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張中武,男,蘭州大學學士,西安交通大學碩士,南京理工大學博士 ,哈爾濱工程大學教授,博士生導師,黑龍江省“龍江學者”講座教授,黑龍江省傑出青年科學基金獲得者。哈爾哈爾濱工程大學金屬材料研究所所長, 校“興海學術團隊”負責人。


  • 中文名:張中武
  • 外文名:Zhongwu (Z W) Zhang
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:滿
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:南京理工大學
  • 主要成就:黑龍江省科技進步一等獎
  • 性別:男
  • 職稱:教授


1. 納米相強化技術及套用,包括納米相強化鋼/不鏽鋼、納米高熵合金、納米相強化耐輻照核結構材料等 2. 層錯能調控合金設計及變形機制,包括超彈性高阻尼合金、強化高錳鋼、TRIP/TWIP 鋼等
3. 超輕合金,船舶海工及核能套用新型金屬材料
4. 小角中子散射和三維原子探針在合金中的套用


1993-1997,蘭州大學 材料科學系 學士
2001-2004,西安交通大學 材料科學與工程學院 碩士
2004-2008,南京理工大學 材料科學與工程系 博士


2015.11-: 金屬材料研究所所長,哈爾濱工程大學材料科學與化學工程學院
2013.03-: 黑龍江省龍江學者講座教授
2012.01-2014.08: 研究助理教授/研究副教授,美國奧本大學材料工程系
2009.08-2011.12:: 博士後,美國奧本大學/美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室
2008.06-2009.08:: 講師,碩士生導師,南京理工大學材料科學與工程系
1997.08-2001.08: 工程師/設備動力科科長,中國大連亞明汽車部件製造有限公司


  1. 中核集團核燃料與材料研發中心專家委員會專家;
  2. 中國機械工程學會焊接分會理事;
  3. 鞍鋼集團海洋裝備用金屬材料及其套用國家重點實驗室客座教授;
  4. 黑龍江省金屬學會輕金屬專業委員會副主任;
  5. 美國焊接學會(AWS)會員、美國焊接學會Auburn-Opelika 分委會委員;
  6. 美國礦業金屬與材料學會(TMS)會員;
  7. 美國材料研究學會(MRS)會員;
  8. 美國中子散射學會(NSSA)會員。


在Science Advances, Acta Mater., Inte. J. Plas., Mater. Res. Lett. 等刊物上發表論文80餘篇,獲授權專利17項。獲省部級一、二、三等獎各一項(均排名第一),黑龍江省高校科技進步一等獎一項(排名第一)。由於在納米相強化技術領域的傑出工作,2012年被遴選為美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室網站封面人物,2015年被遴選為科學中國人(2014)年度人物(化工冶金與材料領域)。


  1. 國家重點研發計畫
  2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目 (2項)
  3. 黑龍江省傑出青年基金項目
  4. 總裝基金重點項目
  5. 工業和信息化部高技術船專項


