Graeco-Latin square designs are sometimes useful to eliminate more than two sources of vaiability in an experiment. A Graeco-Latin design is an extension of the Latin sqare design, but one extra blocking variable is added for a total of three blocking variables.
- 中文名:希臘拉丁方陣
- 外文名:Graeco-Latin square
- 套用學科:數學
- 適用領域範圍:拉丁方陣
兩個拉丁方陣相正交所得到的方陣為希臘拉丁方陣(Graeco-Latin square)。

它跟數獨一樣,每一行、每一列都不會重複,並且每一個拉丁字母與每一希臘字母只配對一次,就稱這兩方陣互為正交(orthogonal),疊合後的方陣稱為希臘拉丁方陣,拉丁方陣 n orders 就有 n-1 個正交方陣(orthogonal square)。
Graeco-Latin square designs are sometimes useful to eliminate more than two sources of vaiability in an experiment. A Graeco-Latin design is an extension of the Latin sqare design, but one extra blocking variable is added for a total of three blocking variables.