2010年12月- :首都醫科大學 任職
2009年12月-2010年08月:科學院蘇州生物醫學工程與技術研究所 任職
2002年05月-2009年12月:美國哥倫比亞大學 任職
1995年01月-2002年05月:美國哥倫比亞大學 學習
1993年10月-1994年10月:英國佩斯利大學 學習
1986年07月-1993年10月:北京理工大學 任職
1982年09月-1986年07月:北京理工大學 學習
1. Zhang K, Sun M, Werner P, Kovera AJ, Albu J, Pi-Sunyer FX, Boozer CN. Sleeping metabolic rate in relation to body mass index and body composition. Int J Obes, 2002;3:376-383.
2. Zhang K, Werner P, Sun M, Pi-Sunyer FX, Boozer CN. Measurement of Human Daily Physical Activity. Obesity Research, 2003; 11:33-40.
3. Zhang K, F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, and Carol N. Boozer. Improving Energy Expenditure Estimation for PhysicalActivity. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc.,2004; 36 (5):883-889.
4. Zhang K, Sun M, Lester DK, Pi-Sunyer FX, Boozer CN, Longman RW. Assessment of human locomotion by using an insole measurement system and artificial neural networks. Journal of Biomechanics,2005; 38: 2276–2287.
5. Zhang K, Boozer C. Impact of spontaneous physical activities on total energy expenditure. Obesity Research, 2005;13 (Suppl): A86.
6. Gaba A.M., K. Zhang , K.S. Marder, C.B Moskowitz, P. Werner C.N. Boozer. Energy Balance in Early-Stage Huntington's Disease. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.,2005; 81:1335– 1341.
7. Zhang K, Gorjian A, Lester DK. Gait change after local anesthetic of chronically arthritic knee. JLong Term Eff Med Implants, 2006;16(3):223-34.
8. Gaba A, Zhang K, Moskowitz CB, Boozer CN, Marder K. Harris-Benedict Equation Estimations of Energy Needs as Compared to Measured 24-h Energy Expenditure by Indirect Calorimetry in People with Early to Mid-Stage Huntington’s Disease. Nutritional Neuroscience, 2008; 11(5): 213-18.
9. Lester DK, Zhang K. Gait Analysis of Knee Arthritis Treated With Hyaluronic Acid. Journal of Arthroplasty, 2010; 25(8): 1290-1294.
10. Yan SH, Zhang K, Tan GQ, Yang J, Liu ZC. Effects of obesity on dynamic plantar pressure distribution in Chinese prepubescent children during walking. Gait &Posture, 2013;37(1):37-42.
11. Lester DK, Shantharam R, Zhang K. Dynamic Electromyography After Cruciate-retaining Total Knee Arthroplasty Revealed A Threefold Quadriceps Demand Compared With The Contralateral Normal Knee. Journal of Arthroplasty, 2013; 28(4):557-62.
12.蘆坤, 周興龍, 閆松華, 孫世傑, 全海英, 張寬. 人體日常活動機械功及能量效率的初步研究. 北京生物醫學工程,2014;33(2): 153-159.
13. 張昊華, 閆松華, 方沉, 張寬.用攜帶型步態分析儀評估全髖關節置換術手術效果. 醫用生物力學,2015; 30(4): 361-366.
14. Yan, S. H., Ou-Yang, H. K., Shan, Y. L., Luo, D. Z., Wang, H., & Zhang, K. Tensile biomechanical characteristics of human meniscus. Emerging Materials Research,2016; 5(1): 1-6.
15. Zhang, H., Yan, S., Fang, C., Guo, X., & Zhang, K. Clinical evaluation and gait characteristics before and after total knee arthroplasty based on a portable gait analyzer. Orthopaedic Surgery,2016; 8(3):360-366.
16. Sun, S., Tang, Q., Quan, H., Lu, Q., Sun, M., & Zhang, K. (2016). Energetic assessment of the nonexercise activities under free-living conditions. Biomed Research International, 2016;6:1-7.
17. Chen-fan Zheng, Yan-cheng Liu, Yong-cheng Hu, Qun Xia, Jun Miao, Ji-dong Zhang, Kuan Zhang. Correlations of Japanese Orthopaedic Association Scoring Systems with Gait Parameters in Patients with Degenerative Spinal Diseases. Orthopaedic Surgery, 2016;4:447-453.
18. Jun Sun, Songhua Yan, Yan Jiang, Duo Wai-chi Wong, Ming Zhang, Jizhou Zeng, Kuan Zhang. Finite Element Analysis of the Valgus Knee Joint of an Obese Child. Biomedical Engineering Online, 2016; 15(2):309-321.
