



  • 中文名:康鐵邦
  • 職務:中山大學腫瘤防治中心實驗研究部副主任
  • 任職單位:中山大學腫瘤防治中心實驗研究部
  • 所獲榮譽:2019年度國家科學技術進步獎二等獎






2003年,獲德國Bielefeld大學生物化學博士學位;1998-2008年,一直在美國、德國從事細胞生物學、腫瘤學研究工作;2008年5月,全職回國(中山大學“百人計畫”引進人才)。已獲得國家自然科學基金重點項目2項、“973”計畫項目2項,國家肝癌重大專項基金1項,國家重點研發計畫2項,以通訊作者在Nature Cell Biol, Cell Res, J Clin Invest, Nat Commun 等國際主流雜誌上發表論著40多篇。


1. Kang T, Wei Y, Chiang Y, Yamaguchi H, Appella E, Hung MC, and Piwnica-Worms H*. GSK-3beta Targets Cdc25A for Ubiquitin-Mediated Proteolysis and GSK-3beta Inactivation Correlates with Cdc25A Overproduction in Human Cancers. Cancer Cell. 13, 36-47, 2008.(IF: 23.21
2.Wu Y, Zhou L, Wang X, Lu J, Zhang R, Liang X, Wang L, Deng W, Zeng X-Y, Huang H, Kang T* A genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 screening method for protein stability reveals novel regulators of Cdc25A. Cell Discovery (Cell Res.姊妹刊), 2,16014, 2016.Research Highlight: Wu Y and Kang T* Protein stability regulators screening assay (Pro-SRSA): protein degradation meets the CRISPR-Cas9 library. Chin J Cancer, 35(1):60. 2016
3. Xu S#, Wu Y#, Chen Q, Cao J, Hu K, Tang J, Sang Y, Lai F, Wang L, Zhang R, Li S-P, Zeng Y-X, Yin Y, Kang T*. hSSB1 regulates both the stability and the transcriptional activity of p53. Cell Res. 23,423-35,2013.(IF: 14.81
5. Tang QL#, Xie XB#, Wang J#, Chen Q, Han AJ, Zou CY, Yin JQ, Liu DW, Liang Y, Zhao ZQ, Yong BC, Zhang RH, Feng QS, Deng WD, Zhu XF, Zhou BP, Zeng YX1, Shen JN*, and Kang T*. Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3β, NF-κB Signaling, and Tumorigenesis of Osteosarcoma. J Natl Cancer Inst. 104,749-63, 2012.(IF: 11.37)Editorials: Woodgett JR, Can a Two-Faced Kinase be Exploited for Osteosarcoma? J Natl Cancer Inst, 104(10):722-3, 2012
6. Wu Y#, Chen H#, Lu J, Zhang M, Zhang R, Duan T, Wang X, Huang J*, Kang T*. Acetylation-dependent function of human single-stranded DNA binding protein 1.Nucleic Acids Res. 43(16):7878-87, 2015.(IF: 9.20
7. Wang X, Li L, Wu Y, Zhang R, Zhang M, Liao D, Wang G, Qin G, Xu RH, Kang T*.CBX4 suppresses metastasis via recruitment of HDAC3 to the Runx2 promoter in colorectal carcinoma. Cancer Res. 76(24):7277-7289, 2016.(IF: 8.55
8. Liao D, Zhong L, Duan T, Zhang RH, Wang X, Wang G, Hu K, Lv X, Kang T*. Aspirin suppresses the growth and metastasis of osteosarcoma through the NF-kB pathway. Clin Cancer Res, 21, 5349-59, 2015.(IF: 8.74
9. Xu S#, Feng Z#, Zhang M#, Wu Y, Sang Y, Xu H, Lv X, Hu K, Cao J, Zhang R, Chen L, Liu M, Yun JP, Zeng YX, Kang T*. hSSB1 binds and protects p21 from ubiquitin-mediated degradation and positively correlates with p21 in human hepatocellular carcinomas. Oncogene, 30, 2219-29, 2011.(IF: 7.93
10. Wang L#, Sang Y#, Tang J#, Zhang R, Luo D, Chen M, Deng WG, Kang T*. Down-regulation of Prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA) by Slug Promotes Metastasis in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. J Pathol, 237, 411-22, 2015.(IF: 7.38


