到目前為止,已發表學術論文30餘篇(包括13篇SCI論文);主編《常見蜘蛛識別手冊》(重慶大學出版社,2011.7),《中國動物志 卷葉蛛科和柵蛛科》(已完稿),作為第三作者完成的《中國動物志 漏斗蛛科和暗蛛科》即將出版。
(part of funds)
1) 國家自然科學基金項目面上項目(基於形態特徵的世界柵蛛科系統學研究,31471974,84萬元),2015.01-2018.12.
2) "中國西南狼蛛科多樣性、分類與DNA 條形碼研究". 國家自然科學基金面上項目(NSFC31272267). 2013.1-2015.12.
3) "重慶三峽庫區蜘蛛資源多樣性研究". 中央高校基本科研業務費(XDJK2012C087). 2012.1–2014.12.
4) "中國卷葉蛛科的修訂與系統發育研究". 國家自然科學基金面上項目(NSFC31071899). 2011.1–2011.12.
5) "中國柵蛛科蜘蛛的區系分類研究". 教育部博士點基金新教師項目(20090182120012).
6) "中國卷葉蛛科和柵蛛科蜘蛛多樣性與區系研究". 中國博士後科學基金二等資助(20080341265).
7) "中國卷葉蛛科的系統學研究". 中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目(201003307).
8) “縉雲山蜘蛛多樣性與植被的關係”. 重慶市自然科學基金項目(CSTC2008BB7088). 2008.9–2011.9.
9) “四川長寧竹海和貴州赤水桫欏自然保護區動植物標本的整理與整合”. 國家科技基礎條件平台建設重點項目“環保系統自然保護區生物標本及民族醫藥生物標本的標準化整理與數位化表達”(2005DK21404)的子專題. 2008.1–2008.12.
10) “中國動物志 蛛形綱 蜘蛛目 卷葉蛛科和柵蛛科”. 科技基礎性工作專項(2006FY120100, 子課題). 2006.12–2011.12.
1) Wang, L.Y., Li, Z.X., Zhou, K.X. & Zhang, Z.S. 2015. Redescription of three Hippasaspecies from China (Araneae: Lycosidae), with a proposed species group-division and diagnosis. Zootaxa, 3974(2): 231–244.
2) Wang, L.Y. Chen, H.M., Zhou, K.X., Zhang, F. & Zhang, Z.S. 2015. Diversity of spiders in Fanjing Mountain Nature Reserve, Guizhou, China, I: Six new species of Phrurolithidae (Araneae). Zootaxa, 4012(3): 447–464.
3) Lu, T., Chen H.M. & Zhang, Z.S. 2015. Diversity of spiders in Fanjing Mountain Nature Reserve, Guizhou, China, III: A new species of Brommella(Dictynidae). Zootaxa, 4020(1): 183–190.
4) Liu, N., Huang G.Q. & Zhang, Z.S. 2015. A new species of the genus Hahnia(Araneae: Hahniidae) from South China. Zootaxa, 3994(2): 295–300.
5) Liu, M.X., Zhang, Z.S.& Peng, Z.G. 2015. The mitochondrial genome of the water spider Argyroneta aquatica(Araneae: Cybaeidae). Zoologica Scripta, 44, 179–190.
6) 張志升,陳建, 李樞強, 彭賢錦, 張鋒, 佟艷豐, 林玉成. 2015. 物種中文名的選定/擬定原則的建議: 以蜘蛛類為例. 生物多樣性, 23 (2): 264–266.
7) 劉娜, 王露雨, 張志升. 2015. 中國水狼蛛屬一新記錄種(蜘蛛目:狼蛛科). 四川動物, 34(3): 421–423.
8) Zhang, Z.S.& Chen H.M. 2015. Hahnia zhuisp. nov. (Hahniidae), a special species with a unique shape of tegulum. Acta Arachnologica Sinica(蛛形學報), 24(2): 70–75.
9) Meng, X.W., Zhang, Z.S.& Shi, A.M. 2015. Description of two unknown females of EpeusPeckham & Peckham from China (Araneae: Salticidae). Zootaxa, 3955(1): 147–150.
10) Xu, X., Liu, F.X., Chen, R.C., Chen, J., Xu, X., Zhang, Z.S., Ono, H., Pham, D.S, Norma-Rashid, Y., Arnedo, M.A., Kunter, M. & Li, D.Q. 2015. Extant primitively segmented spiders have recently diversified from an ancient lineage. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 282: 20142486.
11) Zhang, B.S., Zhang, Z.S. & Zhang, F. 2015. Three new Sinopodaspecies (Araneae: Sparassidae) from southern China. Zootaxa, 3974(1): 059–075.
1. 蜘蛛的形態與分子系統學、進化與系統發育研究
2. 中國蜘蛛資源多樣性
3. 蜘蛛的行為與化學生態學研究
蜘蛛的行為學自從發現了孔雀蛛(Peacock spiders)後,變得越發受人關注。實驗室以我們最熟悉的漏斗蛛和狼蛛為突破口,開展行為學觀察,並嘗試研究其內在原因,並對在蜘蛛求偶與交配過程中起重要作用的性信息素進行提取和比較研究。該方向已有了初步結果,正在努力實施中。
4. 蜘蛛的其他研究
(1) Li, Z.X., Framenau, V. W. &Zhang, Z.S. First record of the wolf spider subfamily Artoriinae and the genus Artoria from China (Araneae: Lycosidae). Zootaxa 3235: 35–44.
(2) Wang, L.Y. & Zhang, Z.S. A new species of the genus Chrysilla Thorell 1887 from China (Araneae: Salticidae). Zootaxa 3243: 65–68.
(3) Wang, L.Y., Zhang, F. & Zhang, Z.S. Ant-like sac spiders from Jinyun Mountain Natural Reserve of Chongqing, China (Araneae: Corinnidae). Zootaxa. (In press)
(4) Zhang, Z.S., Hu, D.S. & Zhang, Y.G. Review on the mesh-web spider genus Lathys Simon 1884 from China (Araneae: Dictynidae). Zootaxa. (In press)
(5) Zhang, Z.S.& Li S. 2011. On four new canopy spiders of Dictynidae (Araneae) from Xishuangbanna Rainforest, China. Zootaxa. 3066: 21–36.
(6) Zhang, Z.S., Li S. & Zheng G. 2011. Comb-tailed spiders from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China (Araneae, Hahniidae). Zootaxa, 2912: 1–27.
(7) Zhang Z.S.& Zhu M.S. 2010. Revision of the Coelotine Spider Genus Himalcoelotes Wang, 2002 (Araneae: Amaurobiidae) from Tibet, China. Zoological Science, 27: 56–60.
(8) Zhang Z.S., Zhu M.S. & Song D.X. 2008. Revision of the spider genus Taira (Araneae, Amaurobiidae, Amaurobiinae). Journal of Arachnology,36: 502–512.