




  • 中文名:師燕超
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:建築結構抗爆分析與設計
  • 任職院校:天津大學


Blast analysis and design of building structures
Analysis and control of progressive collapse of building structures
Damage assessment and repair/retrofit of building structures after explosion disaster


博士(碩博連讀) 2004.9-2009.5 天津大學 結構工程專業
Doctor(MS-PhD) 2004.9-2009.5 Tianjin Univeristy,Structure Engineering
其間 2006.2-2007.2 澳大利亞西澳大學 聯合培養
during the period 2006.2-2007.2 the Univeristy of Western Australia, visiting student in Structure Engineering
雙學士 2000.9-2004.7 天津大學甩兵 土木工程專業/計算機科學與技術專業
Bi-BEs 2000.9-2004.7 Tianjin Univeristy, Civil Engineering/Computer Science and Technology
教授 2017.1至今 天津大學 建築工程學院
Professor 2017.1-Present, School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University
副教授 2011.7-2017.1 天津大學 建築工程學院
Assoc. Professor 2011.7-2017.1 School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University
訪問學者 2015.1-2016.1 美國 奧本大學 土木工程系
Visiting scholar 2015.1-2016.1 Department of Civil Engineering, Auburn University, USA
講師 2009.9-2011.6 天津大學 建築工程學院
Lecturer 2009.9-2011.6 School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University


Lecture for undergraduate student: Loads and Structural Design Method
Lecture for Postgraduate student: Seismic Design of Buildings and Bridges
Lecture for Postgraduate students: Advance in Structural Engineering


[1]天津市土木工程學會 理事
Member of the Board of Directors, Tianjin Civil Engineering Association
[2]中國建築學會抗震防災分會建築抗倒塌專業委員會 委員
Member of the Board of Directors, Branch of Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Prevention, Architectural Society of China (ASC).
[3]國際防護結構學會 會員
Member of the International Association of Protective Structure
Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering(JCAEE)
[5]國際期刊《International Journal of Protective Structures》、《Engineering Structures》、《International Journal of Impact Engineering》、《Advance in Structural Engineering》、《Steel and Composite Structures》等期刊審稿人
Reviewer for international journal “International Journal of Protective Structures ”,“Engineering Structures ”,“International Journal of Impact Engineering”,“Advance in Structural Engineering "and “Steel and Composite Structures”