1 S. S. Xu, Y. W. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. H. Luan, J. P. Li, L. X. Sun, Z. B. Jiao, Z. W. Zhang*, C. T. Liu*,Precipitation kinetics and mechanical properties of nanostructured steels with Mo additions, Materials Research Letters, In press
2 Muhammad Naeem, Haiyan He, Fan Zhang, Hailong Huang, Stefanus Harjo, Takuro Kawasaki, Bing Wang, Si Lan, Zhenduo Wu, Feng Wang, Yuan Wu, Zhaoping Lu, Zhongwu Zhang, Chain T. Liu, Xun-Li Wang*, Cooperative deformation in high-entropy alloys at ultralow temperatures, Science Advances, In press
3 S. S. Xu, J. P. Li, Y. Cui, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, J. Li, J. H. Luan, Z. B. Jiao, X-L. Wang, C. T. Liu, Z. W. Zhang*, Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of a novel austenite-martensite dual phase steel, International Journal of Plasticity, In press, Available online 23 January 2020, Article 102677
4 Yang Zhang, Bangzuan Long, Kai Meng, Aleksandr Gohkman, Ye Cui, Zhongwu Zhang*, Diffusion bonding of Q345 steel to zirconium using an aluminum interlayer, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 275, January 2020, 116352
5 Guo, H ; Zhao, Y ; Xu, SS ; Li, JP ; Liu, NM ; Zhang, Y ; Zhang, ZW*,Influence of high B4C contents on structural evolution of Al-B4C nanocomposite powders produced by high energy ball milling, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 45(5) APR 1 2019: 5436-5447
6 Y. Zhao, X. Tong, X. H. Wei, S. S. Xu, S. Lan, X-L. Wang, Z. W. Zhang*, Effects of microstructure on crack resistance and low-temperature toughness of ultra-low carbon high strength steel, International Journal of Plasticity, Volume 116 May 2019, Pages 203-215
7 Yang Zhang, Bangzuan Long, Yajie Wen, Zhongwu Zhang*, Wenwu Cao*, Electric field and frequency dependent scaling behavior of dynamic hysteresis in relaxor-based ferroelectric 0.71Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.29PbTiO3 single crystal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 775, 15 February 2019, Pages 435-440.
8 Songsong Xu, Yu Zhao, Liangwei Sun, Liang Chen, Xin Tong, Jing Zhang, Yun Zou, Junpeng Li, Guangai Sun, J. Gong, Zhongwu Zhang*. Nanoscale precipitation and its influence on the precipitation strengthening mechanisms in an ultra-high strength low-carbon steel,International Journal of Plasticity, 113 (2019) 99-110
9 Kai Meng, Yang Zhang, Zhong-wu Zhang*, Diffusion bonding of low carbon steel and pure zirconium with Cu-base amorphous interlayer, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 262, December 2018, Pages 471-478.
10 Y. Zhao, H. Guo, S.S. Xu, M.J. Mao, L. Chen, O. Gokhman, Z. W. Zhang*, Effects of solid solution treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a nanoscale precipitate-strengthened ferritic steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, August 2018, 49(8):3383-3393
11 張靜, 曹碩方, 李俊澎, 郭浩, 許松松, 張中武*, 退火處理對低合金高強度止裂鋼組織與力學性能的影響, 金屬熱處理, 43(2), 2018:165-172.
12 張中武*,魏星豪,趙剛,低合金高強鋼的強韌化機理與焊接性能,鞍鋼技術, 2018,4(412),1-8.
13 陳光,鄭功,祁志祥,張錦鵬,李沛,成家林,張中武,受控凝固及其套用研究進展,金屬學報,2018,54(5):669-681
14 李俊澎,杜鑫,張洋,崔燁,張靜,張中武*,時效時間對Fe-Al-Mn-C輕量高錳鋼組織以及力學性能的影響,金屬熱處理,2018,43(8):142-147
15 李俊澎,杜 鑫,崔 燁,張 洋,張 靜,張中武*,固溶處理對輕量高錳鋼組織及力學性能的影響,金屬熱處理,2018,43(7):109-114
16 Hao Guo,Zhongwu Zhang*, Processing and strengthening mechanisms of boron-carbide-reinforced aluminum matrix composites, Metal Powder Report, volume 73, issue 2, March-April 2018, pages 62-67
17 Yun Zou, Lehao Zhang, Hongtao Wang, Jiabin Liu, Peter.K. Liaw, Hongbin Bei, Zhongwu Zhang*, Improvement of mechanical properties of a superlight Mg-Li base alloy by duplex phases and fine precipitates, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 735, 25 February 2018, Pages 2625-2633
18 Yang Zhang, Aleksandr Gokhman, Wenhai Wang, Zhongwu Zhang*,Effects of annealing on the grain-boundary character distribution and texture evolution in hot rolled Fe-6.5 wt. % Si alloy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 451, 1 April 2018, Pages 187-192.
19 Yang Zhang, Zhaojiang Chen, Wenwu Cao* and Zhongwu Zhang*, Temperature and frequency dependence of the coercive field of 0.71PbMb1/3Nb2/3O3–0.29PbTiO3 relaxor-based ferroelectric single crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett.111, 172902 (2017)
20 J. L. Cheng, G. Chen*, W. Zhao, Z. Z. Wang, Z. W. Zhang*, Correlation of the glass formation and phase selection of the Mg-Cu-Gd bulk metallic glass forming alloys, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 472, 15 Sep 2017, Pages 61-64
21 Wei Wang, Jinghuai Zhang*, Guoqiang Li, Yan Feng, Qiang Yang, Minliang Su, Yufeng Jiao, Zhongwu Zhang, Microstructural stability of heat-resistant high-pressure die-cast Mg-4Al-4Ce alloy, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 108:5,427-430, 2017.
