品質及土壤養分、微生物和酶的影響. 中國南方果樹,1:6-12
33.李節法, 楊琪, 何建軍, 王世平, 許文平, 張才喜. 2015. 赤黴素處理對梨果實山梨糖醇和蔗糖代謝酶基因表達的影響. 上海交通大學學報, 33: 21-28.
34.王博, 何建軍, 李節法, 虞秀明, 白揚, 謝兆森, 張才喜, 白先進, 趙麗萍, 王世平. 2015. 根域限制對‘巨峰’葡萄花色苷代謝途徑關鍵基因表達的影響. 果樹學報, 32: 19-25.
35.王小龍, 李節法, 張才喜, 王世平, 許文平. 2015. 砂梨過敏原蛋白基因(Ppmal)的克隆與表達分析. 果樹學報,32: 536-545.
36.李瑛, 張睿佳, 張偉達, 李政, 陸姍姍, 顧巧英, 單傳倫, 張才喜, 王世平, 許文平. 2015. 基於光合特性的設施栽培耐弱光葡萄品種篩選. 果樹學報, 32: 885-893.
37.張睿佳, 李瑛, 虞秀明, 婁玉穗, 許文平, 張才喜, 趙麗萍, 王世平. 2015. 高溫脅迫與外源油菜素內酯對‘巨峰’葡萄葉片光合生理和果實品質的影響. 果樹學報,32: 590-596.
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1.教育部科技進步一等獎(2010) 葡萄根域限制栽培技術研究與示範 (第3)
2.上海市科技進步二等獎(2007)葡萄、水蜜桃有機型栽培技術 (第5)
2.上海市科技進步二等獎(2007)葡萄、水蜜桃有機型栽培技術 (第5)