- 中文名:張偉
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:山東大學教授
- 性別:男
- 學位:博士

- Shuang-Shuang Wang, Wen-Zhu Diao, Xue Yang, Zhu Qiao, Mei Wang, Biswa R. Acharya,Wei Zhang*, Arabidopsis thaliana CML25 mediates the Ca2+ regulation of K+ transmembrane trafficking during pollen germination and tube elongation. Plant Cell & Environment, 2015, doi: 10.1111/pce.12559.
- Shi-Juan, Qiu-Juan Yue, and Wei Zhang*, Structural and functional analysis of an asymmetric bidirectional promoter in Arabidopsis thaliana.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2015, 57(2), 162-170.
- Shuguo Hou, Xin Wang, Donghua Chen, Xue Yang, Mei Wang, David Turrà, Antonio Di Pietro, andWei Zhang*, The secreted peptide PIP1 amplifies immunity through receptor-like kinase 7.Plos Pathogens, 2014, 10(9): e1004331.
- Xue Yang, Shuang-Shuang Wang, Mei Wang, Zhu Qiao, Chan-Chan Bao, andWei Zhang*, The Arabidopsis thaliana calmodulin-like protein CML24 regulates pollen tube growth by modulating the actin cytoskeleton and controlling the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration.Plant Molecular Biology, 2014, 86(3),225-236.
- Chun-Long Li, Mei Wang, Xiao-Yan Ma, andWei Zhang*, NRGA1, a putative mitochondrial pyruvate carrier, mediates ABA regulation of guard cell ion channels and drought stress responses in Arabidopsis.Molecular Plant, 2014, 7 (10): 1508-1521.
- Li-Na Zhao, Li-Ke Shen,Wen-Zheng Zhang,Wei Zhang, Yi Wang, and Wei-Hua Wu*, Ca2+-dependent protein kinase11 and 24 modulate the activity of the inward rectifying K+ channels in Arabidopsis pollen tubes,The Plant Cell, 2013, 25(2):649-661.
- Biswa R. Acharya, Byeong Wook Jeon,Wei Zhang*and Sarah M. Assmann, Open Stomata 1 (OST1) is limiting in abscisic acid responses of Arabidopsis guard cells,New Phytologist, 2013, 200(4): 1049-1063.
- Wei Zhang, Byeong Wook Jeon and Sarah M. Assmann*, Heterotrimeric G-protein regulation of ROS signaling and calcium currents in Arabidopsis guard cells,Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62(7):2371-2379.
- DongHua Chen, Mei Wang, HongGang Wang,Wei Zhang*, A type of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel on vicia faba guard cell protoplasma membrane outwardly permeates K+,Protoplasma, 2012, 249(3):699-708.
- Wei Zhang, Sheng Yang He, Sarah M. Assmann, The plant innate immunity response in stomatal guard cells invokes G-protein-dependent ion channel regulation.Plant Journal, 2008, 56: 984-996(SCI收錄,五年 IF=6.815).Dong-Hua Chen, Mei Wang, Hong-Gang Wang, Wei Zhang *. (2012) A type of voltage-dependent Ca channel on Viciafaba guard cell plasma membrane outwardly permeates K. Protoplasma. 249:699-708.
- Wei Zhang*. (2011) Roles of heterotrimeric G proteins in guard cell ion channel regulation. Plant Signal. Behav. 6 (7): 986-990.
- David Chakravorty, Yuri Trusov, Wei Zhang, Biswa R. Acharya, Michael B. Sheahan, David W. McCurdy, Sarah M. Assmann, JoséRamónBotella (2011) An atypical heterotrimeric G-protein γ-subunit is involved in guard cell K-channel regulation and morphological development in Arabidopsisthaliana. Plant Journal. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2011.04638.x
- Sarah E. Nilson, Wei Zhang.* (2010). Heterotrimeric G protein regulation of stomatal movements. Integrated G Proteins Signaling in Plants (Yalovsky, S., Baluska, F., Jones, A. Eds.). Springer. 177-197.
- Zhixin Zhao, Bruce A. Stanley, Wei Zhang, Sarah M. Assmann (2010) ABA-regulated G protein signaling in Arabidopsis guard cells: a proteomic perspective. Journal of Proteome Research. 9(4): 1637-1647.
- Elena Bray Speth, MaeliMelotto, Wei Zhang, Sarah M. Assmann, Sheng Yang He.(2009)Crosstalk in pathogen and hormonal regulation of guard cell signaling. Signal crosstalk in plant stress responses.(Yoshioka, K., Shinozaki, K. Eds.)Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Scientific. 96-112.
- Wei Zhang, Liu-Min Fan. (2009) Actin dynamics regulates voltage-dependent calcium-permeable channels of the Viciafaba guard cell plasma membrane. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 51(10): 912-921.
- Zhixin Zhao, Wei Zhang, Bruce A. Stanley, Sarah M. Assmann. (2008) Functional proteomics of Arabidopsisthalianaguard cells uncovers new stomatal signaling pathways. Plant Cell.20, 3210-3226.
- Liu-Min Fan, Wei Zhang*,Jin-Gui Chen, J Philip Taylor, Alan M Jones, Sarah M Assmann. (2008). Abscisic acid regulation of guard-cell K and anion channels in Gb- and RGS-deficientArabidopsis lines. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 105, 8476-8481.
- Wei Zhang, Sarah E. Nilson,. Sarah M Assmann. (2008). Isolation and whole-cell patch clamping of Arabidopsis guard cell protoplasts. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. pdb.prot5014.
- Yuri Trusov, Wei Zhang, Sarah M. Assmann, JoséRamónBotella. (2008). Gg1 + Gg2 ≠ Gb: Heterotrimeric G protein Gg-deficient mutants do not recapitulate all phenotypes of Gb-deficient mutants. Plant Physiology. 147, 636-649.
- SonaPandey, Wei Zhang, Sarah M. Assmann. (2007). Roles of ion channels and transporters in guard cell signal transduction. FEBS Letters. 581, 2325-2336.
- Wei Zhang, Liu-Min Fan, Wei-Hua Wu. (2007). Osmo-sensitive and stretch-activated calcium-permeable channels in Viciafaba guard cells are regulated by actin dynamics. Plant Physiology. 143, 1140-1151.
- Yong-Fei Wang, Liu-Min Fan, Wen-Zheng Zhang, Wei Zhang, Wei-Hua Wu. (2004). Ca-permeable channels in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis pollen are regulated by actin microfilaments. Plant Physiology. 136, 3892-3904.