





  • 中文名:岳耀傑
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:山東省嘉祥縣
  • 職業:大學教師
  • 畢業院校:北京師範大學
  • 信仰:無神論


    1. 2014年5月-2015年5月,University of Wisconsin- Madison,訪問學者
    2. 2005年9月-2008年7月,北京師範大學地理學與遙感科學學院,自然地理專業,獲理學博士學位
    3. 2002年9月-2005年7月,北京師範大學地理學與遙感科學學院,自然地理專業,獲理學碩士學位
    4. 1993年9月-1997年7月,山東農業大學資源與環境科學學院,土地資源管理專業,獲農學學士學位


    1. 2016.11– ,北京師範大學地理科學學部,講師、副教授,研究生導師。
    2. 2008.8–2016.11,北京師範大學地理學與遙感科學學院,講師,研究生導師。
    3. 1997.7–2002.7,山東曲阜師範大學地理科學系,助教、講師。


    1. 2008年8月 – ,北京師範大學區域地理國家教學團隊助理
    2. 2008年8月 – ,兼任北京師範大學區域地理研究重點實驗室管理員
    3. 2015年8月 – ,北京師範大學地理科學學部2015級免費師範生專業碩士班主任
    4. 2010年9月 –2014年5月,北京師範大學地理學與遙感科學學院2010級本科生班主任
    5. 1998年9月 –2002年7月,任山東曲阜師範大學地理科學系“3S”教學實驗室管理員




    1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“氣候變化與人類活動影響下華北平原冬小麥乾旱成害機理及其風險評價”,項目號:41877521,2019.1-2022.12,主持人,在研
    2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“棉花雹災脆弱性分析與風險評估研究”,項目號:41271515,2013.1-2016.12,主持人,結題
    3. 國家重點研發計畫項目課題“全球變化人口與經濟系統成害過程研究”,課題號:2016YFA0602402,2016.7-2021.6,項目骨幹,在研
    4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“基於SAORES模型改進的區域生態系統服務權衡與調控”,項目號:4177119,2018.1-2022.12,參與,在研
    5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“區域農業旱災綜合風險防範凝聚力模式研究”,項目號:41671501,2017.1-2020.12,在研,參與
    6. “973”計畫項目課題“全球環境風險與氣候災害的巨觀格局”,項目號:2012CB955403-1,2012.1-2016.12,項目骨幹,結題
    7. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“區域農業旱災適應性評估模型和風險防範模式研究”,項目號:41171402,2012.1-2015.12,參與,結題
    8. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“生態退耕對土地類型結構的影響及環境效應研究”,項目號:40971282,2010.1-2012.12,參與,結題
    9. 地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室開放基金“基於人工控制雹災的棉花脆弱性機理試驗研究”,項目號:2009-KF-06,2010.1-2011.12,主持,結題
    10. 北京師範大學青年科學基金(理科)“興和縣農業旱災在後生產恢復力評價研究”,2008-2009,主持,結題
    11. 國家科技支撐計畫項目課題“綜合風險防範技術集成平台研究”,項目號:2006BAD20B03,2008-2011,參與,結題
    12. “863”計畫項目“海冰資源化利用技術”,項目號:2006AA100206,2007-2010,參與,結題
    13. “973”計畫項目課題“乾旱化及其階段性轉折對我國糧食、水和土地資源安全的影響及適應對策”,項目號:2006CB4005005,2006-2007,參與,結題
    14. 科技部“十一五”科技支撐項目課題“沙區人居環境安全保障與工程防沙技術研究”,項目號:2006BAD26B03,2006-2010,參與,結題
    15. 科技部“十五”科技攻關項目課題“面狀與線狀沙源的工程防沙技術研究”,項目號:2005BA517A06,2005-2007,參與,結題
    16. 科技部“十五”科技攻關項目課題“沙區農田、草地土壤風蝕防治技術研究”,項目號:2002BA517A10,2002-2004,參與,結題
    17. “973”計畫項目課題“草原與農牧交錯帶土地利用圖編制及土地利用驅動力研究”,項目號:G2000018604,2002-2005,參與,結題


    1. 2018,面向學生地理核心素養的鄉土地理教學改革與實踐.全國高校“中國地理教學研究會”第九次會議.銀川. 2018.07
    2. 2017, Wheat drought risk in China by the year 2099: An EPIC model based on simulation using new climate scenarios. The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG). 4 -9 April, 2017, Boston, MA, Unite States.
