席本野,男,漢族,1985 年 5 月 20 日出生於河南省鄭州市,北京林業大學教授、博士生導師,林木資源高效生產全國重點實驗室PI,乾旱半乾旱地區森林培育及生態系統國家林業局重點實驗室主任,國家級課程思政教學名師,中國林學會森林培育分會青年理事。
主要從事楊樹用材林培育理論與技術、人工林水分關係研究,曾擔任2019年歐洲地學年會HS8.3.6分會場主席和林業巨著《中國主要造林樹種造林技術(第二版)》學術秘書組秘書。為 Global Change Biology、Agric. For. Meteorol.等 30 多個期刊審稿人,並在Agric. Water Manage.、Frontiers in Plant Science和 Forests 組織專刊。
- 中文名:席本野
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:河南省鞏義市
- 出生日期:1985年
- 畢業院校:北京林業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:用材林培育理論與技術
- 主要成就:梁希林業科學技術獎
- 任職院校:北京林業大學
2012年12月-2013年2月和2015年1月在紐西蘭坎特伯雷大學作訪問學者,2017年2月在紐西蘭林肯大學和Plant and Food Research Center作訪問學者,2017年12月起在紐西蘭林肯大學和Plant and Food Research Center公派學術交流一年。
1. 揭示了“全根區”根繫結構與吸水特性的演變規律,並首次發現“蒸發驅動的水力再分配”植物生理新現象;
2. 闡明了林木生長與(深、淺層)土壤水的動態互作機制,並在華北平原率先發現人工林中存在土壤乾層危機;
3. 系統形成了基於林水關係的人工林高效水分管理技術與設備。形成的“白楊大徑材精準智慧型化水分管理技術及套用”成果(排名第1),被中國林學會鑑定為:整體達到國際先進水平,其中在植物水分智慧型監測、土壤水分感測器最佳位點布設方面處於國際領先水平。
以第一或通訊作者發表論文60篇,其中36篇SCI(TOP 期刊 25 篇)。參編3 部專著章節。授權發明專利2項,軟體著作權5件;制定地方和團體標準3項。
Yang Liu, Nadezhda Nadezhdina, Wei Hu, Brent Clothier, Ximen Li, Jie Duan, Benye Xi. Evaporation-driven internal hydraulic redistribution alleviates root drought stress: mechanisms and modeling. Plant Physiology. 2023.
Wei Zhu, Ou Zhou, Yiming Sun, Xiemng Li, Gulimire Yilihamu, Yafei Wang, Nan Di, Doudou Li, Jingyi Fu, Benye Xi, Liming Jia. Effects of stand age and structure on root distribution and root water uptake in fast-growing poplar plantations. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 616, 128831.
Youzheng Guo, Nan Di, Yang Liu, Jianbiao Tan, Shusen Zhang, Weichen Yu, Guixi Gao, Jie Duan, Benye Xi, Ximeng Li. Soil water deficit does not benefit biomass accumulation of a short-rotation poplar plantation: implications from plant hydraulics. Agricultural water management, 2023, 275, 108029.
Jianbiao Tan, Weichen Yu, Yang Liu, Youzheng Guo, Nan Liu, Haiman Fu, Nan Di, Jie Duan, Ximeng Li, Benye Xi. Response of fine-root traits of Populus tomentosa to drought in shallow and deep soil. Forests, 2023, 14, 951.
Yuwen Zhang, Changjun Ding, Yan Liu, Shan Li, Ximeng Li, Benye Xi, Jie Duan. Responses of xylem anatomical and hydraulic traits to irrigation and fertigation in different canopy heights of Populus tomentosa. Agricultural Water Management, 2023, 278, 108169.
Xiaoning Zhao, Ximeng Li, Wei Hu, Jinqiang Liu, Nan Di, Jie Duan, Doudou Li, Yang Liu, Youzheng Guo, Aoyu Wang, Tan Deng, Benye Xi. Long-term variation of the sap flow to tree diameter relation in a temperate poplar forest. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 618, 129189.
