同濟大學醫學院再生醫學系教授、博士生導師。任中國整形美容協會抗衰老分會常務理事、中國醫促會腫瘤整形分會常委、中國生物醫學工程學會理事, “中華醫學科技獎”評審專家。1998年畢業於
上海第二醫科大學。先後從事整形外科臨床、幹細胞與組織工程研究、臨床套用轉化等工作。歷任“上海組織工程研究與開發中心”副主任、“組織工程國家工程中心”常務副主任等職務。目前主要研究方向集中於套用脂肪幹細胞進行組織再造、組織修復、美容與抗衰老等方面。是國際組織工程領域的知名專家。主持的骨、角膜組織工程分別是我國第一個批准臨床套用的組織工程技術。是我國最早結合脂肪乾細 胞進行自體脂肪移植整形美容的專家之一。主持制定了我國首部《幹細胞抗衰老技術規範化指南》並已正式發布。
承擔國家“973”組織工程研究子項目、國家“863”重大專項、國家自然科學基金等多項課題。以第一或通訊作者發表SCI論文40篇(其中5分以上26篇)。截至2013年底,文章總他引645次,單篇最高篇他引95次。 獲授權發明專利15項。負責編寫《
黃家駟外科學》中組織工程章節。 應邀為《Nature protocol》(IF:9.7)、《Biomaterials》(IF:8.3)、《Tissue Engineering 》(IF:4.5)等國際權威學術雜誌審稿。
獲國家技術發明二等獎(第二完成人)、教育部科技進步二等獎 (第一完成人)、上海醫學科技二等獎等多種獎勵。先後獲上海市“曙光學者”、上海市“優秀學科帶頭人”、上海市科委“啟明星”、“啟明星後”、全國優秀青年骨幹教師等人才獎勵計畫及榮譽。
脂肪幹細胞(Adipose Derived Stem Cells, ADSCs)來源廣泛、分選操作簡單、擴增能力強,具有更大的潛在套用優勢。崔磊教授圍繞脂肪幹細胞,重點進行了以下幾個方面的研究:
1986-1991: 南京鐵道醫學院醫療系 學士學位
1991-1993: 北京鐵路總醫院外科 住院醫師
1993-1998: 上海第二醫科大學博士學位
2003 – 至今: 上海組織工程研究與開發中心 副主任
2004-2010: 組織工程國家工程研究中心 常務副主任
2006 – 2014: 上海交通大學醫學院附屬第九人民醫院整形外科 教授 博導
2014–至今: 首都醫科大學附屬北京世紀壇醫院中心實驗室 主任/ 教授 博導
同濟大學醫學院再生醫學系 教授,博導
1. 組織工程化組織構建關鍵技術研發與套用
國家技術發明二等獎(2008) 第2完成人
2. 幹細胞構建組織工程骨的基礎研究與臨床套用
3. 基於組織工程化角膜基質構建的角膜缺損修復研究
4. 組織工程皮膚的基礎和套用研究
5. 組織工程化肌腱的套用基礎研究
6. 修復骨組織缺損的組織工程學基礎與臨床套用研究
中國生物醫學工程學會 理事
《中國醫藥生物技術雜誌》 編委
中國整形美容協會抗衰老分會 常務理事
中國醫促會腫瘤整形分會 常委
1. Xue X, Liu Y, Wang Y, Meng M, Wang K, Zang X, Zhao S, Sun X, Cui L#, Pan L, Liu S.MiR-21 and MiR-155 promote non-small cell lung cancer progression by downregulating SOCS1, SOCS6, and PTEN. Oncotarget. 2016 ; 7(51):84508-84519. (correspondence)
2. Yan S, Zhang X, Zhang K, Di H, Feng L, Li G, Fang J, Cui L#, Chen X, Yin J. Injectable in situ forming poly(L- glutamic acid) hydrogels for cartilage tissue engineering. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016; 4: 947-961. (correspondence)
3. Zhang K, He S, Yan S, Li G, Zhang D, Cui L#, Yin J. Regeneration of hyaline-like cartilage and subchondral bone simultaneously by poly- (L-glutamic acid) based osteochondral scaffolds with induced autologous adipose derived stem cells. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016; 4: 2628-2645. (correspondence)
4. Kaisaier A, Munila M, Abudusaimi A, Cui L#. Differentiation of human adipose derived stem cells into smooth muscle cells is modulated by CaMKII. Stem Cells Int. 2016 (19):1-9. (correspondence)
5. Li C, Bi W, Gong Y, Ding X, Guo X, Sun J, Cui L#, Yu Y. Transforming growth factor-beta1 inhibits tissue engineering cartilage absorption via inducing the generation of regulatory T cells. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2016;10(2):E113-20.(co-correspondence)
6. Gu H, Huang Z, Yin X, Lu L, Cui L#. Role of c-Jun N-terminal kinase in the osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Exp Cell Res. 2015,339(1):112-21.(co- correspondence)
7. Zhang K, Yan S, Li G, Cui L#, Yin J. In-situ birth of MSCs multicellular spheroids in poly(L-glutamic acid)/ chitosan scaffold for hyaline-like cartilage regeneration. Biomaterials, 2015. 71: p. 24-34.(co-correspondence)
8. Sun W, Fang J, Yong Q, Li S, Xie Q, Yin J, Cui L#. Subcutaneous construction of engineered adipose tissue with fat lobule-like structure using injectable poly-Benzyl-L-Glutamate microspheres loaded with adipose-derived stem cells. PLoS One, 2015. 10(8): p. e0135611.(co-correspondence)
9. Gu H, Huang Z, Yin X, Zhang J, Gong L, Chen J, Rong K, Xu J, Lu L, Cui L#. Role of c-Jun N-terminal kinase in the osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Exp Cell Res, 2015. 339(1): p. 112-21.(co-correspondence)