    3. 2016, Assessing Wheat Frost Risk with Support of GIS: an Approach Coupling Growing Season Meteorological Index and Hybrid Fuzzy Neural Network. 4International Wuhan-EMU Joint Conference Geo-informatics in Sustainable Ecosystem and Society [GSES-2016]. 5-9 October, 2016, Ypsilanti, MI, Unite States.
    4. 2016, Assessing hail disaster risk affecting cotton at different growing stages in China. The 2016 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG). 28 March-3 April, 2016, San Francisco, CA, Unite States.
    5. 2012, Vulnerability Assessment of Cotton to Hail in China Based on Historical Records, Field Investigation and Ground Experiments. The 4International Disaster Reduction Conference, DavosPlatz, Switzerland, 26-30 August, 2012
    6. 2012, Study on Environmental Friendly Land Use Planning Surrounding Urban Area: a Case ofYuyangCounty in Mu Us Desert over China. The Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers 2012, New York, Unite States, 24-28 Feb, 2012
    7. 2012, Frost risk assessment of winter wheat in China: an approach integrates growing season meteorological index and hybrid fuzzy neural network model. The Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers 2012, New York, Unite States, 24-28 Feb, 2012
    8. 2011, Quantitative Inversion of Soil Wind Erosion Based on Field Survey and RS, GIS, GPS techniques inYuyangcounty of Mu Us Sandy Land. The Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers 2011, Seattle, Unite States, 13-18 April, 2011
    9. 2011, A Composed Statistical Pattern Recognition and Geosciences Analysis Approach for Segmentation-based Remotely Sensed Imagery Classification. The 19International Conference onGeoInformatics, Shanghai, China, 24-26 June, 2011.
    10. 2010, Comparison of geography in the Arid/Semi-arid West between China and the US. The Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers 2010, Washington DC, Unite States, 14-18 April, 2010.
    11. 2009,基於地面實測的土壤風蝕遙感定量反演研究——以毛烏素沙地榆陽沙區為例.中國地理學會百年慶典暨2009年學術年會,北京, 2009. 10.17-20.(獲青年優秀論文獎)
    12. 2009,濱海鹽鹼地利用結構最佳化研究——以黃驊台田-淺池模式為例.中國自然資源學會2009年學術年會,上海, 2009.10.9-11.
    13. 2008, Effectiveness of Survey Points’Density and Distribution on Vegetation Coverage Field Measurement. The 16International Conference onGeoinformatics. Guangzhou, China, 28-29 June 2008
    14. 2007, Risk Assessment of Windblown Sand Encroachment on Reservoir in Desert Regions and its Safety Countermeasure: A Case Study ofBatuwanReservoir. The 5Asia Pacific Symposium on Safety 2007, Busan, Korea, 30 Oct - 2 Nov, 2007
    15. 2007, Risk assessment of Aeolian sand disaster on lake in sandy area of Inner Mongolia. The 1International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Shanghai, China, 25-26 September, 2007
    16. 2007, Risk assessment of Aeolian sand disaster on city in sandy area of Northern China based on RS, GIS and Models. International Disaster Reduction Conference IDRC 2007, Harbin, China, August 21–25, 2007
    17. 2007, Comparison of error analysis of TM image rough registration from three different methods. The 5International Symposium on Digital Earth Proposal Form, Berkeley, California, 5-9 June, 2007.
    18. 2006, Study on Regional Land Use Optimization Modes under Ecological Security of Sandy Land in North China. The 1Sino- Japan -Korean Symposium of Young Geographers, Beijing, China, 15-19 September, 2006
    19. 2005,基於GIS的遙感影像分區分類法在奈曼旗土地利用分類中的套用. 2005年全球華人地理學家大會(中國地理學會2005年學術年會),北京,2005.8.16-17.
