作為課題負責人主持了“十一五”國家科技支撐計畫、財政部質檢公益性行業科研專項、北京市科技計畫、國家質檢總局科技計畫等30餘項,在《Analytica Chimica Acta》等國內外雜誌上發表文章100餘篇,主編著作6部、授權專利9件,制定國家標準6項。研究成果獲北京市科學技術三等獎、國家質檢總局科技興檢一等獎、中國分析測試學會科學技術成果一等獎、中國儀器儀表學會科技創新獎等十餘項。多次參與了“三鹿奶粉”等重大突發事件的技術應對工作,並多次代表國家質檢總局參與了與歐盟的食品貿易技術談判。
1. 菸草安全與控煙檢測技術 2017年9月科學出版社主編
2. 食品分析法 2017年7月中國原子能出版社主譯
3. 食品摻雜鑑別檢測技術指南2017年10月南京大學出版社副主編
4. 飼料中典型非法添加物檢測技術》,科學出版社,中國,2013,主編;
5. 《Mass spectrometry in food safety》,Humana Press,美國,2011,參編;
6. 《海峽兩岸常用農藥檢測手冊》,福建科學技術出版社,中國,2011,參編。
[1]嘔吐毒素的均相免疫檢測試劑盒及檢測方法,中國發明專利,ZL 201510008258.0,第一完成人
[2]一種乳製品中雙酚類化合物的快速定量檢測方法,中國發明專利,ZL 201610935917.x,第一完成人
[3]一種機械泵減噪儀,中國實用新型專利,ZL 201520498978.5,第一完成人
[4]一種攜帶型動物源性樣品快速取樣箱,中國實用新型專利,ZL 201620270868.8,第一完成人
1. Yuan Zhang, Feng Zhang*, A simple, accurate, time-saving, and green method for the determination of 15 sulfonamides and metabolites in serum samples by ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography[J].Journal of Chromatography A:,2016,1432:132–139.
2. Wenjie Wu, ..., Feng Zhang*,. Simple, rapid and environmentally friendly method for the separation of isoflavones using ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography[J]. Journal of Separation Science,2017,40(13):2827-2837
3. Zhou Weie, Ling Yun, Feng Zhang *,Determination of gardenia yellow colorants in soft drink, pastry, instant noodles with ultrasound-assisted extraction by HPLC-MS/MS[J].Journal of Chromatography A,2016,1446:59-69
4. Dan Zhao, Feng Feng, Feng Zhang * Simultaneous determination of 13 carbohydrates using high-erformance anion-exchange chromatography coupled with pulsed amperometric detection and mass spectrometry[J]Journal of Separation Science,2017,40(13):2827-2837
5. Cheng Yan, Feng Zhang *A high-throughput screening method of bisphenols, bisphenolsdigycidyl ethers and their derivatives in dairy products by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry[J] Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017, 950: 1-10.
6. Xiujuan Wang , Feng Zhang*, etc.Simultaneous determination of 12?–agonists in feeds by ultra–performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry.Journal of Chromatography A,2013, 1278: 82-88.
7. Yi Zhang, Xiujuan Wang, Li Li,Weiqing Li, Feng Zhang*,etc. Simultaneous determination of 23 flavor additives in tobacco products using gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.Journal of Chromatography A,2013, 1306:72–79.