


  • 中文名:工程教育創新發展
  • 作者:UNESCO國際工程教育中心
  • 出版時間:2019年12月12日 
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040527469




工程改變世界,教育改變人類 李曉紅
可持續發展與工程教育的責任 歐敏行
工程教育:為了人類更美好的家園 邱 勇
工程教育的創新 Richard K. Lester
發揮協同效應的最大化影響——基於全球視角 Natacha Depaola
推進面向可持續發展的工程教育 龔 克
未來工程教育暢想 李培根
中國工程科技人才培養——基於中國航天視角 楊保華
汽車行業的未來發展 Hans Georg Engel
對我國工程教育發展的思考 林忠欽
工程教育的挑戰——進化還是破壞? Gerhard Muller
變革與創新——工程教育的理念、實踐與思考 徐惠彬
面向創新校園的全球知識合作 Naoto Sekimura
工程教育的挑戰與應對 周 玉
從教育與工業1.0到4.0看工程教育的新目標 賀陳弘
大學與社會的融合發展 王樹國
從東京工業大學的視角看工程教育 Kazuya Masu
培養未來的卓越工程師和工程科學家 郭東明
面向可持續發展的工程教育 Guido Saracco
交叉 跨界 融合 推動工程教育再開放、再創新 趙 繼
多倫多大學的產業合作夥伴關係 Cristina H. Amon
從企業角度看產學研合作 Norbert Luetke-Entrup
產學合作模式 Chua Kee Chaing
如何更好地開展產學合作? Leif Kari
從學術界到產業界 賴志煌
“全程覆蓋、多層聯動與跨域協同”育人體系下的校企合作模式 姜 瀾
面向現代工業的技能培養 楊威迦
如何成為合格的工程師?——大學工程課程發展的CDIO模式 Sren stlund
全球創新學院:全球創新交流 ——培養創新精神的領軍人才 Blake Hannaford
3D列印助力工程教育 李 濤
面向現代工業的技能開發 Thomas Lee
機械類學生工程實踐能力協同培養探索與實踐 張憲民
機械產品設計創新能力建設的路線圖與教學實踐 楊華勇
人工智慧在MOOC中的運用 唐 傑
在工程教育、研究和實踐中學習及套用人工智慧 Ken Dunstan
帝國理工學院博士人才培養與人工智慧研究 Omar Matar
培養卓越的工程技術人才 蔣建軍
人才培養與學術合作——京東AI的思考與實踐 何曉冬
科技成果轉化模式探索——協同創新機制與實踐 何永勇
工程教育創新與國際合作 Manfred Wirsum
植根中國,努力建設世界一流大學 徐政和
國際合作的有效模式 Fabricio Guevara Viejó
工程教育創新與國際合作 Richard Schoephoerster
國際合作與工程教育創新的思考 林明錦
學術最佳實踐小組——線上實驗室 Timothy Drysdale
從研究到實踐的工程教育 Vinod Kumar Lohani
機電一體化和機器人技術:跨學科、體驗式工程教育平台 Vikram Kapila
未來的工程課程:現代教學法與最新技術相結合 JIANG Zhaoshuo
清華大學跨學科技術創新創業教育 李雙壽
創新與教育一體化的理念 R. Scott Evans
培養未來的工程師 Sanjeev Bedi
創新與企業家精神——以北京大學工學院實踐為例 張東曉
吉林大學機械工程專業創新實踐能力培養工作進展 趙宏偉
化工倫理教育 趙勁松
和平工程對你意味著什麼? Ramiro Jordan
改變我們的世界——可持續發展2030計畫 Gudrun Kammasch
新時代的工程倫理 Sharon Lee
新時代的新工程:職業倫理有感 劉 勝
努力為快速變化的世界培養可持續發展的高素質人才 劉曉君
為未來準備多樣化的工程勞動力 Norman Fortenberry
多樣化:我們正在取得進展嗎? Theresa Mkandawire
如何實現工程教育的多樣性? Alex Czekanski
女性在工程領域適應的多樣化 王 玲
引領工程教育創新發展 培養一流工程科技人才 張滿 喬偉峰 王孫禺 207
Welcome Address
Engineering Changes the World, Education Changes Mankind LI Xiaohong
Sustainable Development and Responsibility of Engineering Education Marielza Oliveira
Plenary Speech
Engineering Education: For a Better World of Humankind QIU Yong
Innovations in Engineering Education Richard K. Lester
Maximizing Impact through Synergy: A Global Perspective Natacha Depaola
Invited Guest Speeches
Transforming Engineering Education for Sustainable Future GONG Ke
Imagination of Future Engineering Education LI Peigen
Cultivating Chinese Engineering and Technology Talents: Based on the Perspective of Chinese Aerospace YANG Baohua
Future Development of Automobile Industry Hans Georg Engel
University President Forum A:Challenges for Engineering Education and World Class Engineering Education
Reflections on the Development of Engineering Education in China LIN Zhongqin
Challenges for Engineering Education: Evolution or Disruption? Gerhard Müller
Reform and Innovation:Philosophy, Practice and Reflections on Engineering Education XU Huibin
Global Base for Knowledge Collaboration toward Innovation Campus Naoto Sekimura
The Challenge and Strategy of Engineering Education ZHOU Yu
New Objectives of Engineering Education from Education and Industry 1.0 to 4.0 Hocheng Hong
University President Forum B:Engineering Education for Sustainable Development
Integrated Development of University & Society WANG Shuguo
Engineering Education from the Perspective of Tokyo Tech Kazuya Masu
Engineering Education for Sustainable Development: Cultivate Future Excellent Engineers and Engineering Scientists GUO Dongming
Engineering Education for Sustainable Development Guido Saracco
Intercrossing Interconnection Integration: Promoting the Re opening and Re innovation of the Engineering Education ZHAO Ji
Panel A1:Models of Industry-Academia Coorperation
Industry Partnerships at the University of Toronto Cristina H. Amon
