- 中文名:廖勝輝
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:計算機科學與技術
- 任職院校:中南大學
浙江大學| 計算機科學與技術| 博士學位| 博士研究生畢業
浙江大學| 計算機科學與技術| 學士學位| 大學本科畢業
信息科學與工程學院| 中南大學 教授
信息科學與工程學院計算機系| 中南大學| 副教授
- [1]湖南省骨修復材料與器械青委會,副主任委員兼職時間:2017/05/01 --2020/05/01
- [2]湖南省生物材料學會 理事
- [3]中南大學信息科學與工程學院青年科協 執委
- [4]國家衛生計生委醫管中心3D列印醫學套用專委會專家委員(唯一軟體專家)
- [5]中國計算機學會青年計算機科技論壇長沙“可視計算STAR”協會執委
三維數位化醫療、人工智慧與機器學習、虛擬和增強現實、圖形圖像、醫學建模與仿真、可視化、 3D列印
[1] 廖勝輝, 許端清, 董金祥. 頜骨重建中的圖像分割和輪廓對應及分支問題 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,
[2] Sheng-Hui Liao*, RF Tong, JX Dong. 3D Human Mandible Reconstruction from CT Data. EI,
[3] Sheng-Hui Liao*, RF Tong, MK Wang, JX Dong. Rapidly Generate Lumbar Spine Volume Mesh EI,
[4] Sheng-Hui Liao*, W Han, RF Tong, JX Dong. A Hybrid Approach to Extract Tooth Model from CT Volume. EI,
[5] Sheng-Hui Liao*, RF Tong, JX Dong. 3D Whole Tooth Model from CT Volume using Thin-plate Splines3D Whole Tooth Model from CT Volume using Thin-plate Splines EI,
[6] Computer Aided Design and Evaluation of New Anatomic Fixation System on Entire Pelvic Model. Computer Aided Design and Evaluation of New Anatomic Fixation System on Entire Pelvic Model EI,
[7] Q. Zheng*, Q. Chen, Sheng-Hui Liao, S-Y. Shi. Three-dimensional simulation and comparing evaluation of a new sacroliliac internal fixation device 25(2): 105-111
[8] LF Lin*, Sheng-Hui Liao, RF Tong, JX Dong. Water Droplet Morphing Combining Rigid Transformation 3514: 671-678
[9] RF Tong*, Sheng-Hui Liao, JX Dong. Optimization Technique and FE Simulation for Lag Screw Placement in Anterior Column of the Acetabulum SCI,
[10] M. Ding*, R. Tong, Sheng-Hui Liao, J. Dong. An extension to 3D topological thinning method based on LUT for colon centerline extraction 2009, 94(1): 39-47
[11] X Ding*, Sheng-Hui Liao, XH Zhu, XH Zhang, L Zhang. Effect of Diameter and Length on Stress Distribution of the Alveolar Crest around Immediate Loading Implants SCI, 2009, 11(4): 279-287
[12] Sheng-Hui Liao*, RF Tong, JX Dong. Anisotropic Finite Element Modeling for Patient Specific Mandible. 2007, 88(3): 197–209
[13] Sheng-Hui Liao*, RF Tong, JX Dong. Influence of Anisotropy on Peri-implant Stress and Strain in Complete Mandible Model from CT 2008, 32(1): 53–60
[14] X Ding*, XH Zhu, Sheng-Hui Liao, XH Zhang, H Chen. Implant-Bone Interface Stress Distribution in Immediately Loaded Implants of Different Diameters: A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis SCI, 2009, 18(5): 393-402
[15] Sheng-Hui Liao*, RF Tong, JX Dong. Gradient Field based Inhomogeneous Volumetric Mesh Deformation for Maxillofacial Surgery Simulation. Computers & Graphics 2009, 33(3): 424-432
[16] Sheng-hui Liao*, RF Tong, JP Geng, M Tang. Inhomogeneous volumetric Laplacian deformation for rhinoplasty planning and simulation system SCI, 2010, 21(3,4): 331–341
[17] YX Liang*, Y Xu, LB Liu, Shenghui Liao, BJ Zou. A multi-layer model for face aging simulation 6758: 182-192
[18] Feature Selection via Simultaneous Sparse Approximation for Person Specific Face Verification. Feature Selection via Simultaneous Sparse Approximation for Person Specific Face Verification EI, 2011, 789-792
[19] Jia-zhi Xia, Sheng-hui Liao*, Jun-cong Lin. Rotation-Aware LayerPaint System 2013, 8803(1): 60-68
[20] BJ Zou, XY Zhang, Sheng-hui Liao*, ZL Chen. A New Framework for Double-Eyelid Surgery Postoperative Appearance Simulation EI, 2013, 7(12): 3495-3502
[21] Li Jianfeng, Liao Shenghui*, Lu Rongbo, Teng Juan, Luo Xiong, Zou Beiji. Realistic Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Simulation Based on the Golden Ratio SCI, 2015, 25(5): 886-891
