張小興, 男, IC設計中心 研究員,博士,南開大學信息技術科學學院教師,南大強芯半導體晶片設計公司技術總監。
- 中文名:張小興
- 職業:南開大學信息技術科學學院教師
- 畢業院校:蘭州鐵道學院
- 主要成就:Power management system IC for mobile phone
1981.09--1985.07 蘭州鐵道學院電信與自動控制系 工學學士;
1992.10--1993.03 日本北見工業大學電氣電子工學科研修生;
1993.04--1995.03 日本北見工業大學電氣電子工程系 工學碩士;
1995.04--1998.03 日本長岡技術科學大學信息科學與控制工程系 工學博士。
1985.07--1992.09 蘭州鐵道學院電信與自動控制系 助教;
1998.04--2000.04 日本株式會社鷹山 IC設計工程師;
2000.05--2000.08 日本安森美公司 產品套用工程師;
2000.09--2002.10 日本精工電子株式會社 IC設計主任工程師;
2002.11--- 南開大學信息技術科學學院 教師;
南大強芯半導體晶片設計公司 技術總監。
社會兼職: Member of Institute of Electronics, Information and ommunication Engineer, Japan。
研究方向: 模擬信號處理,模擬集成電子學,數模混合積體電路。
1. Power management system IC for mobile phone; 2002;
2. Floppy disk driver system IC for PC; 2003;
3. Auto-power control driver IC for DVD; 2003;
4. Laser type bar-code reader system IC; 2004;;
5. 10bit SAR ADC IC for SoC; 2004
6. 2-channel 160MBPS current-mode high-speed interface IC for LCD, 2005;
7. 3-channel 1.95GBPS LVDS high-speed interface IC for LCD, 2006。
1. Inverting Amplifier with Variable Gain. Application number: H10-311531, Patent number: P2000-138548A, Publication date: May 16 2000, Japan Patent Office;
2. Matched Filter Bank CDMA Communication. Application number: 99102550.3-2211, Patent number: EP0936748A2, Publication date: Aug. 18 1999, Bulletin 1999/33, European Patent Office;
3. Matched Filter Bank. Application number: 99102307.2, Patent number: CN1231545, Publication date: Oct. 13 1999, State Intellectual Property Office of P. R. China;
4. Offset Voltage Self-Correcting Circuit for Op-amp. Application number: 2001-180108, Patent number: P2002-374131A, Publication date: Dec. 26 2002, Japan Patent Office;
5. Matched Filter Bank. Application number: US19990247828, Patent number: US6512785, Publication date: Jan. 28 2003, United States Patent and Trademark Office;
6. Circuit Compensation of Input Offset Voltage for Analog Multiplier. Application number: 2001-250360, Patent number: P2003-60454A, Publication date: Feb. 28 2003, Japan Patent Office;
7. Temperature Characteristics Compensation Circuit for Piezoresistive Sensors. Application number: 2001-334638, Patent number: P2003-139642A, Publication date: May 14 2003, Japan Patent Office;
8. Protector of battery charge. Application number: 2002-283233, Patent number: P2004-119268A, Publication date: April 15 2004, Japan Patent Office;
9. Protective for battery charging. Application number: CN2003014371, Patent number: CN147816, Publication date: May 19 2004, State Intellectual Property Office of P. R. China;
10. Protection circuit for battery charge. Application number: 10/670809, Patent number: US2004135549A1, Publication date: July 15 2004, United States Patent and Trademark Office。
1. Xiaoxing Zhang, Yuji Shinada: "Realization of 2nd order active band-pass filter with complex coefficients and its applications to the Hilbert transform" (in Japanese), IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals (A), vol.J78-A, no.12, pp.1585-1592, Dec. 1995;
2. Xiaoxing Zhang, Noriyoshi Kambayashi and Yuji Shinada: "A realization of active resonator with complex coefficients using CCIIs", IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol.E80-A, no.2, pp.416-418, Feb. 1997;
3. Xiaoxing Zhang, Masahiro Iwahashi and Noriyoshi Kambayashi: "A novel narrow-band bandpass filter and its application to SSB communication", IEICE Trans. on Electronics, vol.E80-C, no.7, pp.1010-1015, July 1997;
4. Xiaoxing Zhang, Xiayu Ni, Masahiro Iwahashi and Noriyoshi Kambayashi: "Implementation of active complex filter with variable parameter using OTAs", IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol.E80-A, no.9, pp.1721-1724, Sept. 1997;
