



  • 中文名:席德慧
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:四川大學博士生導師
  • 職稱:教授



1986-1990 陝西師範大學生物系,學士學位
1995-1998 石河子大學農學院,碩士學位
2001-2004 中國農業大學生物學院,博士學位


1990-2004 石河子大學生命科學學院,歷任助教、講師、副教授
2004-2006 四川大學生命科學學院,博士後
2006-2013 四川大學生命科學學院,副教授
2009-2010 美國愛荷華州立大學植物病理與微生物學系,訪問學者
2013-至今 四川大學生命科學學院,教授。






Deng XG, Peng XJ, Zhu F, Chen YJ, Zhu T, Qin SB, Xi DH*, Lin HH. A critical domain of Sweet potato chlorotic fleck virus NaBp for RNA silencing suppression, nuclear localization and viral pathogenesis. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2014, on line, doi: 10.1111/mpp.12186, *corresponding author
Chen YJ, Zhang J, Liu J, Deng XG, Zhang P, Zhu T, Chen LJ, Bao WK,Xi DH*, Lin HH. The capsid protein p38 of Turnip crinkle virus is associated with the suppression of Cucumber mosaic virus in Arabidopsis thaliana co-infected with Cucumber mosaic virus and Turnip crinkle virus. Virology, 462-463 (2014): 71-80 *corresponding author
Deng XG, Zhu F, Chen YJ, Liu J, Zhu T, Li JY, Xi DH*, Lin HH. A more sensitive and rapid multiplex RT-PCR assay combining with magnetic nanobeads for simultaneous detection of viruses in sweet potato. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2014, 140(1): 111-117, *corresponding author
Chen YJ, Liu J, Zhu F, Deng XG, Chen LJ, Sun TL, Bao WK, Xi DH*, Lin HH. A Turnip crinkle virus lacking the CP counter-defence protein gene provides protection against wild-type strain is associated with highly localized RNA silencing. Journal of Phytopathology, 2014, on line, DOI: 10.1111/jph.12258 *corresponding author
Zhao FF, Xi DH, Liu J, Deng XG, Lin HH. First report of Chilli veinal mottle virus infecting Tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) in China. Plant Disease, 2014, on line, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-11-13-1188-PDN
Zhu F, Xi DH (co-first author), Yuan S, Xu F, Zhang P, Lin HH. Salicylic acid and jasmonic acid are essential for systemic resistance against Tobacco mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 2014, 27(6): 567-577.
Deng XG, Zhu F, Li JY, Feng H, Xi DH*, Lin HH. Genetic diversity and phylogentic analysis of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus and Sweet potato virus G in Sichuan, China. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2014, 96(1):215-218 *corresponding author
Zhu F, Xi DH (co-first author), Deng XG, Peng XJ, Tang H,Chen YJ, Jian W, Lin HH. Chilli veinal mottle virus regulates the expression of Tobacco mosaic virus resistance gene N and JA/ET signalling is essential for systemic resistance against Chilli veinal mottle virus in tobacco. Plant Molecular Biology Report, 2014, 32(2): 382-394
Deng XG, Zhu F, Zhu T, Lin HH, Xi DH*. First report of Sweet potato chlorotic fleck virus infecting sweet potato in Sichuan Province, China. Plant Disease, 2014, 98(1):163 *corresponding author
Zhu F, Zhang P, Mong YF, Xu F, Zhang DW, Lin HH, Xi DH*. Alpha-momorcharin, a RIP produced by bitter melon, enhances defense response in tobacco plants against diverse plant viruses and shows antifungal activity in vitro. Planta, 2013, 237(1):77-88, *corresponding author