10. Fang J, Zhang Y, Yan S, Liu Z, He S, Cui L#, Yin J. Poly(L-glutamic acid)/chitosan polyelectrolyte complex porous microspheres as cell microcarriers for cartilage regeneration. Acta Biomater. 2014 Jan;10(1):276-88.(co- correspondence)
11. Zhang K, Zhang Y, Yan S, Gong L, Wang J, Chen X, Cui L#, Yin J. Repair of an articular cartilage defect using adipose-derived stem cells loaded on a polyelectrolyte complex scaffold based on poly(l-glutamic acid) and chitosan. Acta Biomater. 2013 Jul;9(7):7276-88.(co-correspondence)
12. Gong L, Zhou X, Wu Y, Zhang Y, Wang C, Zhou H, Guo F, Cui L#. Proteomic analysis profile of engineered articular cartilage with chondrogenic differentiated adipose tissue-derived stem cells loaded polyglycolic acid mesh for weight-bearing area defect repair.Tissue Eng Part A. 2014 Feb;20(3-4):575-87(correspondence)
13. Liu G, Zhang Y, Liu B, Sun J, Li W, Cui L#. Bone regeneration in a canine cranial model using allogeneic adipose derived stem cells and coral scaffold. Biomaterials. 2013 Apr;34(11):2655-64.(correspondence)
14. Wang C, Guo F, Zhou H, Zhang Y, Xiao Z, Cui L#. Proteomic profiling of tissue-engineered blood vessel walls constructed by adipose-derived stem cells. Tissue Eng Part A. 2013 ;19:415-25.(correspondence)
15. Xu J, Chen Y, Yue Y, Sun J, Cui L#. Reconstruction of epidural fat with engineered adipose tissue from adipose derived stem cells and PLGA in the rabbit dorsal laminectomy model. Biomaterials. 2012 ;33(29):6965-73.
16.Chen F, Zhang W, Wu W, Jin Y, Cen L, Kretlow JD, Gao W, Dai Z, Wang J, Zhou G, Liu W, Cui L#, Cao Y. Cryopreservation of tissue-engineered epithelial sheets in trehalose. Biomaterials. 2011 Nov;32(33):8426-35.(co-correspondence)
17. Gao WC, Ma SL, Cui L#. Adipose-derived stem cells accelerate neovascularization in ischemic diabetic skin flap via expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1. J Cell Mol Med. 2011;15:2575-85.(co-correspondence)
18. Gu H, Guo F, Zhou X, Gong L, Zhang Y, Zhai W, Chen L, Cen L, Yin S, Chang J, Cui L#. The stimulation of osteogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells by ionic products from akermanite dissolution via activation of the ERK pathway. Biomaterials. 2011; 32:7023-33.(co-correspondence)
19. Cao B, Yan S, Zhang K, Song Z, Chen X, Cui L#, Yin J. Layer-by-layer assembled multilayer films of methoxypoly (ethylene glycol)-block-poly(l-glutamic acid) and chitosan with reduced cell adhesion. Macromol Biosci. 2011;11:1211-7(co-correspondence)
20. Yan S, Yin J, Cui L#, Yang Y, Chen X. Apatite-forming ability of bioactive poly(l-lactic acid)/grafted silica nanocomposites in simulated body fluid.Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2011;86(1):218-24.(co-correspondence)
21. Cao B, Yan S, Zhang K, Song Z, Cao T, Chen X, Cui L#, Yin J. A poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(L-glutamic acid) diblock copolymer with improved cell adhesion for surface modification. Macromol Biosci. 2011;11(7):970-7.(co-correspondence)
22. Cao B, Yin J, Yan S, Cui L#, Chen X, Xie Y. Porous scaffolds based on cross-linking of poly(L-glutamic acid). Macromol Biosci. 2011;11(3):427-34(co-correspondence)
23. Yin S, Cen L, Wang C, Zhao G, Sun J, Liu W, Cao Y, Cui L#. Chondrogenic transdifferentiation of human dermal fibroblasts stimulated with cartilage-derived morphogenetic protein 1. Tissue Eng Part A. 2010;16: 1633-43.(co-correspondence)
24. Yuan J, Zhang WJ, Liu G, Wei M, Qi ZL, Liu W, Cui L#, Cao YL. Repair of canine mandibular bone defects with bone marrow stromal cells and coral. Tissue Eng Part A. 2010;16:1385-94.(co-correspondence)