劉洋, 馬煦, 邸楠, 曾子航, 付海曼, 李新, 席本野. 毛白楊根系液流與水力再分配特徵. 植物生態學報, 2023, 1, 123-133.
Nan Di, Shangjin Yang, Yang Liu, Yunxiang Fan, Jie Duan, Nadezhda Nadezhdina, Ximeng Li, Benye Xi. Soil-moisture-dependent nocturnal water use strategy and its responses to meteorological factors in a seasonal-arid poplar plantation. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 274, 107984.
Songyan Zou, Doudou Li, Nan Di, Jinqiang Liu, Lingya Li, Ye Wang, Benye Xi, Mark Coleman. Morphology and biomass of fine root are affected by spatial-temporal distribution more than irrigation in a Populus tomentosa plantation. Plant and Soil, 2022, 480, 165-184.
Jingyi Fu, Songyan Zou, Mark Coleman, XimengLi, Wei Hu, Aoyu Wang, Pei Zhang, Zihang Zeng, Changjun Ding, Benye Xi, Nan Di. Is it necessary to apply chemical weed control in short-rotation poplar plantations on deep soil sites?. Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 184, 115025.
Jinqiang Liu, Doudou Li, Jose-Enrique Fernández, Mark Coleman, Wei Hu, Nan Di, Songyan Zou, Benye Xi, Brent Clothier. Variations of water balance components and carbon sink in poplar plantations with differing water inputs over a whole rotation: implications for sustainable forest management under climate change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 320, 108958.
Doudou Li, Ximeng Li, Benye Xi, Virginia Hernandez-Santana. Evaluation of methods to modelling stomatal conductance and its use to assess biomass increase in poplar trees. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 259, 107228.
Wei Zhu, Xiuchen Wu, Liming Jia, Benye Xi. Effects of forest management and climate factors on the growth of poplar plantations in the North China Plain. Forest Ecology and Management, 2022, 521, 120444.
趙小寧, 田曉楠, 李新, 李廣德, 郭有正, 賈黎明, 段劼, 席本野. Granier原始公式計算樹幹液流速率的適用性分析—以毛白楊為例. 植物生態學報,2023, 47(3), 404-417.
Zhiguo Cao, Xinyuan Wu, Tianyi Wang, Yahui Zhao, Youhua Zhao, Danyang Wang, Yu Chang, Ya Wei, Guangxuan Yan, Yujuan Fan, Chen Yue, Jie Duan, Benye Xi. Characteristics of airborne particles retained on conifer needles across China in winter and preliminary evaluation of the capacity of trees in haze mitigation. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 806, 150704.
Benye Xi, Brent Clothier, Mark Coleman, Jie Duan, Wei Hu, Nan Di, Yang Liu, Jingyi Fu, Jiusheng Li, Liming Jia, Jose-Enrique Fernández. Irrigation management in poplar plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 494, 119330.
Doudou Li, Jinqiang Liu, Anne Verhoef, Benye Xi, Virginia Hernandez-Santana. Understanding the relationship between biomass production and water use of Populus tomentosa trees throughout an entire short-rotation. Agricultural Water Management, 2021, 246, 106710.
Yang Liu, Nadezhda Nadezhdina, Nan Di, Xu Ma, Benye Xi, Brent Clothier. A new facet of hydraulic redistribution driven by transpiration – A case study from a Populus tomenstosa plantation with a deep ground-water table. Plant Physiology, 2021, 186, 361-372.
Chen Yue, Keda Cui, Jie Duan, Pengbo Yan, Carolina Rodriguez, Haiman Fu, Tan Deng, Shaowei Zhang, Jinqiang Liu, Zemin Guo, Benye Xi, Zhiguo Cao. The retention characteristics for water-soluble and water-insoluble particulate matter of five tree species along an air pollution gradient in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 767, 145497.
