1. Individual Rights and National Interests: Toward the Constitutional Protection of Human Dignity (“個人權利與國家利益:通向人格尊嚴的憲法保護”).Annual Meeting of Association of Chinese Political Studies(中美政治學研究年會).Buffalo,NY.August 1996.
2.Human Dignity in Confucianism: Toward a Balanced View of Rights and Duty (“儒學中的人格尊嚴觀念:權利與責任的平衡”).The Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy (第20屆世界哲學年會).Boston,MA.August 1998.
3. Ideological Commitment and Dilemma of Social Choice: Dynamic Simulations of Social Capital (“意識形態與社會選擇難題:社會資本的動力學模擬”).Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association (美國政治學會年會).Boston,MA.September 1998.
4. Confucianism and Constitutionalism: On Characterization of Li as a Constitution of Society (“儒學與憲政:論作為社會憲章的禮”).Annual Meeting of American Philosophical Association (美國哲學協會年會).Washington D.C.,December 27-30,1998.
5. Applying Spatial Theory to New Democracies: A Model for Analyzing the Aggregate Data of the 1996 Russian Presidential Election (“空距理論在轉型民主中的套用:分析1996年俄國總統選舉的總量數據之模型”). 57th Annual Meeting of Midwest Political Science Association (第57屆中西部政治學協會年會). Chicago,IL.April 15-17,1999.
⒍ Applying Spatial Theory to Aggregate Data: Theory and Simulations (“空距理論在總量數據中的套用:理論與模擬”).Political Methodology Meeting (美國政治方法論年會).University of Texas A&M.July 15-17,1999.
8.The People’s Court in Transition: On the Prospects of the Judicial Reform in China (“轉型中的人民法院:論中國司法改革前景”),Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association (美國政治學會年會),Washington D.C.,September 2000.
9.Toward a Global Constitutional Principle: The Idea of Human Dignity in Confucianism (“走向全球化的憲政原則:論儒學中的人格尊嚴觀念”),Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association (美國政治學會年會),Washington D.C.,September 2000.
11.Toward a Global Legal Culture? On the Prospects of the Chinese Judicial Reform (“走向法律文化的全球化?中國司法改革前景展望”),China Facing the New Millennium: The Challenge of Globalization (中國面臨新千年:全球化的挑戰),Annual Meeting of the Association of Chinese Professors of Social Sciences (全美中國社會科學教授協會年會),Kennesaw State University,Atlanta,GA,October 27-29,2000.
14.Humanity,Benevolence,and Right to Food: A Confucian Perspective,International Law: Right to Food and Right to Development,Academic Meeting Ⅳ.Organized by Xiamen University,the Danish Centre for Human Rights,the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law.Xiamen,28-30 March 2001.
15. Confucianism and Constitutionalism: On the Social and Political Functions of Li(“儒學與憲政:論‘禮’的政治與社會功能”),政治哲學國際學術研討會(中國社會科學院主辦),北京,2001年4月27-29日。
20.Right to Education: A Case for Judicialization of the Chinese Constitution?International Law: Torture Prevention and the Right to Education,Academic Meeting V. Organized by Fudan University,the Danish Centre for Human Rights,the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law.Shanghai,25-27 October 2001.
23.Comments on Ethics in Action: Defending the Rights to Life and Article 2 of the ICCPR,Ethics in Action: The Successes,Compromises,and Setbacks of Transnational Human Rights and Humanitarian NGOs.Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs,15-16 February 2002.
24. Human Dignity in Classical Chinese Philosophy: A Reconstruction of Confucianism,Conference on Political Philosophy in China,Oxford University.9 June 2002.
25..Human Dignity in Classical Chinese Philosophy: Reinterpreting Daoism and Mohism,Conference on Political Philosophy in China,University of St. Andrews.22 June 2002.