25. Wang C, Yin S, Cen L, Liu Q, Liu W, Cao Y, Cui L#.Differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells into contractile smooth muscle cells induced by transforming growth factor-beta1 and bone morphogenetic protein-4. Tissue Eng Part A. 2010;16:1201-13.(co-correspondence)
26. Liu G, Li Y, Sun J, Zhou H, Zhang W, Cui L#, Cao Y. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of osteogenesis of human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells on partially demineralized bone matrix. Tissue Eng Part A. 2010;16:971-82.(co-correspondence)
27. Wang C, Cen L, Yin S, Liu Q, Liu W, Cao Y, Cui L#. A small diameter elastic blood vessel wall prepared under pulsatile conditions from polyglycolic acid mesh and smooth muscle cells differentiated from adipose-derived stem cells. Biomaterials. 2010;31:621-30.(co-correspondence)
28. Wang HJ, Liu GP, Zhou GD, Cen L, Cui L#, Cao Y. Comparative investigation of viability, metabolism and osteogenic capability of tissue-engineered bone preserved in sealed osteogenic media at 37 degrees C and 4 degrees C. BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS 2010; 5: 035010(co-correspondence)
29. Liu Q, Cen L, Zhou H, Yin S, Liu G, Liu W, Cao Y, Cui L#. The role of the extracellular signal-related kinase signaling pathway in osteogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells and in adipogenic transition initiated by dexamethasone. Tissue Eng Part A. 2009;15:3487-97.(co-correspondence)
30. Cui L#, Wu YH, Cen L, et al. Repair of Articular cartilage defect in non-weight bearing areas using adipose derived stem cells loaded polyglycolic acid mesh. Biomaterials. 2009; 30:2683-2693(first author)
31. Zhao GQ, Yin S, Cen L, Cao Y, Cui L#. In vitro engineering of fibrocartilage using CDMP1 induced dermal fibroblasts and polyglycolide. Biomaterials.2009;30:3241-50.(co-correspondence)
32. Lian Cen, Koon Gee Neoh, Jian Sun, Cao Y, Cui L#. Labeling of adipose derived stem cells by oleic acid modified magnetic nanoparticles. Advanced Func.Mater.2009; 19: 1158-66.(co-correspondence)
33. Liu Q, Cen L, Yin S,Cao Y, Cui L#. A comparative study of proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of adipose- derivedstem cells on akermanite and beta-TCP ceramics. Biomaterials. 2008; 29: 4792-4799.(co- correspondence)
34. Luo K, Yin J, Song Z, Cui L#, Yin J. Biodegradable Interpolyelectrolyte Complexes Based on Methoxy Poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(alpha,l-glutamic acid) and Chitosan. Biomacromolecules. 2008; 9:2653-61(co- correspondence)
35. Liu G, Zhou H, Li Y, Cao Y, Cui L#. Evaluation of the viability and osteogenic differentiation of cryopreserved human adipose-derived stem cells. Cryobiology. 2008; 57:18-24,(co-correspondence)
36. Cui L#,Liu B,Liu GP, et al. Repair of cranial bone defects with adipose derived stem cells and coral scaffold in a canine model. Biomaterials. 2007; 28:5477-5486(first author)
37. Jiang XG, Ye ML, Jiang XM, Cao Y, Cui L#. Exploring the bone proteome: from protein identification to protein function. Method development of efficient protein extraction in bone tissue for proteome analysis, J. Proteome Res., 2007,6:2287-2294.(co-correspondence)
38. Cui L#,Yin S, Liu W, Li NL, Zhang WJ, Cao YL. Expanded adipose derived stem cells suppress mixed lymphocyte reaction by secretion of prostaglandin E2. Tissue Eng, 2007; 13: 1185-95(first author)
39. Jie Yuan, Cui L#, Wen Jie Zhanga, Wei Liu,Yilin Cao. Repair of canine mandibular bone defects with bone marrow stromal cells and porous b-tricalcium phosphate. Biomaterials. 2007; 28: 1005-13(co-first author)