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  • 中文名:崔勝
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:研究員 




  • Gao X, Mu Z, Qin B, Sun Y,Cui S:Structure-BasedPrototype Peptides Targeting the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Type VI SecretionSystem Effector as a Novel Antibacterial Strategy.Front Cell Infect Microbiol2017,7:411.
  • Hao W, Wojdyla JA, Zhao R, Han R, Das R,Zlatev I, Manoharan M, Wang M,Cui S:Crystal structure of Middle Eastrespiratory syndrome coronavirus helicase.PLoS Pathog2017,13(6):e1006474.
  • Ou X, Guan H, Qin B, Mu Z, Wojdyla JA, WangM, Dominguez SR, Qian Z,Cui S:Crystal structure of the receptor bindingdomain of the spike glycoprotein of human betacoronavirus HKU1.Nat Commun2017,8:15216.
  • Guan H, Tian J, Qin B, Wojdyla JA, Wang B,Zhao Z, Wang M,Cui S:Crystal structure of 2C helicase from enterovirus 71.Sci Adv2017,3(4):e1602573.
  • Li Q, Mu Z, Zhao R, Dahal G, Viola RE, Liu T,Jin Q,Cui S:Structural Insights into the Tetrameric State ofAspartate-beta-semialdehyde Dehydrogenases from Fungal Species.Sci Rep2016,6:21067.
  • Qiu Z, Chong H, Yao X, Su Y,Cui S, He Y:Identificationand characterization of a subpocket on the N-trimer of HIV-1 Gp41: implicationfor viral entry and drug target.AIDS2015,29(9):1015-1024.
  • Yang W, Zhang M, Chi X, Liu X, Qin B,Cui S:Anintramolecular bond at cluster of differentiation 81 ectodomain is importantfor hepatitis C virus entry.FASEB J2015,29(10):4214-4226.
  • Chong H, Yao X, Qiu Z, Sun J, Qiao Y, Zhang M, Wang M,Cui S, He Y:The M-T hook structure increases the potency of HIV-1 fusion inhibitor sifuvirtide and overcomes drug resistance.J Antimicrob Chemother2014,69(10):2759-2769.
  • Gao X, Zou T, Mu Z, Qin B, Yang J, Waltersperger S, Wang M,Cui S, Jin Q:Structural insights into VirB-DNA complexes reveal mechanism of transcriptional activation of virulence genes.Nucleic Acids Res2013,41(22):10529-10541.