22 Yang Zhang, Liguo Tang, Hua Tian, Jiyang Wang, Wenwu Cao, Zhongwu Zhang*, Determination of temperature dependence of full matrix material constants of PZT-8 piezoceramics using only one sample constants of PZT-8 piezoceramics using only one sample, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Volume 714,14 April 2017,Pages 20-25
23 Jialin Cheng, Guang Chen, W. Zhao, Z.Z. Wang, Z.W. Zhang*, Enhancement of tensile properties by the solid solution strengthening of Nitrogen in Zr-based metallic glass composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 696, 27 April 2017, Pages 461-465
24 S.S. Xu, Y. Zhao, X. Tong, H. Guo, L. Chen, L.W. Sun, M. Peng, M.J. Chen, D. Chen, Y. Cui, G.A. Sun, S.M. Peng, Z.W. Zhang*,Independence of work hardening and precipitation strengthening in a nanocluster strengthened steel,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Volume 712,25 July 2017,Pages 573-578
25 C. O. Muga, H. Guo, S. S. Xu, Z. W. Zhang*, Effects of aging and fast-cooling on the mechanical properties of Mg-14Li-3Al-3Ce alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A689, 24 Mar 2017:195-202
26 Y Zhao, S.S. Xu, J.P. Li, J. Zhang, L.W. Sun, L. Chen, G.A.Sun, S.M. Peng, Z.W. Zhang*, Enhancement of low temperature toughness of nanoprecipitates strengthened ferritic steel by delamination structure. Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 691, 13 April 2017, Pages 162-167
27 Minliang Su, Jinghuai Zhang*, Yan Feng, Yijia Bai, Wei Wang, Zhongwu Zhang, Fengchun Jiang, Al-Nd intermetallic phase stability and its effects on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of HPDC Mg-4Al-4Nd-0.2Mn alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 691, 15 January 2017, Pages 634–643
28 C.O. Muga, H. Guo, Y. Zou, S. Xu, Z.W. Zhang*, Effects of Holmium and Hot-rolling on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Li based alloys, Journal of Rare Earths, 2016, 34(12):1269-1276
29 Lehao Zhang, Yun Zou, Hongtao Wang, Liang Meng, Jiabin Liu, Zhongwu Zhang*, Surface nanocrystallization of Mg-3 wt.% Li-6 wt.% Al alloy by surface mechanical attrition treatment, Materials Characterization, 120(2016):124-128
30 C.O. Muga and Z.W. Zhang*, Strengthening Mechanisms of Magnesium-Lithium-Based Alloys and Composites, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 2016, Article ID 1078187, 11 pages.
31 Yun Zou, Jian Li, Hong Wang, Ke An, Milin Zhang, Zhongwu Zhang*, Deformation mode transition of Mg-3Li alloy: an in situ neutron diffraction study, Journal ofAlloysand Compounds,Volume 685,15 November 2016,Pages 331-336.
32 Yun Zou, Lehao Zhang, Hongtao Wang, Xin Tong, Milin Zhang, Zhongwu Zhang*, Texture evolution and their effects on the mechanical properties of duplex Mg-Li alloy, Journal ofAlloysand Compounds,Volume 669,5 June 2016,Pages 72-78.
33 Jianfeng Sun, Zhongwu Zhang,*, Milin Zhang, Fengchun Jiang, Minghui Ding, Microstructure evolution and their effects on the mechanical properties of TB8 titanium alloy, J Alloys Comp., Volume 663,5 April 2016,Pages 769-774
34 張中武,高強度低合金鋼(HSLA)的研究進展,中國材料進展,2016, 35(2):141(Invited Review)
35 Yufeng Jiao, Jinghuai Zhang, Pengyu Kong, Zhongwu Zhang, Yongbin Jing, Jinpeng Zhuang, Wei Wang, Li Zhang, Chi Xu, Ruizhi Wu and Milin Zhang,Enhancing the performance of Mg-based implant materials by introducing basal plane stacking faults,Journal of Materials Chemistry B,3:7386-7400, 2015
36 Z. W. Zhang*, L. Yao, X.-L. Wang, and M. K. Miller, Vacancy-controlled ultrastable nanoclusters in nanostructured ferritic alloys, Scientific Reports,2015,5(10600)
37 Z. W. Zhang*, W. H. Wang, Y. Zou, I. Baker, Y. F. Liang, Control of grain boundary character distribution and its effects on the deformation of Fe-6.5 wt. % Si, J Alloys Comp., Volume 639, 5 August 2015, Pages 40–44
38 Yun Zou, Zhongwu Zhang*, Suyang Liu, Dan Chen, Guixiang Wang, Yangyang Wang, Milin Zhang, Yuhan Chen Ultrasonic assisted electroless Ni-P plating on Mg-Li alloy, J. Electrochem. Soc. ( 2015), 162: C64-C70
39 R. Wu, Y. Yan, G. Wang, L. E. Murr, W. Han, Z. Zhang and M. Zhang, Recent progress in magnesium–lithium alloys, International Materials Reviews (2015), 60: 65-100
40 Z. B. Jiao, J. H. Luan, Z. W. Zhang, M. K. Miller, C. T. Liu, High strength steels hardened mainly by nanoscale NiAl precipitates, Scripta Mater. (2014),87: 45-48
41 Qun Zhang, Bin Liu, Zhongyi Niu, Zhongwu Zhang, Zhe Leng, Grain refinement and mechanical properties of Mg-5Li-3Al alloy inoculated by Al-5Ti-1B master alloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A (2014), 619:152-157
42 Jia-Lin Cheng, Guang Chen, Zhong-Wu Zhang, Zhang-Zhong Wang, Zai-You Wang, Xiao-Quan Li, Oxygen segregation in the Zr-based bulk metallic glasses, Intermetallics (2014),49, 149-153