5. Xiaoxing Zhang, Xiayu Ni, Masahiro Iwahashi and Noriyoshi Kambayashi: "A realization of narrow-band bandpass filter for SSB Communication System" (in Japanese), IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals (A), vol.J81-A, no.2, pp.220-228, Feb. 1998;
6. Xiaoxing Zhang, Xiayu Ni, Masahiro Iwahashi and Noriyoshi Kambayashi: "Realization of universal active complex filter using CCIIs and CFCCIIs", IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol.E81-A, no.2, pp.244-251, Sept. 1998;
7. Xiaoxing Zhang, Yoji Shinada: "Second order active bandpass filter with complex coefficients and its applications to the Hilbert transform", Journal of Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 3, vol.79, no.6, pp.13-22, June 1996. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Translation from Japanese Paper of No.1);
8. Xiaoxing Zhang, Xiayu Ni, Masahiro Iwahashi and Noriyoshi Kambayashi: "A realization of narrow-band bandpass filter for SSB communication system", Journal of Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 3, vol.83, no.4, pp.52-61, June 2000. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Translation from Japanese Paper of No.5);
9. Xiaoxing Zhang, Xiayu Ni, Masahiro Iwahashi and Noriyoshi Kambayashi: "Realization of universal active complex filter using CCIIs and CFCCIIs" International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 20(2): 129--137, August 1999. Kluwer Academic Publishers, (The reprint of Paper of No.6).
1. X. Zhang,T. Kowase,Y. Shinada:"Compensation of active bandpass complex filter using op-amps" (in Japanese), Proceeding of Conference of Hokkaido Branch of IEICE, 242, Oct. 1993.
2. X. Zhang,T. Kowase,Y. Shinada:"Compensation of bilinear active bandpass complex filter using op-amps" (in Japanese), Proceeding of Conference of IEICE at Spring, A-29, March 1994.
3. X. Zhang,Y. Shinada:"Compensation of active complex filter" (in Japanese), Technique Report of IEICE, CAS94-14, vol. 94, no. 116, June 1994.
4. X. Zhang,Y. Shinada:"A realization of second order active complex filter" (in Japanese), Technique Report of IEICE, CAS94-15, vol. 94, no. 116, June 1994.
5. X. Zhang,Y. Shinada:"A realization of active complex filter using CCIIs" (in Japanese), Proceeding of Conference of IEICE at Autumn, A-14, Sept. 1994.
6. X. Zhang,Y. Shinada:"An application of second order active complex filter to the Hilbert transform" (in Japanese), Proceeding of Conference of Hokkaido Branch of IEICE, 311, Oct. 1994.
7. X. Zhang,Y. Shinada:"A realization of active complex current-mode filter using CCIIs" (in Japanese), Technique Report of IEICE, CAS94-86, vol. 94, no. 476, Jan. 1995.
8. X. Zhang,N. Kambayashi:"A realization of bilinear active complex current-mode resonator using CCIIs" (in Japanese), Proceeding of Conference of Shin'etsu Branch of IEICE, B5, Oct. 1995.
9. X. Zhang,M. Iwahashi,N. Kambayashi:"A derivation of lowpass filter transfer function with conjugate zero" (in Japanese), Proceeding of Meeting on Electronic Circuits of IEE of Japan, ECT-95-109, vol. 94, Jan. 1996.
10. X. Zhang, M. Iwahashi and N. Kambayashi: "A realization of active bilinear resonator with complex coefficients using OTAs and CCIIs", Proceeding of Conference of Shin'etsu Branch of IEICE, A3, Sept. 1996.
11. X. Zhang, M. Iwahashi and N. Kambayashi: "An implementation of active complex filter with variable parameter using OTAs", Proceeding of Meeting on Electronic Circuits of IEE of Japan, ECT-97-2, vol. 96, Jan. 1997.
12. X. Zhang,M. Iwahashi,N. Kambayashi:"Realization of narrow-band bandpass filter with an output pair of analytic signal using op-amps" (in Japanese), Proceeding of Meeting on Electronic Circuits of IEE of Japan, ECT-97-3, vol. 96, Jan. 1997.
13. X. Zhang, M. Iwahashi and N. Kambayashi: "A new building block for complex filter employing OTA-C", Proceeding of Conference of Shin'etsu Branch of IEICE, A3, Oct. 1997.