[1]國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金項目.建築結構抗爆分析(51522808).2016.01-2018.12, 150萬元. 負責人.
[2]天津市傑出青年基金項目. 建築結構抗爆設計理論與方法研究. (17JCJQJC43900).150 萬元. 2017.10-2021.09. 負責人.
[3]國家重點研發計畫重點項目子課題. 高性能結構抗多次多種災害全壽命性能分析與設計理論-多次多種災害作用模型研究(2016YFC0701108-3). 60萬元. 2016.06-2020.07. 負責人.
[4]國家重點研發計畫重點項目.高性能結構體系抗災性能與設計理論研究(2016YFC0701100).2300萬元. 2016.06-2020.07. 課題聯繫人.
[6]中國寰球工程有限公司委託項目.煉化不規則裝備結構抗震性能化設計方法研究. 45萬元. 2016.01-2018.12. 負責人.
[7]中國人民解放軍63672部隊委託項目. 現代城市工程結構分類與典型目標衝擊波毀傷閾值研究. 30萬元. 2017.05-2018.05. 負責人.
[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目. 近距離爆炸下結構構件破壞分析方法及防護措施研究(51378347). 2014.1-2017.12, 84.0萬元. 負責人.
[2] 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目. 爆炸荷載下鋼筋混凝土結構動態回響與連續倒塌高效分析方法研究(51008209). 2011.1-2013.12, 22.0萬元. 負責人.
[3] 教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金新教師基金. 爆炸荷載作用下建築結構連續倒塌高效分析方法研究(20100032120042). 2011.1-2013.12, 3.6萬元. 負責人.
[4] 天津市套用基礎與前沿技術研究計畫青年基金項目. 爆炸荷載作用下建築結構主要構件的災害行為研究(12YFQNJC04000). 2012.4-2015.03, 8.0萬元. 負責人.
[5] 國家“十二五科技支撐計畫”課題. 大型及重要建築結構抗爆防火關鍵技術(2012BAJ07B05). 2012.1-2015.12, 1158萬元. 排名第3.
[6] 國家自然科學基金重點項目. 爆炸作用下建築結構抗連續倒塌控制理論與方法(51238007). 2013.1-2017.12, 300萬元. 排名第4.
[7]國家“十一五科技支撐計畫”課題. 大型及重要建築抗爆抗撞關鍵技術研究與示範(2006BAJ13B0). 2006.12-2010.12, 1120萬元. 主要參加人.
[8]國家自然科學基金重點項目. 大型建築抗爆安全性基礎研究(50638030). 2007.1-2010.2, 210萬元. 主要參加人.
[9]國家傑出青年科學基金海外青年學者合作研究基金(傑B). 防災工程-複雜城市環境中爆炸荷載作用下結構的災害評估與減災研究(50528808). 2006.1-2008.12, 40萬元. 主要參加人.
[10] 天津市套用基礎與前沿技術研究計畫重點項目. 捷運車站遭受意外爆炸事件的災害模擬及防護措施研究(08JCZDJC19500). 2008.4-2010.9, 20萬元. 主要參加人.
[11] 天津市科技計畫項目. 城市大型及重要建築災害防治關鍵技術研究(06QTPTSF05600). 2007.10-2010.9, 12萬元. 主要參加人.
[12] 河北建設集團有限公司委託項目. 碗扣式模板支撐架及節點受力性能試驗. 2009.8-2010.8, 15萬元. 負責人.
[13] 恩宜琺碼(天津)工程有限公司委託項目. 諾和諾德新綜合樓實驗室工程環境激勵下地基地面回響測試. 2010.2-2011.2, 10.0萬元. 負責人.
[14] 中鐵十四局集團第三工程有限公司委託項目. 海河開啟橋工程主橋施工監控及全橋成橋試驗. 2009.07-2010.07. 主要參加人.
代表性論文 / 論著及檢索情況:
[1] Mei Li, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi(*), Yifei Hao .Specimen shape and size effects on the concrete compressive strength under static and dynamic tests [J] Construction & Building Materials (accepted)
[2] Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi. Study of concrete damage mechanism under hydrostatic pressure by numerical simulations Construction & Building Materials (accepted)
[3] Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Xibing Li, Kun Du Experimental study of concrete damage under high hydrostatic pressure [J]. Cement & Concrete Research, 2017, 100:140-152.
[4] Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi. Discussion on the suitability of concrete constitutive models for high-rate response predictions of RC structures[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2017, 106:202-216.
[5] Wensu Chen, Qingfei Meng, Hong Hao, Jian Cui, Yanchao Shi. Quasi-static and dynamic tensile properties of fiberglass/epoxy laminate sheet[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2017, 143:247-258.
[6] Zhongxian Li, Bo Zhong, Yanchao Shi , Jiabo Yan. Nonlocal Formulation for Numerical Analysis of Post-Blast Behavior of RC Columns[J]. International Journal of Concrete Structures & Materials, 2017, 11(2):403-413.
[7] Wensu Chen, Hong Hao, Micheal Jong, JianCui, Yanchao Shi, Li Chen, Thong M.Pham. Quasi-static and dynamic tensile properties of basalt fibre reinforced polymer[J]. Composites Part B Engineering, 2017, 125.
