


  • 中文名:常可可
  • 畢業院校:中南大學
  • 學位/學歷: 博士
  • 職業:教師


● PVD薄膜和塗層的製備與成分結構調控(實驗為主)
● 先進功能防護材料的相圖、相變與設計(計算為主)
● 特殊複雜環境的材料表面界面擴散行為(實驗為主)


2010-12--2013-07 德國亞琛工業大學(RWTH Aachen University) 博士
2008-09--2010-09 中南大學 碩士
2004-09--2008-06 中南大學 本科


2017-10~現在, 中科院寧波材料所, 研究員
2016-04~2017-09,德國亞琛工業大學(RWTH Aachen University), 項目負責人PI、課題組長(Principal Investigator/Group Leader)
2016-04~2017-09,德國國家科學基金會新生代科學院(German Research Foundation, DFG Nachwuchsakade), 新生代研究員(Early Career Investigator)
2013-07~2016-03,德國亞琛工業大學(RWTH Aachen University), 助研(Research Fellow)


1.S. Liu, K. Chang*, S. Mraz, X. Chen, M. Hans, D. Music, D. Primetzhofer, J. Schneider, Modeling of metastable phase formation for sputtered Ti1-xAlxN thin films, Acta Materialia 165 (2019) 615.
2.M. Li, J. Lu, K. Luo, Y. Li, K. Chang, K. Chen, J. Zhou, J. Rosen, L. Hultman, P. Eklund, P.O.A. Persson, S. Du, Z. Chai, Z. Huang, Q. Huang, Element Replacement Approach by Reaction with Lewis Acidic Molten Salts to Synthesize Nanolaminated MAX Phases and MXenes, Journal of the American Chemical Society 141(11) (2019) 4730.
3.K. Xu, H. Zou, K. Chang*, Z. Deng, X. Zhou, Y. Huang, L. Chen, F. Huang, Q. Huang, Thermodynamic description of the sintering aid system in silicon carbide ceramics with the addition of yttrium, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (2019) 4510.
4.Y. Zhu, M. Dong, X. Zhao, J. Li*, K. Chang*, L. Wang*, Self‐healing of TiSiN/Ag coatings induced by Ag, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102 (2019) 7521.
5.H. Zou, L. Chen*, K. Chang*, F. Pei, Y. Du, Enhanced hardness and age-hardening of TiAlN coatings through Ru-addition, Scripta Materialia 162 (2019) 382.
6.Z. Zhang#, J. Cui#, K. Chang#, D. Liu, G. Chen, N. Jiang, D. Guo, Deformation induced new pathways in silicon, Nanoscale 11 (2019) 9862.
7.K.G. Pradeep, K. Chang, A. Kovács, S. Sen, A. Marshal, R. de Kloe, R.E. Dunin-Borkowski, J.M. Schneider, Nano-scale Si segregation and precipitation in Cr2Al(Si)C MAX phase coatings impeding grain growth during oxidation, Materials Research Letters 7(5) (2019) 180.
8.Y. Zhu, M. Dong, K. Chang, J. Li, L. Wang, Prolonged anti-bacterial action by sluggish release of Ag from TiSiN/Ag multilayer coating, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 783 (2019) 164.
9.J. Sun, K. Chang, D. Mei, Z. Lu, J. Pu, Q. Xue, Q. Huang, L. Wang, S. Du, The Mutual Identification between the Pressure-Induced Superlubricity and the Image Contrast Inversion of Carbon Nanostructures from AFM Technology, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (2019) 1498.
10. B. Wang#, Z. Zhang#, K. Chang#, J. Cui, A. Rosenkranz, J. Yu, C.-T. Lin, G. Chen, K. Zang, J. Luo, N. Jiang, D. Guo, New Deformation-Induced Nanostructure in Silicon, Nano Letters 18 (2018) 4611.
11. W. Zhang*, D.M. Cupid, P. Gotcu, K. Chang*, D. Li, Y. Du, H.J. Seifert, High-Throughput Description of Infinite Composition–Structure–Property–Performance Relationships of Lithium–Manganese Oxide Spinel Cathodes, Chemistry of Materials 30 (2018) 2287.
12. Y.X. Xu, L. Chen, F. Pei, K. Chang, Y. Du, Effect of the modulation ratio on the interface structure of TiAlN/TiN and TiAlN/ZrN multilayers: First-principles and experimental investigations, Acta Materialia 130 (2017) 281.
13. K. Chang*, D. Music, M. to Baben, D. Lange, H. Bolvardi, J.M. Schneider, Modeling of metastable phase formation diagrams for sputtered thin films, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 17 (2016) 210.
14. K. Chang*, M. to Baben, D. Music, D. Lange, H. Bolvardi, J.M. Schneider, Estimation of the activation energy for surface diffusion during metastable phase formation, Acta Materialia 98 (2015) 135.
15. K. Chang*, B. Hallstedt, D. Music, Thermodynamic and electrochemical properties of the Li–Co–O and Li–Ni–O systems, Chemistry of Materials 24 (2012) 97.


