



  • 中文名:崔淬礪
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:光學
  • 任職院校:吉林大學


2014.09-2014.12 近代物理實驗 物理學院研究生和材料本科生
2014.03-2014.06 近代物理實驗 物理學院本科生
2013.09-2013.12 近代物理實驗 物理學院研究生和材料本科生
2013.09-2013.12 量子信息基礎 物理學院研究生
2013.03-2013.06 近代物理實驗 物理學院本科生
2012.09-2012.12 近代物理實驗 物理學院研究生和材料本科生
2012.09-2012.12 量子信息基礎 物理學院研究生
2012.03-2012.06 近代物理實驗 物理學院本科生
2012.03-2012.06 量子信息基礎 物理學院研究生
2011.09-2011.12 近代物理實驗 物理學院研究生和材料本科生
2011.09-2011.12 普物實驗I 物理化學電子材料本科生
2011.09-2011.12 普物實驗III 物理學院本科生
2010.09-2010.12 近代物理實驗 物理學院研究生和材料本科生
2010.09-2010.12 普物實驗I 物理化學電子材料本科生
2010.09-2010.12 普通物理實驗III 物理學院本科生




2000.9-2004.6 吉林大學物理學院 學習 本科生
2004.9-2006.6 吉林大學物理學院 學習 碩士研究生
2006.9-2010.6 吉林大學物理學院 學習 博士研究生
2010.8-2014.9 吉林大學物理學院 工作 講師
2010.10-2015.10 吉林大學電子學院 工作 博士後
2014.9- 今 吉林大學物理學院 工作 副教授


1.里德堡原子系綜中的相干光學回響與多光脈衝傳播的調控,吉林大學平台項目, 2014.03-2015.10,5萬,負責人
2.里德堡原子體系中的量子相干與多光信號的量子調控(2013T60316),中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目,2013.06-2015.10, 15萬,負責人
3.相干駐波誘導光子帶隙結構與靜止光信號的拓展與套用(11104112), 國家自然科學基金青年基金,2012.01-2014.12, 28萬,負責人
5.原子系綜中的弱光傳播與拍信號的相干調控(20110491316),中國博士後科學基金面上項目,2011.06-2015.10, 3萬,負責人
[1] “Population transfer and quantum entanglement implemented in cold atoms involving two Rydberg states via an adiabatic passage”,
Xue-Dong Tian, Yi-Mou Liu, Cui-Li Cui, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Phys. Rev. A 92, 063411 (2015)
[2] “Dynamically induced two-color nonreciprocity in a tripod system of a moving atomic lattice”,
Liu Yang, Yan Zhang, Xiao-Bo Yan, Ying Sheng, Cui-Li Cui*, and Jin-Hui Wu
Phys. Rev. A 92, 053859 (2015)
[3] “Electromagnetically induced transparency in a Y system with single Rydberg state”,
Xue-Dong Tian, Yi-Mou Liu, Xiao-Bo Yan, Cui-Li Cui, and Yan Zhang
Optics Communications 345, 6-12 (2015)
[4] “Nonlinear modifications of photon correlations via controlled single and double Rydberg blockade”,
Yi-Mou Liu, Xue-Dong Tian, Dong Yan, Yan Zhang, Cui-Li Cui, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Physical Review A 91, 043802 (2015)
[5] “Optical nonreciprocity of a five-level M-type atomic optical lattice in move”,
Ying Sheng, Liu Yang, Xiao-Bo Yan, Jin-Hui Wu, and Cui-Li Cui*
Optics Communications 338, 479-483 (2015)
[6] “Propagation dynamics of ultraslow light pulses in a Pr3+ : Y2SiO5 crystal”,
Feng Gao, Jin-Hui Wu, and Cui-Li Cui*
Optics Communications 334, 12-15 (2015)
[7] “Dynamic generation and manipulaition of electromagnetically induced 2D phtonic band-gaps”,
Yan Zhang, Yi-Mou Liu, Ming Han, Gang-Cheng Wang, Cui-Li Cui, and Tai-Yu Zheng
Acta Physica Sinica 63, 224203 (2014)
[8] “Electromagnetically induced transparency in a three-mode optomechanical system”,
Xiao-Bo Yan, Kai-Hui Gu, Chang-Bao Fu, Cui-Li Cui*, and Jin-Hui Wu
Chinese Physics B 23, 114201 (2014)
[9] “Dynamic generation of beating signals in an atomic system with a static magnetic field”,
Nuo Ba, Cui-Li Cui, Hai-Hua Wang, Ai-Jun Li, Xiang-Yao Wu, Xiao-Jing Liu, and Lei Wang*
Optical and Quantum Electronics 46,1087-1095 (2014)
[10] “Optical switching of optomechanically induced transparency and normal mode splitting in a double-cavity system”,
Xiao-Bo Yan*, Kai-Hui Gu, Chang-Bao Fu, Cui-Li Cui, Rong Wang, and Jin-Hui Wu
European Physical Journal D 68, 126 (2014)
[11] “Multistable phenomenon of the Y-type four-level atom-assisted optomechanical system”,