Industry-University-Research Cooperation from the Perspective of Enterprises Norbert Luetke-Entrup
Models of Industry-Academia Cooperation Chua Kee Chaing
How to Develop Industry-Academia Cooperation? Leif Kari
From Academia to Industry Lai Chih-Huang
University-Industry Collaboration for Full cycle Multi level interaction Cross region Higher Education JIANG Lan
Panel A2:Skills Development for Modern Industry
Skills Development for Modern Industry Vigor Yang
Engineers Who Can Engineer:The CDIO model for Development of University Engineering Programmes Sren stlund
GIX:Global Innovation Exchange Blake Hannaford
3D Printing Provides Help for Engineering Education LI Tao
Skills Development for Modern Industry Thomas Lee
Cooperative Training of Engineering Practice Ability of Mechanical Students ZHANG Xianmin
Panel B1: Innovation of Engineering Education in the AI Era
Roadmap and Teaching Practice for Innovation Capability Building in Mechanical Products Design YANG Huayong
Application of Artificial Intelligence in MOOC TANG Jie
Learning and Applying AI in Engineering Education, Research, and Practice Ken Dunstan
Research on Doctoral Training and Artificial Intelligence of Imperial College Omar K. Matar
Hatching New Engineers:Actions Taken and Rewards Gained in NPU-ME JIANG Jianjun
Talent Education & Academic Cooperation:JD AI’s Thinking & Practice HE Xiaodong
Panel B2: Engineering Innovation and International Cooperation
Collaborative Innovation and Practice for Science & Technology Achievement Transfer HE Yongyong
Engineering Innovation and International Cooperation Manfred Wirsum
Rooted in China, Striving for a World class University XU Zhenghe
International Cooperation Fabricio Guevara Viejó
Engineering Innovation and International Cooperation Richard T. Schoephoerster
Thoughts on International Collaboration & Innovation in Engineering Education Lim Ming Kim
Panel C1: Academic Best Practice
Academic Best Practice Panel:Online Laboratories Timothy Drysdale
Engineering Education Research to Practice Vinod K. Lohani
Mechatronics and Robotics: A Platform for Interdisciplinary, Experiential Eng. Education Vikram Kapila
The Future of Engineering Courses: Modern Pedagogy Meets the Latest Technology JIANG Zhaoshuo
Panel C2: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education
Technology Interdisciplinary Innovation & Entrepreneurship Education at Tsinghua University LI Shuangshou
Ideas to Integrate Innovation and Education R. Scott Evans
Educating the Engineer of the Future Sanjeev Bedi
Innovation and Entrepreneurship:The Practice in the College of Engineering, Peking University ZHANG Dongxiao
Progress in Innovation & Practice Ability Training of Mechanical Engineering in JLU ZHAO Hongwei
Panel D1:Engineering Ethics in the Modern Era
Chemical Engineering Ethics Education ZHAO Jinsong
What does Peace Engineering Mean to You? Ramiro Jordan
Transforming Our World:The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Gudrun Kammasch Beuth
Engineering Ethics in the Modern Era Sharon Lee
New Engineering in New Time: Some Comments on Professional Ethics LIU Sheng
Panel D2:Diversity: Are We Making Progress?
Cultivating High quality Talents with Sustainable Development Capacity for the Rapidly Changing World LIU Xiaojun
Preparing a Diverse Engineering Workforce Norman Fortenberry
Diversity: Are We Making Progress? Theresa Mkandawire
How to Realize the Diversity of Engineering Education? Alex Czekanski
Diversity of Women’s Adaptability in Engineering WANG Ling
Summary of the Forum
Lead the Innovation Development of Education Engineering,Cultivate First class Talents of Engineering and Technology ZHANG Man,QIAO Weifeng,WANG Sunyu


