2. 主持廣東省高校優秀青年教師計畫項目:“大數據時代下的風險管理模型”(編號:Yq201404),2015-2017。
3. 主持國家自然科學基金項目:“基於估計方程方法推導的半參數統計模型”(編號:1110144),2012-2014.
4. 主持教育部博士生導師項目:“協變數調整判別分析研究”(編號:20100171120042),2011-2013。
5. 主持國家自然科學基金資助項目:“協變數回歸估計與假設檢驗”(編號:11026194),2011-2011。
6. 主持廣東省教育廳項目:“回歸模型中混淆因素的識別與消除”(編號:LYM09011),2010-2012。
1. Cui, X., Guo, J. H. and Yang, G. R. (2017). On the identifiability and estimation of generalized linear models with parametric nonignorable missing data mechanism. Comput. Stat. Data. An. 107, 64-83.
2. Cui, X. and Zhou, Y. (2016). Estimated conditional score function for missing mechanism model with nonignorable nonresponse (Science in China, accepted).
3. Yang, G. R. and Cui, X. (2016). Empirical Likelihood Confidence Regions In The Single Index Model With Growing Dimensions. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Method (accepted).
4. Cui, X., Peng, H., Wen, S. Q. and Zhu, L. X. (2013). Component Selection in the Additive Regression Model. Scand. J. Statist. 40(3), 491-510.
5. Lin, L., Zhang, Q., Li, F. and Cui, X. (2011). Simulation-based twostage estimation for multiple nonparametric regression. Comput. Stat. Data. An. 55(3), 1367-1378.
6. Cui, X., Ha¨rdle, W. and Zhu, L. X. (2010). The EFM approach for single-index models. Ann. Statist. 39(3), 1658-1688.
7.Zhu, L., Lin, L. Cui, X. and Li, G. R. (2010). Bias-corrected empirical likelihood in a multi-link semiparametric model. J. Multivariate Anal. 101, 820-868.
8. Li, F., Lin, L. and Cui, X. (2010). Covariate-adjusted partially linear regression models. Commun. Stat-Theor. M. 39(6), 1054-1074.
9. Cui, X., Guo, W. S., Lin, L. and Zhu, L. X. (2009). Covariate-adjusted nonlinear regression. Ann. Statist. 37(4), 1839-1870.
10. Lin, L., Cui, X. and Zhu, L. X. (2009). An adaptive two-stage estimation method for additive models. Scand. J. Statist. 36(2), 248-269(22)
11. Cui, X., Lin, L. and Yang, G. R. (2008). An Extended Projection Data Depth and Its Applications to Discrimination. Commun. Stat-Theor. M. 37(14), 2276-2290.
12. ]Lin, L. and Cui, X. (2006). Stahel-Donoho kernel estimation for fixed design nonparametric regression models. Sci. China. Ser. A. 49(12), 1879-1896.