19. 郝文睿, 全海英, 李璐, 張程, 吳大蔚, 張寬. 青年男性能量代謝測試的一日排水量. 中國組織工程研究, 2016; 20(11):1603-1609.
20. 鄭陳帆,劉艷成,閆松華,夏群,苗軍,白劍強,張寬. 坐骨神經痛患者的步態特徵. 醫用生物力學, 2016:31(1):73-77.
21. Quan H, Hao W, Li L, Sun M, Zhang K. Algorithm to improve accuracy of energy expended in a room calorimeter. Med Biol EngComput, 2017; 55(8):1215-1225.
22. Sun J, Liu Y, Yan S, Cao G, Wang S, Lester DK, Zhang K. Clinical gait evaluation of patients with knee osteoarthritis. Gait Posture,2017;58:319–324.
23. Song-Hua Yan, Lu Wang, Kuan Zhang. Effects of different movement modes on plantar pressure distribution patterns in obese and non-obese Chinese children. Gait & Posture, 2017; 57:28-34.
24. Sun J, Liu YC, Yan SH, Wang SS, Lester DK, Zeng JZ, Miao J, Zhang K. Clinical Gait Evaluation of Patients with Lumbar Spine Stenosis. Orthopaedic Surgery, 2018;10(1):32-39.
25. 黃鵬, 張昊華, 劉艷成, 劉慶凱, 全海英, 閆松華, 張寬. 膝關節置換後康復遠程監測系統的套用研究. 北京生物醫學工程,2018;1:66-72.
26. Li W, Liu YC, Zhang K. Diagnose of Compressed Nerve Root in Lumbar Disc Herniation Patients by Surface Electromyography. Orthopaedic Surgery, 2018; 10(1): 47-55.
27. 王子堅,閆松華,李偉,劉艷成,全海英,曾紀洲,張寬.單側膝內翻型膝骨關節炎患者足底壓力分布特徵研究.北京生物醫學工程,2019;38(02):151-158.
28. Li W, Li Z, Qie S, Yang H, Chen X, Liu Y, Li Z, Zhang K. Analysis of the activation modalities of the lower limb muscles during walking. Technol Health Care. 2020;28(5):521-532.
29. 劉佳耕,閆松華,曾紀洲,張寬.全膝關節置換前後患者下肢肌骨模型步態模擬與分析. 醫用生物力學,2020;35(3):347-355.
30. Wang, Y. , Yan, S. , Zeng, J. , Zhang, K. The biomechanical effect of different posterior tibial slopes on the tibiofemoral joint after posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 2020;15(1).
31. Wang Y , Zhang K , Zeng J , et al. Coordination of lower limbs in patients with knee osteoarthritis during walking. Gait & Posture, 2021;83:160-166.
32. Song-Hua Yan, Yan-Cheng Liu, Wei Li, Kuan Zhang. Gait phase detection by using a portable system and artificial neural network. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 2021;12.
33. Cai X, Quan H, Chang D, Bi J, Zhang K. Metabolic rate and substrate oxidation of young males with obesity at the different sleep stages. Obes Res Clin Pract, 2022; 16(1):17-22.
34. Wang Y, Qie S, Li Y, Yan S, Zeng J, Zhang K. Intersegmental Coordination in Patients With Total Knee Arthroplasty During Walking. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2022 Feb 24;10:839909. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.839909. PMID: 35284409; PMCID: PMC8908033.
35. Tang, L., Yang, S., Zhang, K., & Jiang, X. Skin Electronics from Biocompatible In Situ Welding Enabled By Intrinsically Sticky Conductors. Advanced Science, 2022, 9(23), 2202043.
36. Du M, Sun J, Liu Y, Wang Y, Yan S, Zeng J, Zhang K. Tibio-Femoral Contact Force Distribution of Knee Before and After Total Knee Arthroplasty: Combined Finite Element and Gait Analysis. Orthop Surg. 2022 Aug;14(8):1836-1845. doi: 10.1111/os.13361. Epub 2022 Jun 29. PMID: 35768396; PMCID: PMC9363749.
37.Zihan Yang, Chuyi Cui, Xianglin Wan, Zhiyi Zheng, Songhua Yan, Hui Liu, Feng Qu, Kuan Zhang. The Effect of Different Design Feature Combinations of Running Shoe on Plantar Pressure during Heel Landing: A Reverse Engineering Finite Element Analysis with Taguchi Optimization Approach. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology-Biomechanics,2022 Sep 13;10:959842. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.959842. PMID: 36177186; PMCID: PMC9513060.
38.孫旭君,全海英,張寬. 咖啡攝入前後心率變異性的對比研究. 北京生物醫學工程,2017;36(6):614-618.
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