Zhao PP, Shang J, Guo ZC, Xie HF, Xi DH, Sun X, Lin HH. Temperature-related effects of treatments with jasmonic acid and salicylic acid on Arabidopsis infected with Cucumber mosaic virus. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2013, 60(5): 672-680
Yang H, Yuan S, Luo Y, Huang J, Cheng YE, Sun X, Huang Y, Xi DH, Lin HH. Diverse responses are involved in the defence of Arabidopsis thaliana against Turnip crinkle virus. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 2013, 68c: 148-154
Zhu F, Xu MY, Wang SD, Jia SD, Zhang P, Lin HH, Xi DH*. Prokaryotic expression of pathogenesis related protein 1 gene from Nicotiana benthamiana: antifungal activity and preparation of its polyclonal antibody. Biotechnology Letters, 2012, 34(5): 919-924 *corresponding author
Wang JH, Xi DH, Liu JJ, Chen KL, Li HW, Liu X, Yuan S, Ercisli S, Lin HH. Genetic variability in the Grapevine virus A from Vitis vinifera L. x Vitis labrusca L. in Sichuan,China. Turkish Journal of Biology, 2012, 36: 542-551
Wang SD , Zhu F , Yuan S, Yang H, Xu F, Shang J, Xu MY, Jia SD , Zhang ZW, Wang JH, Xi DH*, Lin HH. The roles of ascorbic acid and glutathione in symptom alleviation to SA-deficient plants infected with RNA viruses. Planta. 2011, 234: 171-181 *corresponding author
Shang J, Xi DH, Xu F, Wang SD, Cao S, Xu MY, Zhao PP, Wang JH, Jia SD, Zhang ZW, Yuan S, Lin HH. A broad-spectrum, efficient and nontransgenic approach to control plant viruses by application of salicylic acid and jasmonic acid. Planta, 2011, 233(2): 299-308
Zhu F, Yuan S,Wang SD, Xi DH, Lin HH. The higher expression levels of dehydroascorbate reductase and glutathione reductase in salicylic acid-deficient plants may contribute to their alleviated symptom infected with RNA viruses. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2011, 6(9):1402-1404
LuoY,ShangJ,ZhaoPP,YuanS,XiDH,LinHH. Application of jasmonic acid followed by salicylic acid inhibits Cucumber mosaic virus replication. Plant Pathology Journal, 2011, 27: 53-58
Xi DH*, Yang H, Jiang Y, Xu MY, Shang J, Zhang ZW, Cheng SY, Sang LS, Lin HH. Interference between Tobacco necrosis virus and Turnip crinkle virus in Nicotiana benthamiana. Journal of Phytopathology, 2010, 158(4): 263-269 *corresponding author
Shang J, Xi DH (co-first author) , Yuan s, Xu F, Xu MY, Qi HL, Wang SD, Huang QR, Wen L, Lin HH. Difference of physiological characters in dark green islands and yellow leaf tissue of CMV-infected Nicotiana tabacum leaves. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 2010,65C: 73-78
Jiang Y, Wang JH, Yang H, Yuan S, Xu MY, Sun W, Xu WL, Xi DH *, Lin HH. Identification and sequence analysis of Turnip mosaic virus infecting cruciferous crops in Sichuan province, southwest of China. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2010, 92 (1): 241-244 *corresponding author
Shang J, Xi DH (co-first author) , Huang QR, Xu MY, Yuan S, Wang SD, Jia SD, Cao S, Zhou ZL, Lin HH. Effect of two satellite RNAs on the Nicotiana glutinosa infected with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Physiological and molecular plant pathology, 2009, 74: 184-190