    20. 2005, Land Use Optimization at Ecological Security Level in Desert Regions: A case study ofHorqinSandy Land. The 4Asia Pacific Symposium on Safety 2005,Shaoxing, China, November 2-4, 2005


    1. [2018]Yaojie Yue*, Lin Wang, Jian Li, A-xingZhu. An EPIC model-based wheat drought risk assessment using new climate scenarios in China. Climatic Change, 2018, 147(3): 539-553. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-018-2150-1.SCI
    2. [2018]XiangweiZhao*, QianGao,Yaojie Yue*,LianDuan, Shun Pan. A System Analysis on Steppe Sustainability and Its Driving Forces—A Case Study in China. Sustainability, 2018, 10(1): 233. DOI: 10.3390/su10010233.SCI/SSCI
    3. [2017]Yaojie Yue,XinyueYe,XueyongZou, Jing-aiWang*, Lu Gao. Research on Land Use Optimization for Reducing Wind Erosion in SandyDesertifiedArea: A Case Study ofYuyangCounty in Mu Us Desert, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2017, 31(6): 1371–1387. DOI:10.1007/s00477-016-1223-9.SCI
    4. [2016]Yaojie Yue*, Yao Zhou, Jing-aiWang,XinyueYe. Assessing Wheat Frost Risk with Support of GIS: an Approach Coupling Growing Season Meteorological Index and Hybrid Fuzzy Neural Network Model. Sustainability, 2016, 8(12): 1308. DOI:10.3390/su8121308.SCI/SSCI
    5. [2016]Yaojie Yue*, Min Li, A-xingZhu,XinyueYe,RuiMao, Jin-hongWan, Jin Dong. An Expert Knowledge and BP-ANN Based Desertification Monitoring Approach: A Case Study from the Ordos Plateau, China. Sustainability, 2016, 8(11): 1174. DOI:10.3390/su8111174.SCI/SSCI
    6. [2016]DegenLin, Han Yu, FangLian, Jing-aiWang, A-xingZhu,Yaojie Yue*. Quantifying the hazardous impacts of human-induced land degradation on terrestrial ecosystems: a case study of karst areas of south China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(15): 1-18. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5903-z.SCI
    7. [2016] Lin Wang,GuofangHu,Yaojie Yue*,XinyueYe*, Min Li, Jintao Zhao,JinhongWan. GIS-based risk assessment of cotton hail disaster and its spatiotemporal evolution in China. Sustainability, 2016, 8(3), 218. DOI 10.3390/su8030218.SCI/SSCI
    8. [2015]Yaojie Yue, Jian Li,XinyueYe,ZhiqiangWang, A-Xing Zhu, Jing-aiWang*. An EPIC model-based vulnerability assessment of wheat subject to drought. Natural Hazards, 2015, 78(3): 1629–1652.DOI 10.1007/s11069-015-1793-8.SCI
    9. [2015]Yaojie Yue,PeijunShi,XueyongZou,XinyueYe, A-xingZhu, Jing-aiWang*. The measurement of wind erosion through field survey and remote sensing: a case study of the Mu Us Desert, China. Natural Hazards, 2015, 76(3): 1497-1514.DOI 10.1007/s11069-014-1516-6.SCI
    10. [2012]XiangshengYI,YanyuYIN,Yaojie YUE*. Temporal and spatial changes of residential land in theYuyangdesert region of northern Shaanxi Province in recent 20 years. Frontiers of Earth Science. 2012, 6(3): 250-260. DOI 10.1007/s11707-012-0308-0.SCI
    11. [2016]JinhongWan,DenghuaYan,GuobinFu, LuHao,Yaojie Yue,RuoxiLi,YunpengLi,JiangangLiu, Jun Deng. Temporal and Spatial Variations of Drought in China: Reconstructed from Historical Memorials Archives during 1689-1911.PLoSONE, 2016, 11(2): e0148072. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0148072.SCI