Maqian Jiao, Wenhang Yang, Wei Hu, Brent Clothier, Songyan Zou, Doudou Li, Nan Di, Jinqiang Liu, Yang Liu, Jie Duan, Benye Xi. The optimal tensiometer installation position for scheduling border irrigation in Populus tomentosa plantations. Agricultural Water Management,2021, 253, 106922.
岳晨, 李廣德, 席本野*, 曹治國. 葉片大氣顆粒物滯納能力評估方法的定量對比. 環境科學. 2021, 42(1), 114-126.
李廣德, 張亞雄, 鄧坦, 李豆豆, 劉金強, 賈黎明, 席本野. 樹幹液流及其主要影響因子對摘芽強度的回響. 農業工程學報. 2021, 37(5), 131-139.
Benye Xi, Nan Di, Mark Bloomberg, Elena Moltchanova. Sample size estimation for achieving the desired uncertainty for estimates of tree fine root trait parameters. Trees-Structure and Function, 2021, 35, 347–356.
Doudou Li, José Enrique Fernández, Xin Li, Benye Xi, Liming Jia, Virginia Hernandez-Santana. Tree growth patterns and diagnosis of water status based on trunk diameter fluctuations in fast-growing Populus tomentosa plantations. Agricultural Water Management, 2020, 241, 106348.
馬煦, 曹治國, 岳晨, 金楚晗, 劉俊, 劉洋, 劉金強, 段劼, 修桂芳, 席本野*. 降雨和灌溉影響下毛白楊葉片的顆粒物滯納特徵變化及其生理特性回響規律. 林業科學. 2020, 56(8), 181-190.
趙飛飛, 馬煦, 邸楠, 王燁, 劉洋, 李廣德, 賈黎明, 席本野*. 毛白楊莖幹不同方位夜間液流變化規律及其影響因子. 植物生態學報. 2020, 44(8), 864-874.
Nan Di, Ye Wang, Brent Clothier, Yang Liu, Liming Jia, Benye Xi, Haixiang Shi. Modeling soil evaporation and the response of the crop coefficient to leaf area index in mature Populus tomentosa plantations growing under different soil water availabilities. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 264, 125-137.
Tian Yang, Doudou Li, Brent Clothier, Ye Wang, Jie Duan, Nan Di, Guangde Li, Xin Li, Liming Jia, Benye Xi, Wei Hu. Where to monitor the soil water potential for scheduling drip irrigation in Populus tomentosa plantations located on the North China Plain. Forest Ecology and Management, 2019, 437, 99-112.
席本野. 楊樹根系形態、分布、動態特徵及其吸水特性. 北京林業大學學報, 2019, 41(12), 37-49.
Benye Xi, Nan Di, Jinqiang Liu, Ruina Zhang, Zhiguo Cao. Hydrologic regulation of plant rooting depth: Pay attention to the widespread scenario with intense seasonal groundwater table fluctuation. PNAS, 2018, 1803987115.
Zhiguo Cao, Mengmeng Wang, Qiaoying Chen, Yajie Zhang, Wenjing Dong, Tianfang Yang, Guangxuan Yan, Xin Zhang, Yunqing Pi, Benye Xi, Qingwei Bu. Preliminary assessment on exposure of four typical populations to potentially toxic metals by means of skinwipes under the influence of haze pollution. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 613-614: 886-893.
席本野*, 邸楠, 賈黎明, 劉金強, 李豆豆, 王燁, 李廣德, 張瑞娜, 曹治國. 樹木深層土壤水吸收利用特徵與機制:對人工林培育的啟示. 植物生態學報, 2018, 42(9), 885-905.
“十四五”國家重點研發計畫課題“白楊大徑級工業資源材精準高效培育技術研究” (起止年限:2021.12-2024.11;經費:1000萬)(主持,在研)
研究生課程:森林培育研究法、The Frontier of Forestry Technology
Frontier in Forests and Global Change審稿編輯