- 中文名:張吉烈
- 畢業院校:東北大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:近似動態規劃,自適應動態規劃
- 就職院校:西南交通大學
- 教學職稱:副教授
- 2017/01-2019/12, 國家自然科學基金(青年基金), 61603314, 主持
- 2015/05-2017/05, 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金資助(科技創新項目),2682015CX066,“線性異構多智慧型體系統一致控制協定設計”,主持
- 2019/01-2022/12, 國家自然科學基金面上項目,61873215,“檢測、診斷和定位軌道電路微小及早期故障的動態分散式方法”,參與
- 2018/01-2021/12, 國家自然科學基金面上項目,61773322,“符號網路下多智慧型體系統的群體行為與分散式控制”,參與
- 2013/01-2015/12, 青年科學基金項目, 61203046,“多維時滯非線性協定下的多智慧型體系統一致性及協調控制”, 參與
- 2016/01-2017/12,四川科技支撐計畫項目,2016GZ0101,“光伏發電最大功率跟蹤最佳化及能源管理系統的研究與實現”,參與
- 2024/01-2027/12, 國家自然科學基金(面上項目), 62373312, 自主重載列車分散式協同空氣制動的自適應最佳化控制方法研究, 在研, 主持
- 2020/11-2023/10, 科技部重大專項, 2020YFB1711902, “支持業務流程融合和價值增值的服務型製造平台研發”, 課題骨幹
- 2020/01-2023/12, 國家自然科學基金(面上項目), 61975491, “前-反饋協同作用下冷絲輔助GTA增材製造多光路感知與高精度生長調控機制”, 參與
- 2019/01-2023/12, 四川省國際科技創新合作重點項目, 2019YFH0097, “基於人工智慧的城軌列車調度控制系統綜合運維關鍵技術研究”, 參與
- J. Zhang and Tao Feng, From undirected graphs to directed graphs: a new technique makes it possible for multi-agent systems, Journal of Control and Decision(控制與決策 英文版), 9(3): 286-288, 2021.
- J. Zhang, Tao Feng and Huaguang Zhang, The decoupling cooperation control with dominant poles assignment, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetices: Systems, 52(2): 1205-1213, 2022 (ESI 高被引論文)
- Tao Feng, J. Zhang*, Yin Tong and Huaguang Zhang, Consensusability and Global Optimality of Discrete-Time Linear Multi-Agent Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics , 52(8): 8227-8238, 2022.
- Tao Feng, J. Zhang*, Yin Tong and Huaguang Zhang, Q-learning algorithm in solving consensusability problem of discrete-time multi-agent systems, Automatica, 128, 109576, 2021.
- J. Zhang, Zhiyong Chen, Hongwei Zhang and Tao Feng, Coupling effect and pole assignment in trajectory regulation of multi-agent systems, Automatica , 125 109465, 2021.
- Jinsong Li, Tao Feng, J. Zhang and Fei Yan, Optimal distributed cooperative control for multi-agent systems with constrains on convergence speed and control input, Neurocomputing, 426: 14-25, 2021.
- J. Zhang, Xiang Chen and Guoxiang Gu, State consensus for discrete-time multi-agent systems over time-varying graphs, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 52(2): 1205-1213, 2022. (ESI 高被引論文)
- J. Zhang, Tao Feng, Xiaomin Wang, Shaojie Qiao and Fei Yan, Output consensus for heterogeneous multi-agent systems with disturbances, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 375(4): 2457-2470, 2020.
- J. Zhang, Tao Feng, Fei Yan, Shaojie Qiao and Xiaomin Wang, Analysis and design on intervehicle distance control of autonomous vehicle platoons, ISA Transactions, 100: 446-453, 2020.
- Tao Feng, J. Zhang* and Huaguang Zhang, Consensusability of discrete-time linear multi-agent systems with multiple inputs, Neurocomputing, 383: 183-193, 2020.
- J. Zhang and Zhanshan Wang and Hongwei Zhang, Data-based optimal control of multiagent systems: A reinforcement learning design approach, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics , 49(12): 4441-4449, 2019.