    12. [2016] Lin, D.,Guo, H.,Lian, F.,Gao, Y.,Yue, Y., Wang, J. A Quantitative Method for Long-Term Water Erosion Impacts on Productivity with a Lack of Field Experiments: A Case Study inHuaiheWatershed, China. 2016, Sustainability 8(7): 675. DOI:10.3390/su8070675.SCI/SSCI
    13. [2014] LEIYongdeng, WANG Jing-ai*,YUE Yaojie, YINYuanyuan, SHENGZhongyao. How adjustments in land use patterns contribute to drought risk adaptation in a changing climate-a case study in China. Land Use Policy, 2014, 36, 577-584.DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2013.10.004.SSCI
    14. [2014] LEIYongdeng, WANG Jing-ai*,YUE Yaojie, ZHOUHongjian, YINWeixia. Rethinking the relationships of vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation from a disaster risk perspective. Natural Hazards, 2014, 70(1): 609-627.DOI 10.1007/s11069-013-0831-7.SCI
    15. [2011]Yue Yaojie, ShiQinqing, HuGuofang, Wang Jing-ai*. A composed statistical pattern recognition and geosciences analysis approach for segmentation-based remotely sensed imagery classification. Proceedings - 2011 19International Conference onGeoinformatics,Geoinformatics2011. DOI 10.1109/GeoInformatics.2011.5980850.EI/CPCI-S
    16. [2009]Y. J. Yue,L. Gao, J. A. Wang*, N. Li. Effectiveness of survey points' density and distribution on vegetation coverage field measurement[C]//Geoinformatics2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built environment: Advanced Spatial Data Models and Analyses. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2009: 714622-714622-8. DOI 10.1117/12.813167.EI
    17. [2007]YUE Yaojie, WANG Jing-ai, ZOUXueyong, SHIPeijun. Risk assessment of aeolian sand disaster on lake in sandy area of Inner Mongolia [A]. In: Huangchongfu, Christopherfrey, Fengjiali. Advance in Study on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response [C], Paris, Atlantis Press, 2007. Pp 898-906.CPCI-S
    18. [2007]YUE Yaojie, WANG Jing-ai, ZOUXueyong, SHIPeiJun. Risk assessment of Aeolian sand disaster on city in sandy area of Northern China based on RS, GIS and Models [A]. In:ShaoyuWang,GuijuanTang,JiayuZhang, et al. Strategy and Implementation of Integrated Risk Management [C], Beijing,QunyanPress, 2007. Pp 202-207.CPCI-S
    19. [2017]沈亞楠,仇夢夢,岳耀傑*.中國北方土地沙漠化災害危險性評價.乾旱區研究, 2017, (34)1: 174- 184.
    20. [2017]段明遠,岳耀傑*.社區單元鄉土地理實踐教學範式探討I:基本原理.中學地理教學參考, 2017(6):67-69.
    21. [2017]段明遠,岳耀傑*.社區單元鄉土地理實踐教學範式探討Ⅱ:內容體系.中學地理教學參考, 2017(8):64-66.
    22. [2017]段明遠,岳耀傑*.社區單元鄉土地理實踐教學範式探討:方法體系與案例.中學地理教學參考, 2017(10):12-15.
    23. [2015]胡國芳,仇夢夢,周蘭,栗健,沈亞楠,岳耀傑*.棉花雹災脆弱性試驗研究:模擬降雹對棉花損害的影響.自然災害學報, 2015, 24 (5):139 -148.
    24. [2015]岳耀傑,栗健,胡國芳,周蘭,張峰,張化,趙金濤.棉花雹災脆弱性試驗研究的裝備與方法.災害學, 2015, 30(2): 102-107.
    25. [2015]栗健,岳耀傑*,潘紅梅.中國主要小麥種植區雨養條件下水分脅迫發生規律模擬.乾旱地區農業研究, 2015, 33(1): 105-112.
    26. [2014]岳耀傑,閆維娜,王秀紅,申元村,仇夢夢,周蘭,栗健.區域生態退耕對生態系統服務價值的影響—以寧夏鹽池為例.乾旱區資源與環境, 2014, 28(2): 60-67.(被中國人民大學書報資料中心複印資料《生態環境與保護》2014年第5期全文轉載
    27. [2014]栗健,岳耀傑*,潘紅梅,葉信岳.中國1961-2010年氣象乾旱的時空規律—基於SPEI和Intensity analysis方法的研究.災害學, 2014, 29(4): 176-182.