[22] Hong-gen Du , Sheng-hui Liao, Zhong Jiang, Huan-ming Huang, Xi-tao Ning, Neng-yi Jiang, Jian-wei Pei. Biomechanical analysis of press-extension technique on degenerative lumbar with disc herniation and staggered facet joint SCI, 2016, 24(3): 305–311
[23] Sheng-hui Liao, Xing-hao Zhu, Jing Xie, Vikesh Kumar Sohodeb, and Xi Ding. Influence of Trabecular Bone on Peri-Implant Stress and Strain Based on Micro-CT Finite Element Modeling of Beagle Dog SCI: 2016, 2016: 1-11
[24] Jia Xu, Liao Shenghui, Duan Xuanchu, Zheng Wanqiu, Zou Beiji. Anisotropic Finite Element Modeling Based on a Harmonic Field for Patient-Specific Sclera SCI, 2017, 2017: 1-10
[25] Yong Cao, Shenghui Liao*, Hao Zeng, Shuangfei Ni, Francis Tintani, Yongqiang Hao, Lei Wang, Tianding. 3D characterization of morphological changes in the intervertebral disc and endplate during aging: A propagation phase contrast synchrotron micro-tomography study SCI, 2017, 2017:
[26] Sheng-hui Liao(*), Ruo-feng Tong, Jian-ping Geng, Min Tang. Inhomogeneous volumetric laplacian deformation for rhinoplasty planning and simulation system SCI, 2010, 21(3,4): 331-341
[27] Ding Shi, Sheng-hui Liao, Jian-ping Geng (*). A newly designed big cup nitinol stent for gastric outlet obstruction SCI, 2007, 16(33): 4206-4209
[28] Yi-xiong Liang(*), Sheng-hui Liao, Lei Wang, Bei-ji Zou. Exploring regularized feature selection for person specific face verification EI, 2011, 1676-1683
[29] Meng-fei Li, Sheng-hui Liao (*), Ruo-feng Tong. Facial hexahedral mesh transferring by volumetric mapping based on harmonic fields SCI, 2011, 35(1): 92-98
[30] Sheng-hui Liao (*), Yi-xiong Liang, Ling-zhi Li, Bei-ji Zou, Xing-hao Zhu, Wei Ai. Practical craniofacial surgery simulator based on GPU accelerated lattice shape matching SCI, 2011, 22(2,3): 269–276
[31] Jing-xiao Wang, Sheng-hui Liao(*), Xing-hao Zhu, Ying Wang, Chong-xiang Ling, Xi Ding, Yi-ming Fang,. Real time 3D simulation for nose surgery and automatic individual prosthesis design SCI, 2011, 104(3): 427-479
[32] Sheng-hui Liao(*), Bei-ji Zou, Jian-ping Geng, Jin-xiao Wang, Xi Ding. Physical modeling with orthotropic material based on harmonic fields SCI, 2012, 108(2): 536-547
[33] Wei Wei, Sheng-hui Liao, Shi-yuan Shi, Jun Fei, Yi-fan Wang, Chun-yue Chen(*). Straightened cervical lordosis causes stress concentration: a finite element model study SCI, 2013, 36(1): 27-33
[34] Bei-ji Zou, Xiao-yun Zhang(*), Sheng-hui Liao,Lei Wang. Specularity removal using dark channel prior SCI, 2013, 29(5): 835-849
[35] Xi Ding, Sheng-hui Liao(*), Xing-hao Zhu, Hui-ming Wang. Influence of orthotropy on biomechanics of peri-implant bone in complete mandible model with full dentition SCI, 2014, 2014(2014): 1-12
[36] Bei-ji Zou, Shi-jian Liu, Sheng-hui Liao(*), Xi Ding, Ye Liang. Interactive tooth partition of dental mesh base on tooth-target harmonic field SCI, 2015, 56(1): 132-144
[37] Sheng-hui Liao(#), Shi-jian Liu(#), Bei-ji Zou(*), Xi Ding, Ye Liang, Jun-hui Huang. Automatic tooth segmentation of dental Mesh based on Harmonic Field SCI, 2015, 2015: 1-10
[38] Jie Zheng, Yonghong Yang, Shuliang Lou, Dongsheng Zhang, Shenghui Liao. Construction and validation of a three-dimensional finite element model of degenerative scoliosis SCI, 2015,
[39] Xi Ding, Sheng-hui Liao(*), Xing-hao Zhu, Hui-ming Wang, Bei-ji Zou. Effect of Orthotropic Material on Complete Dentate Mandible SCI, 2015, 84(1): 144-153
[3]生物醫學有限元建模軟體E-3D FEM
[4]醫學影像智慧型處理與快速三維重建軟體 E-3D
[5]數位化醫療仿真導航通用軟體V 1.0
[6]E-Feature 植牙仿真系統V 1.0
[7]E-Feature 口腔測量系統V 1.0
[10]基於逆向工程的計算機輔助植牙系統軟體Tooth3D V1.0
[1]浙江省科學技術進步三等獎 "基於高仿真下頜骨模型的種植牙有限元研究及相關套用"
[2]上海市科技進步一等獎 "骨盆腫瘤精準切除與個性化功能重建的關鍵技術創新與推廣套用"