lCui K.,Qin X.T., Virtual reality research of the dynamic characteristics of soft soil under metro vibration loads based on BP neural networks. Neural Computing & Applications, 2017, 3(29)::1233-1242.SCI期刊論文,影響因子4.215,被引頻次29,ESI高被引論文
lCui K.,Zhao T.T., Unsaturated dynamic constitutive model under cyclic loading. Cluster Computing, 2017, 20(4): 2869-2879.SCI期刊論文,影響因子1.601,被引頻次26, ESI高被引論文
lCui K., Yang W.H., Gou H.Y., Experimental research and finite element analysis on the dynamic characteristics of concrete steel bridges with multi-cracks. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, 19(6): 4198 4209.SCI期刊論文,影響因子0.398,被引頻次30, ESI高被引論文
lCui K.,Défossez P., Cui Y.J. and Richard G., Soil compaction by wheeling: changes in soil suction caused by compression. European Journal of Soil Science, 2010, 61: 599-608.SCI期刊論文,影響因子3.475,被引頻次11,中科院I區
lCui K.,Défossez P., Cui Y.J. and Richard G., Quantifying the effect of matric suction on the compressive properties of two agricultural soils using an osmotic oedometer. Geoderma, 2010: 337-345.SCI期刊論文,影響因子4.036,被引頻次7,中科院I區
lCui K.,Défossez P., Richard G., A new approach for modelling vertical stress distribution at the soil/tyre interface to predict the compaction of cultivated soils by using the PLAXIS code. Soil &Tillage Research, 2007, 95: 277-287.SCI期刊論文,影響因子3.401,被引頻次16,中科院I區
lCui K.,Lu D., Structural styles and origin of the Dabashan foreland arcuate belt and basinmountain system in central China.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2019, 176: 244-252.SCI期刊論文,影響因子3.12
lCui K.,Lu D., Effects of granular shape on shear modulus and damping ratio of gravel.Earth Sciences Research Journal, 2019, 23(1): 87-91.SCI期刊論文,影響因子0.262
lCui K.,Lu D., Experiment and simulation research of the ground-borne vibration for a high-speed train. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2016, 18(3): 1783-1797.SCI期刊論文,影響因子0.398
l崔凱,秦曉同,粗顆粒含量對川西地區混合土壓縮特性的影響.中國公路學報,2019,32(2): 59-66. EI
l崔凱,李永奎,川西崩坡積混合土循環荷載作用下非飽和動本構模型.岩土力學,2017,38(8): 2157-2166. EI
l崔凱,林維康,川西非飽和混合土土水特徵曲線研究.中國公路學報,2017,30(9): 44-50. EI
l崔凱,林維康,非飽和混合土動剪下模量與阻尼比試驗研究,西南交通大學學報,2016,51(5): 1033-1040. EI
l崔凱,楊文恆,軟土路基沉降的聯合法預測研究,西南交通大學學報,2017,52(5): 926-934. EI