- 中文名:張如良
- 出生日期:1982年9月
- 畢業院校:獲哈爾濱工業大學
- 性別:男
1. 橡膠材料的加工與改性研究。
2. 纖維的改性研究。
3. 複合材料的製備及改性。
4. 表面與界面研究。
1. R. L. Zhang, Y. D. Huang, L. Liu. Effect of the molecular weight of sizing agent on the surface of carbon fibres and interface of its composites. Applied Surface Science. 2011, 257:1840-1844.
2. R. L. Zhang, Y. D. Huang, L. Liu. Effect of emulsifier content of sizing agent on the surface of carbon fibers and interface of its composites. Applied Surface Science. 2011, 257:3519-3523.
3. R. L. Zhang, Y. D. Huang, L. Liu. Influence of sizing emulsifier content on the properties of carbon fibers and its composites. 2012, 33:367-371.
4. R. L. Zhang, Y. D. Huang, L. Liu. Effect of the Concentration of the Sizing Agent on the Carbon Fibers Surface and Interface Properties of its Composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. DOI: 10.1002/app.35616.
5. R. L. Zhang, Y. D. Huang, D. Su. Influence of sizing molecular weight on the properties of carbon fibers and its composites. 2012, 34 649-654.
6. R. L. Zhang, L. Liu, Y. D. Huang. Study on the melt intercalation method and prepared Hydrogenated Nitrile Rubber (HNBR)/Organo–Montmorillonite Nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2010, 117(5):2870~2876.