

《幾何分析與相對論》是2011年6月1日高等教育出版社出版的圖書,作者是(美國)布雷(Hubert L.Bray) (美國)米尼克茲(William P.Minicozzi)。


  • 中文名:幾何分析與相對論
  • 作者:Hubert L. Bray 
  • 出版時間:2011年6月1日
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:546 頁
  • ISBN:9787040327328 
  • 裝幀:精裝




編者:(美國)布雷(Hubert L.Bray) (美國)米尼克茲(William P.Minicozzi)


on the positive mass, penrose, and zas inequalities in general dimension
hubert l bray
1 dedication
2 introduction
3 a trio of inequalities
Recent progress on the yamabe problem
simon brendle, fernando c marques
1 the yamabe problem
2 the compactness conjecture
3 non-compactness results in dimension n> 25
4 a compactness result in dimension n < 24
5 the parabolic yamabe flow
some recent progress on mean curvature flow for entire
lagrangian graphs
jingyi chen
1 introduction
2 longtime existence with lipschitz continuous initial data
3 uniqueness and viscosity solutions
4 self-similar solutions
Rradial viewpoint on minimal surfaces
jaigyoung choe
1 introduction
2 cone
3 horizon
4 non-euclidean space
5 ray preserving metric
6 varying curvature
7 embeddedness
minimal surfaces and mean curvature flow
tobias h colding, william p minicozzi ii
1 introduction
2 harmonic functions and the heat equation
3 energy of a curve
4 birkhoff: a closed geodesic on a two sphere
5 curve shortening flow
6 minimal surfaces
7 classification of embedded minimal surfaces
8 mean curvature flow
9 width and mean curvature flow
10 singularities for mcf
11 smooth compactness theorem for self-shrinkers
12 the entropy
13 an application
14 non-compact self-shrinkers
Scalar curvature and the einstein constraint equations
justin corvino, daniel pollack
1 introduction
2 the constraint equations
3 a tour of asymptotically flat solutions
4 the conformal method
5 gluing constructions
on the intrinsic differentiability theorem of gromov-schoen
georgios daskalopoulos, chikako mese
1 introduction
2 definitions
3 main theorem
minimal surface techniques in riemannian geometry
a ilana fraser
1 introduction
2 brief overview of some geodesic methods
3 existence of minimal surfaces
4 second variation theory for minimal surfaces and applications
Stability and rigidity of extremal surfaces in riemannian
geometry and general relativity
gregory j galloway
1 minimal hypersurfaces in manifolds of nonnegative scalar curvature
2 marginally outer trapped surfaces
3 positivity of mass for asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds
Convex hypersurfaces of constant curvature in hyperbolic space
bo guan, joel spruck
1 introduction
2 formulas on hypersurfaces
3 the asymptotic angle maximum principle and gradient estimates
4 curvature estimates
5 uniqueness and foliations
ricci flow in two dimensions
james isenberg rafe mazzeo, natasa sesum
1 introduction
2 general considerations
3 compact surfaces
4 open surfaces
5 flows on incomplete surfaces
Doubling and desingularization constructions for minimal surfaces
nikolaos kapouleas
1 introduction
2 doubling constructions
3 desingularization constructions
4 minimal surfaces in the round three-sphere
5 the building blocks for the desingularization construction
6 an initial surface for the desingularization construction
7 the family of initial surfaces for the desingularization