( 1 ) Modeling of metastable phase formation diagrams for sputtered thin films, 主持, 國家級, 2016-04--2019-03
( 2 ) VAlN和ZrAlN材料相平衡關係、亞穩相形成的計算模擬和實驗研究, 主持, 國家級, 2018-01--2021-01
( 3 ) 特種防護材料基因資料庫:相圖熱力學與擴散動力學基礎及其套用, 主持, 部委級, 2018-01--2021-01
( 4 ) Materials Genome Database development for speciality coatings, 主持, 院級, 2017-01--2019-01
( 5 ) 特種防護材料基因資料庫:相圖熱力學與擴散動力學基礎及其套用, 主持, 市地級, 2017-09--2021-09
( 6 ) 相圖計算CALPHAD方法設計新型超高溫合金, 主持, 省級, 2018-02--2020-02
( 7 ) FeCrAl基核燃料包殼材料的集成計算、製備與性能研究, 主持, 國家級, 2020-01--2023-12
( 8 ) 特種防護塗層材料的關鍵設計與製備技術, 主持, 省級, 2019-09--2024-08
(1)防護塗層材料的表面擴散模型與亞穩相圖計算 IFAM2019新材料國際發展趨勢高層論壇 2019-09-24
(2)耦合相圖計算方法和薄膜高通量實驗套用於材料設計 中國材料大會 2019-07-10
(3)Phase Formation Study of PVD Coatings 2019年難熔金屬及硬質材料研發國際論壇暨企業-高校-科研院所聯盟會議 2019-03-22
(4)Study of Metastable Phase Formation for Sputtered Thin Films 美國TMS2019會議 2019-03-10
(5)塗層材料的亞穩相圖研究 第九屆全國金屬材料優秀青年學者論壇 2019-01-04
(6)Ab initio and CALPHAD guided design of ATF materials 國際材料科學與工程會議 2018-09-26
(7)特種防護材料基因資料庫:相圖與材料設計 中國材料大會 2018-07-12
(8)Study of metastable phase formation for sputtered thin films 德國GTT研討會 2018-06-15
(9)自修復材料MAX相塗層的高溫氧化和相變研究 中國科協“航空發動機新材料與製造技術”青年科學家論壇 2017-11-02
(10)Nano-scale phase separation in Cr2Al(Si)C MAX phase self-healing coatings 國際電鏡及相關技術會議 2017-07-20
(11)Modeling of metastable phase formation diagrams for sputtered thin films 國際相圖會議XLVI 2017-06-15
(12)Estimating metastable phase formation during magnetron sputtering 國際相圖會議XLIII 2014-06-13
(13)Estimating metastable phase formation during magnetron sputtering 國際塗層與薄膜會議 2014-04-18