Ming Han, Kai-Hui Gu, Yi-Mou Liu, Yan Zhang, Xiao-Chang Wang, Xue-Dong Tian, Chang-Bao Fu, and Cui-Li Cui*
Acta Physica Sinica 63, 094206 (2014)
[12] “Electromagnetically induced transparency with cold Rydberg atoms: Superatom model beyond the weak-probe approximation”,
Yi-Mou Liu, Dong Yan, Xue-Dong Tian, Cui-Li Cui*, and Jin-Hui Wu+
Physical Review A 89, 033839 (2014)
[13] “Coherent perfect absorption, transmission, and synthesis in a double-cavity optomechanical system”
Xiao-Bo Yan, Cui-Li Cui, Kai-Hui Gu, Xue-Dong Tian, Chang-Bao Fu, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Optics Express 22, 4886-4895 (2014)
[14] “Marking slow light signals with fast optical precursors in the regime of electromagnetically induced transparency”,
Qian-Qian Bao, Bo Fang, Xin Yang, Cui-Li Cui*, and Jin-Hui Wu+
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 31, 62-64 (2014)
[15] “Dynamically controlled two-color photonic band gaps via balanced four-wave mixing in one-dimensional cold atomic lattices”,
Hong Yang, Liu Yang, Xiao-Chang Wang, Cui-Li Cui, Yan Zhang, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Physical Review A 88, 063832 (2013)
[16] “Coherent generation and efficient manipulation of dual-channel robust stationary light pulses in ultracold atoms”,
Yan Zhang, Qian-Qian Bao, Nuo Ba, Cui-Li Cui*, and Jin-Hui Wu+
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30, 2333-2339 (2013)
[17] “Electromagnetically induced grating based on the giant Kerr nonlinearity controlled by spontaneously generated coherence”,
Nuo Ba*, Lei Wang, Xiang-Yao Wu, Xiao-Jing Liu, Hai-Hua Wang, Cui-Li Cui, and Ai-Jun Li
Applied Optics 52, 4264-4272 (2013)
[18] “Generating and manipulating beating signals by a microwave field in four-level cold atoms”,
Qian-Qian Bao, Liu Yang, Nuo Ba, Cui-Li Cui*, and Jin-Hui Wu
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30, 1532-1537 (2013)
[19] “Steady-state solutions of a hybrid system involving atom-light and optomechanical interactions: Beyond the weak-cavity-field approximation”,
Chang-Bao Fu, Xiao-Bo Yan, Kai-Hui Gu, Cui-Li Cui, Jin-Hui Wu*, and Tai-Dong Fu
Physical Review A 87, 053841 (2013)
[20] “Normal and abnormal nonlinear electromagnetically induced transparency due to dipole blockade of Rydberg excitation”,
Dong Yan, Cui-Li Cui, Yi-Mou Liu, Li-Jun Song, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Physical Review A 87, 023827 (2013)
[21] “Normal mode splitting due to quadratic reactive coupling in a microdisk-waveguide optomechanical system”,
Chang-Bao Fu, Kai-Hui Gu, Xiao-Bo Yan, Xin Yang, Cui-Li Cui, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Physics Letters A 377,133-137 (2012)
[22] “Resonant gain suppression and superluminal group velocity in a multilevel system”,
Cui-Li Cui, Chang-Bao Fu, Hong Yang, Qian-Qian Bao, Huai-Liang Xu, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Optics Express 20, 10712-10720 (2012)
[23] “Dynamic control of retrieval contrast in a -type atomic system”,
Zhang Xiao-Hang, Bao Qian-Qian, Zhang Yan, Su Ming-Che, Cui Cui-Li*, and Wu Jin-Hui
Chinese Physics B 21, 054209 (2012)
[24] “Highly efficient four-wave mixing induced by quantum constructive interference in rubidium vapour”,
Wang Gang, Xue Yan, Cui Cui-Li, Qu Yi, and Gao Jin-Yue
