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  • 中文名:張健鵬
  • 國籍中國
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 性別:男


張健鵬博士分別於2011年和2017年在北京大學獲得能源與資源工程學士學位、力學(能源動力與資源工程)博士學位,主要從事低污染燃燒技術研究。2017年8月前往香港中文大學任偉教授課題組開展吸收光譜燃燒診斷的博士後工作。2019年9月入職四川大學空天科學與工程學院。主要研究方向為光學燃燒診斷、湍流燃燒基礎研究和低污染燃燒技術等。目前為國際燃燒協會會員,在燃燒、光學診斷與能源領域的國際期刊Energy, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Applied Spectroscopy, Energy & Fuels等發表了SCI論文20餘篇,擔任Applied Spectroscopy, Energy & Fuels, Applied Physics B等期刊審稿人,獲授權發明專利4項。主持國家自然科學基金青年科學基金,四川省人才項目,四川省科技廳苗子工程重點項目等基金項目。


1. 光學燃燒診斷:直接吸收光譜,層析吸收光譜(tomography),色散光譜
2. 湍流燃燒實驗與數值模擬(CFD)
3. 低污染燃燒技術:MILD燃燒,富氧燃燒
4. 燃燒化學反應動力學:燃燒反應速率常數,污染物與碳煙生成機理


2019至今 四川大學,空天科學與工程學院,副研究員
2017-2019 香港中文大學,機械與自動化工程學系,博士後,合作導師任偉教授
2011-2017 北京大學工學院,能源與資源工程系,工學博士,導師米建春教授
2007-2011 北京大學工學院,能源與資源工程系,工學學士


[1] K.-P. Cheong, L. Ma, Z. Wang, W. Ren, Influence of line pair selection on flame tomography using infrared absorption spectroscopy, Appl Spectrosc. 73 (2019) 529-539.
[2] K.-P. Cheong, G. Wang, B. Wang, R. Zhu, W. Ren, J. Mi, Stability and emission characteristics of nonpremixed MILD combustion from a parallel-jet burner in a cylindrical furnace, Energy. 170 (2019) 1181-1190.
[3] L. Ma, Z. Wang, K.-P. Cheong, H. Ning, W. Ren, Mid-infrared heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectroscopy in flame measurements, Proc. Combust. Inst. 37(2) (2019) 1329-1336.
[4] L. Ma, Z. Wang, K.-P. Cheong, H. Ning, W. Ren, Temperature and H2O sensing in laminar premixed flames using mid-infrared heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. B. 124 (2018) 117.
[5] L. Ma, H. Ning, J. Wu, K.-P. Cheong, W. Ren, Characterization of temperature and soot volume fraction in laminar premixed flames: laser absorption/extinction measurement and 2D CFD modeling, Energy Fuels. 32(12) (2018) 12962-12970.
[6] K.-P. Cheong, G. Wang, J. Mi, B. Wang, R. Zhu, W. Ren, Premixed MILD combustion of propane in a cylindrical furnace with a single jet burner: combustion and emission characteristics, Energy Fuels. 32 (2018) 8817–8829.
[7] K.-P. Cheong, P. Li, F. Wang, J. Mi, Emissions of NO and CO from counterflow combustion of CH4 under MILD and oxyfuel conditions, Energy. 124 (2017) 652–664.
[8] J. Zhang, J. Mi, P. Li, F. Wang, B.B. Dally, Moderate or Intense Low-Oxygen Dilution combustion of methane diluted by CO2 and N2, Energy Fuels. 29 (2015) 4576–4585.
[9] J. Zhang, M. Xu, A. Pollard, J. Mi, Effects of external intermittency and mean shear on the spectral inertial-range exponent in a turbulent square jet, Phys. Rev. E. 87 (2013).
[10] J. Zhang, M. Xu, J. Mi, Large eddy simulations of a circular orifice jet with and without a cross-sectional exit plate, Chin. Phys. B. 23 (2014) 044704.




