co-author (member), Report of the TEAP Basic Domestic Needs Task Force. October 2004, UNEP, Nirobi
co-author (co chair), Assessment of the Funding Requirement for the Replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the Period of 2006-2008. May 2005, UNEP, Nirobi
Contributor. OECD, Chap. 17, Environmental Priorities for China’s Sustainable Development, in “China in the World Economy: the domestic policy challenges”. P581-P622, March 2002
Co-author (Co-Chair of the task force), Supplement to the April 2002 TEAP Replenishment Report: “Assessment of the Funding Requirements for the Multilateral Fund Replenishment for the Period 2003-2005; September 2002, UNEP
Co-author (Co Chair of the task force). Assessment of the Funding Requirements for the Multilateral Fund Replenishment for the Period 2003-2005 (TEAP Report/April 2002/Volume 2. UNEP. 2002
S. Hansen, H. Vennemo, H. Yin, 張世秋、安樹民. Green Taxes and the Poor in China: policy challenges in a changing economy. A Publication of the China Council (CCICED). Aileen International Press. Maryland U. S. A 2002
Hilary Sunman, Mohan Munasinghe, 張世秋Zhang Shiqiu. Economics, Environment, and Industry in China. A Publication of the China Council (CCICED). Aileen International Press. Maryland U. S. A 1999
馬中、張世秋等. 《環境與資源經濟學》,高等教育出版社,1999年6月第一版
co author, Supplement to the April 1999 TEAP Replenishment Report. UNEP, August 1999. Nirobi.
co author, Assessment of the Funding Requirement for the Replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the Period 2000-2002. UNEP, April 1999. Nirobi.
Co author, UNEP 19
2005 美國國家環保局保護臭氧層獎(核心參加人)
2004 中國保護臭氧層貢獻獎特別金獎(核心參加人)
2001 Environmental Award, China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development