- 中文名:張岩
- 國籍:中華人民共和國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學,浙江大學
- 學位/學歷:工學博士
- 專業方向:微電子學與固體電子學
- 職務:哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院電子與信息工程學院副院長
[2] 張岩,陳金雷,一種數據比較單元及LDPC 碼校驗節點運算電路,中國發明專利(專利號:201010561249)
[2]Xu Wang, Yan Zhang, Shunying Ding. A High Performance Pipelined Discrete Hilbert Transform Processor[J]. WSEAS Transaction on Circuits and Systems. 2012.(EI)
[3]Jinlei Chen, Yan Zhang, Xu Wang,Design of a Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Decoder Using Generic Data Packing Scheme[J], WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS, Issue 6, Volume 11, June 2012: 231-239 ( EI :20124115541286)
[4]Guowei Xue, Yan Zhang. A Parallel Backprojection Algorithm for Exact Spiral Cone-Beam CT Reconstruction[J]. Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications. (Volume 4, Number 6, September 2010 : 134-143 doi: 10.4156/jdcta.vol4.issue6.16) (EI 20104813431089)
[5]Wang Shou-Guo, Zhang Yan, Zhang Yi-Men and Zhang Yu-Ming, “Characterization of Ion-implanted 4H-SiC Schottky Barrier Diodes”, Chinese Physics B, Vol. 19, No.1 , 2010. (SCI Impact Factor: 1.293 )
[6]Wang Shou-Guo, Zhang Yan, Zhang Yi-Men and Zhang Yu-Ming, “Ohmic Contacts of 4H-SiC on Ion-implantation layer”, Chinese Physics B, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2010. (SCI Impact Factor:1.293)
[7]Linsheng Zhang, Yan Zhang, Wenbiao Zhou. Tradeoff between Approximation Accuracy and Complexity for Range Analysis using Affine Arithmetic[J]. Journal of Signal Processing Systems. 2010,Jan.. DOI 10.1007/s11265-010-0452-2 (SCI Impact Factor: 0.779)
[8]L. Zhang, Y. Zhang,“Fast Trade-off Evaluation for Digital Signal Processing Systems during Wordlength Optimization ”, ICCAD 2009, San Jose, CA, USA. 2009:731-738 (EI:20100712709460)
[2] Xu Wang, Yan Zhang, Shunying Ding. A High Performance FFT Library with Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) Architecture, in Proc. ICECC, 2011, 630- 633.
[3] Shaohui Zhang, Yan Zhang, Jinlei Chen, Investigation on Normalized Factor and Finite Word-length for 802.11n LDPC Decoding[C], WiCOM 2011. 23-25 Sept. 2011
[4] Xinran Wang, Yan Zhang, Jinlei Chen,Modified APP-Based Decoding Algorithm for Low-Density Parity Check Codes[C], WiCOM 2011. 23-25 Sept. 2011
[5] Guowei Xue, Yan Zhang. Architecture Exploration and Performance Analysis of A Hardware Backprojector at Transaction Level. 2010 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing Systems. Dalian China. 2010, July.
[6] Guowei Xue, Yan Zhang. Architecture Exploration and Performance Analysis of A Hardware Backprojector at Transaction Level. 2010 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing Systems. Dalian China. 2010, July.
[7] L. Zhang, Y. Zhang,“Fast Trade-off Evaluation for Digital Signal Processing Systems during Wordlength Optimization ”, ICCAD 2009, San Jose, CA, USA. 2009:731-738 (EI:20100712709460)
[8] Y.Hao, Yan.Zhang, L.Zhang, and L.Liu, "An Automatic Power Estimation Methodology for FPGA-based Digital Signal Processing Systems", In Proceedings.International conference on image and signal processing, Oct 2009. (EI:20100212631539)
[9] Linsheng Zhang, Yan Zhang, Wenbiao Zhou. “A Fast and Flexible Accuracy-guaranteed Fractional Bit-widths Optimization Approach”, Proc. 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2009). Best Student Paper Nominee (9/734). Taipei, Taiwan, 2009:1517–1520. (EI: 20094512422592)
[10] L. Zhang, Y. Zhang and W. Zhou, "Floating-point to fixed-point transformation using extreme value theory", Proc. 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2009), Shanghai, China, Jun 2009:271–276. (EI: 20094612447368)