



  • 書名:廣義梯級含義理論及其套用
  • 頁數:254頁
  • 出版社:河北大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年5月1日


正文語種: 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787810974073
條形碼: 9787810974073
尺寸: 20.6 x 14.6 x 1.4 cm
重量: 281 g






Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Preliminary Remarks
1.2 A Broad Preview of Scalar Implicatures
1.3 Rationale of the Present Research
1.4 Objectives of the Current Research
1.5 Significance of the Current Research
1.6 Layout of the Book
Chapter Two Literature Review
2. 1 Introduction
2.2 The Gricean Framework of Meaning Classification
2.3 Grice's Theory of Implicatures: The Cooperative Principle
2.4 Two Mainstream Approaches to Scalar Implicature
2.4.1 The Neo-Gricean Approach
2.4.2 The Post-Gricean Approach
2.5 Interim Summary
2.6 Scalar Implicatures in Experimental Pragmatics
2.7 Problems with the Previous Accounts
2.8 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Empirical Observation
3.3 Cognitive Orientation
3.3.1 Conceptual Scales
3.3.2 Pragmatic Scales as Conceptual Scales
3.3.3 Scalar Models
3.3.4 Two Properties of Scalar Models
3.3.5 Four Major Kinds of Scalar Logic
3.4 Pragmatic Constraints on Scalar Implicatures
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Scalar Implicatures via Polarity Items
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Polarity Sensitivity of Polarity Items
4.2.1 Polarity Items
4.2.2 Polarity Context
4.3 The Semantic Approaches to Polarity Items
4.3.1 Affectivity as Downward Entailment: Ladusaw (1979)
4.3.2 Affectivity as Negation. Baker (1970) and Linebarger (1980)
4.4 Scalar Model of Polarity Items (SMP)
4.4.1 The Journey Through the Study of Scalar Model
4.4.2 The Initial SMP
4.4.3 Comments on the Initial SMP
4.4.4 The Revised SMP
4.4.5 Comparison Between the Initial SMP and the Revised SMP 102
4.4.6 Cognitive Understanding of the Revised SMP
4.4.7 Comments on the Revised SMP
4.5 Supplements to the Revised SMP
4.5.1 The Pragmatic Constraints on the Revised SMP
4.5.2 Solutions to the Three Untouched Issues
4.6 Summary
Chanter Five Scalar ImDlicatures via Evenas a Scalar Operator
5.1 Introduction
5.2 A General Survey of Previous Studies on Even
5.2.1 The Argumentative Approach to Even
5.2.2 The Semantic Approaches to Even
5.2.3 The Pragmatic Approaches to Even
5.2.4 The Scalar Approaches to Even
5.3 A Dynamic Cognitive-pragmatic Approach to Even
5.3.1 Relevance-oriented Procedural Meaning of Even
5.3.2 Ad hoc Pragmatic Scales and the Dynamic Scalar Interpretation of Even-sentences
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Scalar Implicatures vis Hyperbolic Metaphors
Chapter Seven Conclusion