- J. Zhang, Huaguang Zhang and Tao Feng, Distributed optimal consensus control for nonlinear multiagent system with unknown dynamic, IEEE Transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(8): 3339-3348, 2018. (ESI 高被引論文)
- Fei Yan, J. Zhang* and Guoxiang Gu, Output regulation in the presence of quadratically bounded parameter uncertainties, IET Control Theory & Applications, 12(5): 700-706, 2018.
- J. Zhang, Hongjing Liang and Tao Feng, Optimal control for nonlinear continuous systems by adaptive dynamic programming based on fuzzy basis functions, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(13–14): 6766-6774, 2016.
- J. Zhang, Huaguang Zhang, Binrui Wang and Tiaoyang Cai, Nearly data-based optimal control for linear discrete model-free systems with delays via reinforcement learning, International Journal of Systems Science, 47(7): 1563-1573, 2016.
- Huaguang Zhang, J. Zhang, Guanghong Yang and Yanhong Luo, Leader-based optimal coordination control for the consensus problem of multi-agent differential games via fuzzy adaptive dynamic programming, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 23(1): 152-163, 2015. (ESI 高被引論文)
- J. Zhang, Huaguang Zhang, Huaguang Zhang, Zhenwei Liu and Yingchun Wang, Model-free optimal controller design for continuous-time nonlinear systems by adaptive dynamic programming based on a precompensator, ISA Transactions, 57: 63-70, 2015.
- Tao Feng, Huaguang Zhang, Yanhong Luo and J. Zhang, Stability analysis of heuristic dynamic programming algorithm for nonlinear systems, Neurocomputing, 149, Part C: 1461-1468, 2015.
- J. Zhang, Huaguang Zhang, Yanhong Luo and Tao Feng, Model-free optimal control design for a class of linear discrete-time systems with multiple delays using adaptive dynamic programming, Neurocomputing, 135: 163-170, 2014.
- Hongjing Liang, Huaguang Zhang, Zhanshan Wang and J. Zhang, Output regulation for heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems based on distributed internal model compensator, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 242: 736-747, 2014.
- J. Zhang, Huaguang Zhang, Yanhong Luo and Hongjing Liang, Nearly optimal control scheme using adaptive dynamic programming based on generalized fuzzy hyperbolic model, ACTA Automatica Sinica(自動化學報 英文版), 39(2): 142-148, 2016.
- J. Zhang, Huaguang Zhang, Feisheng Yang and Shenquan Wang, Robust fault detection filter design for a class of time-delay system via equivalent transformation, Control Theory Application(控制理論與套用 英文版), 11(1): 54-60, 2013.
- J. Zhang, Tao Feng, Fei Yan and Yiduo Zhou, An Improved Distributed Control on Output Regulation for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems, Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Page(s): 6579-6583, July 25-27, Wuhan, 2018.
- Tao Feng, J. Zhang, J. Zhang, Fei Yan and Yiduo Zhou, Consensus Region Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Multi-agent Systems via Riccati Design, Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC);, Page(s): 6584-6589, July 25-27, Wuhan, 2018.
- J. Zhang, Xiang Chen and Guoxiang Gu, Leader-following state consensus for homogeneous multi-agent systems over time-varying feedback graphs, 2016 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Page(s): 7666–7671, 27-29 July, 2016.
- J. Zhang, Xiang Chen and Guoxiang Gu, State consensus for homogeneous multi-agent systems over time-varying undirected graph, 2016 12th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), Page(s): 31–36, 27-29 July, 1-3 June, 2016.
- J. Zhang, A. Pandey and Guoxiang Gu, Output consensus for heterogeneous multi-agent systems over feedback graphs involving time delays, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation(ICIA), Page(s): 1014 -1019, 8-10, Lijiang, China, Aug. 2015.
- J. Zhang, Huaguang Zhang, Junyi Wang and Mo Zhao, A novel and simple design scheme to fault detector for linear systems using compensator, Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Page(s): 5245-5249, Hefei, China, 25-27, July, 2012.
- J. Zhang, Huaguang Zhang, Yanhong Luo and Hongjing Liang, Optimal control design for nonlinear systems: Adaptive dynamic programming based on fuzzy critic estimator, The 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Page(s): 1-6, Brisbane, 10-15, June, 2012.