[8] Wensu Chen, Qingfei Meng, Hong Hao, JianCui, Yanchao Shi. Quasi-static and dynamic tensile properties of fiberglass/epoxy laminate sheet[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2017, 143:247-258.
[9] Yifei Hao, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Zhongqi Wang, Ruiqing Zong. Field Testing of Fence Type Blast Wall for Blast Load Mitigation[J]. International Journal of Structural Stability & Dynamics, 2017.
2016 年
[10] Yanchao Shi(*), Wei Xiong, Zhong-Xian Li, Qingfeng Xu. Experimental studies on the local damage and fragments of unreinforced masonry walls under close-in explosions. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2016, 90: 122-131.
[11] Ruiqing Zong, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi(*). Development of a New Fence Type Blast Wall for Blast Protection: Numerical Analysis[J]. International Journal of Structural Stability & Dynamics, 2016:1750066.
[12] Yang Ding, Ye Chen, Yanchao Shi(*). Progressive collapse analysis of a steel frame subjected to confined explosion and post-explosion fire. Advances in Structural Engineering
[13] Hong Hao, Zhongxian Li, Yanchao Shi(*). Reliability Analysis of RC Columns and Frame with FRP Strengthening Subjected to Explosive Loads[J]. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2016, 30(2):04015017.
[14] Zhongxian Li, Bo Zhong, Yanchao Shi. An effective model for analysis of reinforced concrete members and structures under blast loading [J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2016, 19(12):1815-1831.
[15] Xihong Zhang, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Jian Cui Xuejie Zhang. Static and dynamic material properties of CFRP/epoxy laminates [J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2016, 114:638-649. SCI 他引1次
2015 年
[16] Jian Cui, Yanchao Shi(*), Zhongxian Li, Li Chen. Failure Analysis and Damage Assessment of RC Columns under Close-In Explosions [J]. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2015, 29(5):B4015003.
[17] Xihong Zhang, Yanchao Shi, Hong Hao, Jian Cui. The mechanical properties of ionoplast interlayer material at high strain rates [J]. Materials & Design, 2015, 83:387-399. SCI 他引1次
[18] Xihong Zhang, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Jian Cui. The mechanical properties of Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) at high strain rates[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2015, 93:404-415. SCI 他引4次
[19] Wensu Chen, Hong Hao, Dylan Hughes, Yanchao Shi, Jian Cui, Zhongxian Li. Static and dynamic mechanical properties of expanded polystyrene[J]. Materials & Design, 2015, 69:170-180 SCI 他引12次
2010 年
[20] Yanchao Shi, Zhongxian Li, Hong Hao. A new method for progressive collapse analysis of RC frames under blast loading[J]. Engineering Structures, 2010, 32(6):1691-1703. SCI 他引47次
[21] Yanchao Shi, Zhongxian Li, Hong Hao. Bond slip modelling and its effect on numerical analysis of blast-induced responses of RC columns[J]. Structural Engineering & Mechanics, 2009, 32(2):251-267. SCI 他引16次
[22] Yanchao Shi, Hong Hao, Zhongxian Li. Numerical derivation of pressure–impulse diagrams for prediction of RC column damage to blast loads[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2008, 35(11):1213-1227. SCI 他引74次
[23] Yanchao Shi, Hong Hao, Zhongxian Li. Numerical simulation of blast wave interaction with structure columns[J]. Shock Waves, 2007, 17(1-2):113-133. SCI 他引16次


