- 公司名稱:廣東省興寧市萬通工藝有限公司
- 總部地點:廣東省興寧市
- 經營範圍:工藝
- 公司性質:有限公司
公司成立以來,堅持以“誠實守信、開拓創新”的企業精神,“以質量求發展,以效益求生存”的經營方針,按照“科學管理,高起點、高標準、優質、高效”的管理目標,不斷開拓進取,使企業在況爭激烈的市場中得到不斷發展壯大。 2002年實現生產銷售總值8000萬元,其中自營出口銷售額900萬美元,實現稅利1440萬元。2003年1—8月份生產銷售總值4100萬元,比去年同期增長56%,其中自營出口銷售額420萬美元,實現稅利697萬元。成為帶動我市經濟發展和千家萬戶脫貧致富的龍頭企業,取得了良好的社會效益和經濟效益。多年來,被梅州市委、市政府授予“重契約守信用企業”“創匯大戶”“納稅大戶”“先進民營企業”等榮譽稱號。
Guangdong Xingning Wantong arts & crafts Company Limited established in 1991, which is the first enterprise has the right of direct import export allowed by country foreign trade department. It covers a place of 40,000 sq.m., and a building area covers 30,000 sq.m., that integrate with products development. craftwork design, production and sale, import and export trade. Our company mainly specialise in manufacturing & exporting the handicrafts gift,christmas decorations.Easter&garden ornaments made by ratan,wood, hardware, resin and so on, all the products exported and we have already established trade relationship with more than 30 countries, and have good reputation abroad.
Since company established, we insist on the enterprise spirit of "scientific& keep faith, deploitation & creation", management policy of "development in quality, existence in benifit, and follow the management aim of "science management, high starting point, high standard, best quality, high efficiency, made the enterprise continuous developing in competitive market. In 2002 benefit achieved 14,400,000 Yuan(RMB), In 2003, production total value achieved 41,000,000 Yuan(RMB) from Jan. to Aug., and increased by 56% than last year, self-support export sale has reaped 42,000,000 dollars, benefit achieved 69,700,000. We have won become the first enterprise that bring our city economic development and thousands of families get rid of the poverty, and also achieved good social benefit and economic benefit. Many years We win the honorary title of "credit enterprise, created profit enterprise, tax enterprise, advanced private enterprise" which is awarded by Meizhou City Party Committee, city government.
Xingning Wantong arts & crafts Company welcome all friends to develop trade and further friendship sincerely!