Yang H, Gou XP, He K, Xi DH, Du JB, Lin HH, Li J. Arabidopsis BAK1 and BKK1 confer reduced susceptibility to Turnip crinkle virus. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2010, 127:149-156
Yang H, Wang SD, Xi DH, Yuan S, Xu MY, Wang JH, Lin HH. Interaction between Cucumber mosaic virus and Turnip crinkle virus in Arabidopsis. Journal of Phytopathology, 2010, 158: 833-836
Sun X, Xi DH, Du JB, Lei T, Feng H, Luo MH, Lin HH. The dual effects of salicylic acid on the dehydrin accumulation in water stressed barley seedlings. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2009, 56: 348-354
Xi DH, Li J, Han CG, Li DW, Zhai YF, Yu JL. The complete nucleotide sequence of Tobacco necrosis virus strain AC and construction of its infectious cDNA clone. Virus Genes, 2008, 36(1): 259-266
Lei T, Yan YC, Xi DH, Feng H, Sun X, Zhang F, Xu WL, Liang HG, Lin HH. Effects of salicylic acid on alternative pathway respiration and alternative oxidase expression in tobacco calli. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 2008,63c: 706-712
Xi DH, Feng H, Lan LQ, Du JB, Wang JH, Zhang ZW, Xue LW, Xu WL, Lin HH. Characterization of synergy between Cucumber mosaic virus and Tobacco necrosis virus in Nicotiana benthamiana. Journal of Phytopathology, 2007, 155(9): 570-573
Xi DH, Lan LQ, Wang JH, Xu WL, Xiang BC, Lin HH. Variation analysis of two Cucumber mosaic viruses and their associated satellite RNAs from sugar beet in China. Virus Genes, 2006, 33 (3): 293-298
Yuan XF,Cao YH, Xi DH, Guo LH, Han CG, Li DW, Zhai YF, Yu JL. Analysis of the subgenomic RNAs and the small ORFs of Beet black scorch virus. Journal of General Virology, 2006, 87 (9): 3077-3086
Duan HG, Yuan S, Liu WJ, Xi DH, Qing DH, Liang HG, Lin HH. The effects of exogenous spermidine on the photosystem II of wheat seedlings under water stress. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2006, 48(8): 920-927
張萍,劉健,朱峰,陳應娟,張靜,唐荷,林宏輝,席德慧*. 辣椒脈斑駁病毒對菸草活性氧代謝和光合特性的影響[J]. 四川大學學報:自然科學版,2014, 51(1): 183-188 *通訊作者
朱峰,張萍,林宏輝,席德慧*. 本生煙NbSABP2和NbSAMT基因的克隆及VIGS表達載體構建. 四川大學學報(自然科學版),2012, 49(2): 453-458 *通訊作者
賈樹丹, 王紹東, 王建輝, 林宏輝, 席德慧*. 辣椒脈斑駁病毒四川分離物的分子鑑定及其致病性的初步研究. 四川大學學報(自然科學版),2012, 49(4): 924-930 *通訊作者
王建輝, 劉建軍, 陳克玲,李洪雯,席德慧, 林宏輝. 葡萄卷葉伴隨 3 型病毒和葡萄 A 病毒的多重檢測及其系統進化分析. 園藝學報,2011, 38(12): 2401-2410
許墨耘, 席德慧, 劉名, 楊輝, 尚靜, 王紹東, 賈樹丹, 袁澍, 林宏輝. 乙烯/茉莉酸及其抑制劑對感染菸草壞死病毒本生煙抗性的影響. 四川大學學報(自然科學版) 2011,48: 241-246
蔣彧, 席德慧, 王建輝, 袁澍, 楊輝, 許墨耘, 林宏輝. 蕪菁花葉病毒四川分離物外殼蛋白基因的克隆及序列分析. 四川大學學報(自然科學版),2010, 47(3): 639-643
杜俊波,席德慧,孫歆,袁澍,馮鴻,王建輝,劉自禮,薛立微,張中偉,林宏輝. 青稞脫水素基因dhn4的克隆與原核表達. 四川大學學報(自然科學版),2008, 45(2): 441-445
王建輝,劉曉,席德慧,袁澍,蔣彧,楊輝,杜俊波,張中偉,陳克玲,林宏輝.葡萄病毒A四川分離物的外殼蛋白基因克隆與原核表達,園藝學報,2008, 35: 35(7): 967-972
程世亞 袁澍 席德慧* 林宏輝.植物系統獲得性抗性的分子機理. 生命的化學, 2008, 28(3): 256-259 *通訊作者
席德慧,李江,曹淳,韓成貴,李大偉,於嘉林,周雪平. 菸草壞死病毒A大豆分離物的分子鑑定. 植物病理學報,2007, 37(6): 595-603
席德慧,曹雲鶴,郭立華,原雪峰,蔡祝南,韓成貴,李大偉,於嘉林. 甜菜黑色焦枯病毒新疆分離物基因組RNA的序列分析及侵染性cDNA克隆構建. 病毒學報, 2006, 22(4): 309-313
席德慧,林宏輝,向本春. 黃瓜花葉病毒衛星RNA XJs1侵染性cDNA克隆構建及其生物學功能初步研究. 微生物學報, 2006, 46(2): 219-222
席德慧,林宏輝,向本春.黃瓜花葉病毒兩分離物的亞組鑑定及株系分化研究. 植物病理學報,2006, 36(3): 232-237