Chinese Physics B 21, 034205 (2012)
[25] “Efficient generation and control of robust stationary light signals in a double- system of cold atoms”,
Yan Zhang, Yu Zhang, Xiao-Hang Zhang, Miao Yu, Cui-Li Cui, Jin-Hui Wu*
Physics Letters A 376, 656-661 (2012)
[26] “Coherent generation and dynamic manipulation of double stationary light pulses in a five-level double-tripod system of cold atoms”,
Qian-Qian Bao, Xiao-Hang Zhang, Jun-Yan Gao, Yan Zhang, Cui-Li Cui, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Physical Review A 84, 063812 (2011)
[27] “Resonant gain suppression and quantum destructive interference in a three-level open V system”,
Cui-Li Cui, Ji-Kui Jia, Yan Zhang, Yan Xue, Huai-Liang Xu, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Journal of Physics B 44, 215504 (2011)
[28] “Coherent population transfer and quantum entanglement generation involving a Rydberg state by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage”,
Dong Yan, Cui-Li Cui, Mei Zhang, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Physical Review A 84, 043405 (2011)
[29] “Dynamic generation of robust and controlled beating signals in an asymmetric procedure of light storage and retrieval”,
Qian-Qian Bao, Jin-Wei Gao, Cui-Li Cui, Gang Wang, Yan Xue, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Optics Express 19, 11832-11840 (2011)
[30] “Triple photonic band-gap structure dynamically induced in the presence of spontaneously generated coherence”,
Jin-Wei Gao, Qian-Qian Bao, Ren-Gang Wan, Cui-Li Cui*, and Jin-Hui Wu+
Physical Review A 83, 053815 (2011)
[31] “Steady optical spectra and light propagation dynamics in cold atomic samples with homogeneous or inhomogeneous densities”,
Yan Zhang, Yan Xue, Gang Wang, Cui-Li Cui, Rong Wang, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Optics Express 19, 2111-2119 (2011)
[32] “Double photonic bandgaps dynamically induced in a tripod system of cold atoms”,
Cui-Li Cui, Jin-Hui Wu*, Jin-Wei Gao, Yan Zhang, and Nuo Ba
Optics Express 18, 4538-4546 (2010)
[33] “Dynamically induced double photonic bandgaps in the presence of spontaneously generated coherence”,
Jin-Wei Gao, Yan Zhang, Nuo Ba, Cui-Li Cui, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Optics Letters 35, 709 (2010)
[34] “Comparison of steady and transient optical responses between a four-level tripod system and a three-level lambda system”,
Yan Zhang, Jin-Wei Gao, Cui-Li Cui, Yun Jiang, Jin-Hui Wu*
Physics Letters A 374, 1088 (2010)
[35] “Efficient all-optical routing using dynamically induced transparency windows and photonic band gaps”,
Jin-Wei Gao, Jin-Hui Wu*, Nuo Ba, Cui-Li Cui, and Xing-Xia Tian
Physical Review A 81, 013804 (2010)
[36] “Ultraslow and superluminal light propagation in a four-level atomic system”,
Cui-Li Cui, Ji-Kui Jia, Jin-Wei Gao, Yan Xue, Gang Wang, and Jin-Hui Wu*
Physical Review A 76, 033815 (2007)
[37] “Dynamical evolution and analytical solutions for multiple degenerate dark states in the tripod-type atomic system”,
Jin-Hui Wu, Cui-Li Cui, Nuo Ba, Qi-Rong Ma, and Jin-Yue Gao
Physical Review A 75, 043819 (2007)
[38] “Six-fold degenerate dark states in a four-level atomic system”,
Wu Jin-Hui, Cui Cui-Li, Ba Nuo, Ma Qi-Rong, Guo Xiu-Zhen
Chinese Physics Letters 24, 428 (2007)