    28. [2014]周蘭,岳耀傑*,栗健,仇夢夢,商彥蕊.冰雹災害承災個體脆弱性評估研究進展.中國農業氣象, 2014, 35(3): 330-337.
    29. [2012]栗健,岳耀傑*,雷永登,王志強,王靜愛,周蘭,尹圓圓.基於SPI的黃淮海冬小麥氣象乾旱風險時空格局[C]//黃崇福,翟國方.《風險分析和危機反應的創新理論和方法—中國災害防禦協會風險分析專業委員會第五屆年會論文集》, 2012, 206-211.CPCI-S
    30. [2010]岳耀傑,張峰,張國明,張化,徐品泓,王靜愛*.濱海鹽鹼地利用變化與最佳化研究——以黃驊市“台田-淺池”模式為例.資源科學, 2010, 32(3): 423-430.
    31. [2008]岳耀傑,王靜愛*,鄒學勇,史培軍.中國北方沙區湖泊(水庫)風沙災害危險度評價與安全對策—以內蒙古沙區為例.乾旱區研究, 2008, 25(4): 574-582.
    32. [2008]岳耀傑,王靜愛*,易湘生,史培軍,鄒學勇,張峰.中國北方沙區城市風沙災害危險度評價—基於遙感,地理信息系統和模型的研究.自然災害學報, 2008, 17(1): 15-20.
    33. [2006]岳耀傑,周洪建,王靜愛*,史培軍,呂紅峰,何春陽,嚴平.生態安全條件下亞洲沙區土地利用結構研究.地球科學進展, 2006, 21(2): 131-137.
    34. [2005]YUE Yaojie, WANG Jing-ai, LVHongfeng, Liu Jing, WANGZhiqiang, LILianhua. Land Use Optimization at Ecological Security Level in Desert Regions—a Case Study ofHorqinSandy Land [A]. In: LIShengcai, WANGYajun, HUANG Ping. Progress in Safety Science and TechnologyVol.V(Part B) [C]. Beijing: Science Press, 2005, Pp 2111-2116.CPCI-S
    35. [2002]岳耀傑,東野光亮.基於地理信息系統的校園綜合管理信息系統.國土資源科技管理, 2002, 19(5): 63-67.
    36. [2017]馮紅英,趙金濤,岳耀傑,王靜愛,尹圓圓,張化.棉花苗期雹災損失定量分析.江蘇農業科學. 2017, 45(12): 208-211.
    37. [2015]趙金濤,岳耀傑,王靜愛,尹圓圓,馮紅英. 1950-2009年中國大陸地區冰雹災害的時空格局分析.中國農業氣象, 2015, 36(1): 83-92.
    38. [2013]張國明,史培軍,王靜愛,閆玉春,岳耀傑,張化,屈志強.濱海鹽鹼地不同鹽生植物群落與土壤微域特徵分析.北京師範大學學報(自然科學版), 2013, 04: 417-420.
    39. [2013]王志強,馬箐,廖永豐,鄧嵐,岳耀傑.農業旱災適應性評價與適應模式研究—以山西省大同縣為例.乾旱區資源與環境. 2013, 27(30): 67- 73.
    40. [2012]申元村,王秀紅,岳耀傑.土地類型的生態適宜性與合理生態系統結構研究_以甘肅省正寧縣為例.地理科學進展, 2012, 31(5): 561-569.
    41. [2012]尹圓圓,王靜愛,趙金濤,岳耀傑,馬進.棉花冰雹災害風險評價—以安徽省為例.安徽農業科學. 2012, 40(25): 12506—12509.
    42. [2012] YINYuanyuan, WANG Jing-ai, ZHAO Jintao,YUE Yaojie, MA Jin. Risk Assessment of Hail Disaster on Cotton—A Case Study in Anhui Province. Agricultural Science & Technology, 2012, 13(8): 1744-1748.
    43. [2011]高廷,王靜愛,李睿,岳耀傑.中國北方農牧交錯帶土地利用變化及預測分析.乾旱區資源與環境, 2011, 25(10): 52-57.
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    45. [2011]張化,王靜愛,張峰,陳麗英,張國明,岳耀傑,付志強. HYDRUS-2D模型對海冰水灌溉情景下水鹽遷移的模擬.資源科學, 2011, 33(2): 377-382.