Lecture for Postgraduate student: Seismic Design of Buildings and Bridges
Lecture for Postgraduate students: Advance in Structural Engineering


[1]天津市土木工程學會 理事
Member of the Board of Directors, Tianjin Civil Engineering Association
[2]中國建築學會抗震防災分會建築抗倒塌專業委員會 委員
Member of the Board of Directors, Branch of Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Prevention, Architectural Society of China (ASC).
[3]國際防護結構學會 會員
Member of the International Association of Protective Structure
Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering(JCAEE)
[5]國際期刊《International Journal of Protective Structures》、《Engineering Structures》、《International Journal of Impact Engineering》、《Advance in Structural Engineering》、《Steel and Composite Structures》等期刊審稿人
Reviewer for international journal “International Journal of Protective Structures ”,“Engineering Structures ”,“International Journal of Impact Engineering”,“Advance in Structural Engineering "and “Steel and Composite Structures”


[1]國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金項目.建築結構抗爆分析(51522808).2016.01-2018.12, 150萬元. 負責人.
[2]天津市傑出青年基金項目. 建築結構抗爆設計理論與方法研究. (17JCJQJC43900).150 萬元. 2017.10-2021.09. 負責人.
[3]國家重點研發計畫重點項目子課題. 高性能結構抗多次多種災害全壽命性能分析與設計理論-多次多種災害作用模型研究(2016YFC0701108-3). 60萬元. 2016.06-2020.07. 負責人.
[4]國家重點研發計畫重點項目.高性能結構體系抗災性能與設計理論研究(2016YFC0701100).2300萬元. 2016.06-2020.07. 課題聯繫人.
[6]中國寰球工程有限公司委託項目.煉化不規則裝備結構抗震性能化設計方法研究. 45萬元. 2016.01-2018.12. 負責人.
[7]中國人民解放軍63672部隊委託項目. 現代城市工程結構分類與典型目標衝擊波毀傷閾值研究. 30萬元. 2017.05-2018.05. 負責人.
[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目. 近距離爆炸下結構構件破壞分析方法及防護措施研究(51378347). 2014.1-2017.12, 84.0萬元. 負責人.
[2] 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目. 爆炸荷載下鋼筋混凝土結構動態回響與連續倒塌高效分析方法研究(51008209). 2011.1-2013.12, 22.0萬元. 負責人.
[3] 教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金新教師基金. 爆炸荷載作用下建築結構連續倒塌高效分析方法研究(20100032120042). 2011.1-2013.12, 3.6萬元. 負責人.
[4] 天津市套用基礎與前沿技術研究計畫青年基金項目. 爆炸荷載作用下建築結構主要構件的災害行為研究(12YFQNJC04000). 2012.4-2015.03, 8.0萬元. 負責人.
[5] 國家“十二五科技支撐計畫”課題. 大型及重要建築結構抗爆防火關鍵技術(2012BAJ07B05). 2012.1-2015.12, 1158萬元. 排名第3.
[6] 國家自然科學基金重點項目. 爆炸作用下建築結構抗連續倒塌控制理論與方法(51238007). 2013.1-2017.12, 300萬元. 排名第4.
[7]國家“十一五科技支撐計畫”課題. 大型及重要建築抗爆抗撞關鍵技術研究與示範(2006BAJ13B0). 2006.12-2010.12, 1120萬元. 主要參加人.
[8]國家自然科學基金重點項目. 大型建築抗爆安全性基礎研究(50638030). 2007.1-2010.2, 210萬元. 主要參加人.
[9]國家傑出青年科學基金海外青年學者合作研究基金(傑B). 防災工程-複雜城市環境中爆炸荷載作用下結構的災害評估與減災研究(50528808). 2006.1-2008.12, 40萬元. 主要參加人.
[10] 天津市套用基礎與前沿技術研究計畫重點項目. 捷運車站遭受意外爆炸事件的災害模擬及防護措施研究(08JCZDJC19500). 2008.4-2010.9, 20萬元. 主要參加人.
[11] 天津市科技計畫項目. 城市大型及重要建築災害防治關鍵技術研究(06QTPTSF05600). 2007.10-2010.9, 12萬元. 主要參加人.
[12] 河北建設集團有限公司委託項目. 碗扣式模板支撐架及節點受力性能試驗. 2009.8-2010.8, 15萬元. 負責人.
[13] 恩宜琺碼(天津)工程有限公司委託項目. 諾和諾德新綜合樓實驗室工程環境激勵下地基地面回響測試. 2010.2-2011.2, 10.0萬元. 負責人.
[14] 中鐵十四局集團第三工程有限公司委託項目. 海河開啟橋工程主橋施工監控及全橋成橋試驗. 2009.07-2010.07. 主要參加人.
代表性論文 / 論著及檢索情況:
[1] Mei Li, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi(*), Yifei Hao .Specimen shape and size effects on the concrete compressive strength under static and dynamic tests [J] Construction & Building Materials (accepted)
[2] Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi. Study of concrete damage mechanism under hydrostatic pressure by numerical simulations Construction & Building Materials (accepted)
[3] Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Xibing Li, Kun Du Experimental study of concrete damage under high hydrostatic pressure [J]. Cement & Concrete Research, 2017, 100:140-152.
[4] Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi. Discussion on the suitability of concrete constitutive models for high-rate response predictions of RC structures[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2017, 106:202-216.
[5] Wensu Chen, Qingfei Meng, Hong Hao, Jian Cui, Yanchao Shi. Quasi-static and dynamic tensile properties of fiberglass/epoxy laminate sheet[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2017, 143:247-258.