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    1. 岳耀傑,栗健,王靜愛,張峰,張化,趙金濤,史培軍,周蘭,張國明. 一種人工模擬降雹災害的試驗方法(發明專利,專利號:ZL201210038963.1).授權公告日:2013年12月18日.
    2. 岳耀傑,張峰,栗健,王靜愛,史培軍,趙金濤,張化.一種自動化雹災模擬試驗裝置(實用新型專利, 專利號:ZL201520007801.0). 授權公告日:2015年6月3日.
    3. 岳耀傑,栗健,張峰,王靜愛,趙金濤,張化,史培軍,張國明,周蘭. 一種人工控制的雹災模擬試驗裝置(實用新型專利, 專利號:ZL201120558289.0). 授權公告日:2012年09月05日.
    4. 岳耀傑,盛中堯,林要,張粵,李雅,王靜愛,張峰. 土壤採樣深度可視的取土鑽(實用新型專利, 專利號:ZL 2009 2 0159750.8). 授權公告日:2011年4月20日.
    5. 張化,王靜愛,岳耀傑,史培軍,張峰,張國明,雷永登. 一種濱海重鹽鹼地油葵雙季種植方法(發明專利, 專利號:ZL 201310108541.1). 授權公告日:2015年3月4日.
    6. 張國明,張峰,王靜愛,史培軍,岳耀傑,高路. 幼苗移栽器(實用新型專利, 專利號:ZL200820183518.3). 授權公告日:2010年1月20日.
    7. 王靜愛,岳耀傑,張峰,鄒學勇,史培軍. 多功能野外測量儀器集成支架平台(實用新型專利, 專利號:ZL200720005735.9). 授權公告日:2008年3月5日.


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    2. [2016] Jing-ai Wang, Yaojie Yue, Jingtao Zhao, Yuan Bai, Lili Lv, Peijun Shi and Wenjie Dong. Snow, Frost, and Hail Disasters in China. In: Peijun Shi. Natural Disasters in China. In: Carlo Jaeger, Peijun Shi (eds). IHDP/Future Earth-Integrated Risk Governance Project Series. Springer Nature, 2016.
    3. [2015] Xingming Zhang, Hao Guo, Weixia Yin, Ran Wang, Jian Li, Yaojie Yue and Jing-ai Wang. Part VI Drought Disasters: Mapping Drought Risk (Wheat) of the World. In: Shi P, Kasperson R (Eds.). World Atlas of Natural Disaster Risk [M]. Springer, 2015.
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    1. 王靜愛,張興明,周垠,潘東華,岳耀傑,尹園園,周瑤.多層格線約束的滑坡點點陣圖自動製圖綜合軟體 V1.0,登記號:2012SR010125, 登記日:2012.02.15
    2. 王靜愛,岳耀傑,張興明,周瑤. 基於中國省區面積模式的比值分級法自動製圖軟體V1.0,登記號:2010SR012608,登記日:2010.03.19
    3. 岳耀傑,王靜愛,周瑤,張興明. 基於中國省區面積模式的分區統計圖法自動製圖軟體V1.0,登記號:2010SR070208,登記日:2010.12.18
    4. 王靜愛,周垠,岳耀傑,張興明,周瑤,尹圓圓. 人口與地形約束下的中國綜合自然災害風險等級圖色彩自動填充軟體 V1.0,登記號:2011SR035877,登記日:2011.06.09
    5. 王靜愛,岳耀傑,史培軍,謝彥輝. 數碼相片植被覆蓋度測算系統軟體 V1.0,登記號:2008SR03855,首次發表日:2007年12月27日,登記日:2008年2月25日


    1. 2012年,北京師範大學“京師英才”一等獎
    2. 2009年,中國地理學會百年慶典暨2009年學術年會青年優秀論文獎(第1/4人)
    3. 2017年,中華人民共和國民政部全國民政政策理論研究三等獎(第3/6人)
    4. 2017年,北京師範大學2017年“本科生優秀教育實習工作者”
    5. 2013年,北京師範大學2013年度優秀輔導員
    6. 2006年,北京師範大學優秀研究生獎學金(學術優秀獎)