[6] Zhongxian Li, Bo Zhong, Yanchao Shi , Jiabo Yan. Nonlocal Formulation for Numerical Analysis of Post-Blast Behavior of RC Columns[J]. International Journal of Concrete Structures & Materials, 2017, 11(2):403-413.
[7] Wensu Chen, Hong Hao, Micheal Jong, JianCui, Yanchao Shi, Li Chen, Thong M.Pham. Quasi-static and dynamic tensile properties of basalt fibre reinforced polymer[J]. Composites Part B Engineering, 2017, 125.
[8] Wensu Chen, Qingfei Meng, Hong Hao, JianCui, Yanchao Shi. Quasi-static and dynamic tensile properties of fiberglass/epoxy laminate sheet[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2017, 143:247-258.
[9] Yifei Hao, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Zhongqi Wang, Ruiqing Zong. Field Testing of Fence Type Blast Wall for Blast Load Mitigation[J]. International Journal of Structural Stability & Dynamics, 2017.
2016 年
[10] Yanchao Shi(*), Wei Xiong, Zhong-Xian Li, Qingfeng Xu. Experimental studies on the local damage and fragments of unreinforced masonry walls under close-in explosions. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2016, 90: 122-131.
[11] Ruiqing Zong, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi(*). Development of a New Fence Type Blast Wall for Blast Protection: Numerical Analysis[J]. International Journal of Structural Stability & Dynamics, 2016:1750066.
[12] Yang Ding, Ye Chen, Yanchao Shi(*). Progressive collapse analysis of a steel frame subjected to confined explosion and post-explosion fire. Advances in Structural Engineering
[13] Hong Hao, Zhongxian Li, Yanchao Shi(*). Reliability Analysis of RC Columns and Frame with FRP Strengthening Subjected to Explosive Loads[J]. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2016, 30(2):04015017.
[14] Zhongxian Li, Bo Zhong, Yanchao Shi. An effective model for analysis of reinforced concrete members and structures under blast loading [J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2016, 19(12):1815-1831.
[15] Xihong Zhang, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Jian Cui Xuejie Zhang. Static and dynamic material properties of CFRP/epoxy laminates [J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2016, 114:638-649. SCI 他引1次
2015 年
[16] Jian Cui, Yanchao Shi(*), Zhongxian Li, Li Chen. Failure Analysis and Damage Assessment of RC Columns under Close-In Explosions [J]. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2015, 29(5):B4015003.
[17] Xihong Zhang, Yanchao Shi, Hong Hao, Jian Cui. The mechanical properties of ionoplast interlayer material at high strain rates [J]. Materials & Design, 2015, 83:387-399. SCI 他引1次
[18] Xihong Zhang, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Jian Cui. The mechanical properties of Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) at high strain rates[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2015, 93:404-415. SCI 他引4次
[19] Wensu Chen, Hong Hao, Dylan Hughes, Yanchao Shi, Jian Cui, Zhongxian Li. Static and dynamic mechanical properties of expanded polystyrene[J]. Materials & Design, 2015, 69:170-180 SCI 他引12次
2010 年
[20] Yanchao Shi, Zhongxian Li, Hong Hao. A new method for progressive collapse analysis of RC frames under blast loading[J]. Engineering Structures, 2010, 32(6):1691-1703. SCI 他引47次
[21] Yanchao Shi, Zhongxian Li, Hong Hao. Bond slip modelling and its effect on numerical analysis of blast-induced responses of RC columns[J]. Structural Engineering & Mechanics, 2009, 32(2):251-267. SCI 他引16次
[22] Yanchao Shi, Hong Hao, Zhongxian Li. Numerical derivation of pressure–impulse diagrams for prediction of RC column damage to blast loads[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2008, 35(11):1213-1227. SCI 他引74次
[23] Yanchao Shi, Hong Hao, Zhongxian Li. Numerical simulation of blast wave interaction with structure columns[J]. Shock Waves, 2007, 17(1-2):113-133. SCI 他引16次




