- 中文名:岳海榮
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:天津大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:四川大學化學工程學院博士生導師
- 職稱:教授
迄今已在Nature Communications、Journal of the American Chemical Society、Chemical Society Reviews,Journal of Catalysis和AIChE Journal等國際國內高水平學術期刊及學術會議上發表論文20餘篇,並授權中國發明專利4項。
1. 合成氣轉化制燃料乙醇、乙二醇
2. CO2礦化處理天然礦物和工業固廢
3. 新型納米反應器研究
4. 含C-O化合物選擇催化轉化
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(21576169),環碳酸酯加氫銅催化劑多價態與限域傳質耦合作用機制,2016.1—2019.12
2. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(21306118),表面Cu(0)/Cu(I)比例可控的核殼結構銅基CO2加氫催化劑的研究,2014.1—2016.12
3. 教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金新教師基金項目(20130181120065),Rh基芯鞘結構納米反應器中催化CO2加氫合成低碳醇的研究,2014.1—2016.12
4. 四川大學優秀青年學者科研基金(2015SCU04A10),低碳能源催化與礦化,2015.01—2017.12
5. 四川大學青年教師科研啟動基金項目(2012SCU11071),矽酸鹽納米管限域金屬銅顆粒結構催化劑的可控制備及催化CO2加氫性能研究,2012.10—2013.12
6. 中國石油天然氣股份有限公司西南油氣田分公司天然氣研究院委託項目,SO2吸附劑結構性質及吸附再生機理研究,2013.03—2013.12
7. 中國石油化工股份有限公司合作項目,胺負載介孔吸附劑脫碳技術研究,2015.01—2017.12
1. 磷石膏-鉀長石礦化CO2聯產硫酸、鉀肥的基礎研究,國家自然科學基金重點項目(21336004),2014.1—2018.12
2. 仿金毛狗蕨茸毛微結構的殼聚糖超細纖維膜的製備與性能研究,國家自然科學基金項目(21306117),2014—2016
3. 具有包覆結構的鎳基高效穩定甲烷化催化劑的理性設計和研究,國家自然科學基金項目(21206115 ),2013.1—2015.12
4. 草酸酯加氫制乙醇銅基催化劑結構和價態調控研究,國家自然科學基金項目(21206186),2013.1—2016.12
2015年 四川大學 青年骨幹教師獎
2014年 四川大學2013年度“課堂教學質量優秀獎”
2014年 天津大學優秀博士論文獲得者
2014年 四川大學2014屆本科優秀畢業論文指導教師獎
2013年 四川大學 青年骨幹教師獎
2013年 四川大學2013屆本科優秀畢業論文指導教師獎
2012年 天津大學優秀畢業生
2012年 天津大學優秀學生
2011年 天津市大學生創業獎
2011年 浦發銀行獎學金
2011年 天津大學博士一等獎學金
2010、2011年 天津大學院級、校級三好學生
2010年 全國挑戰杯創業大賽銀獎
2010年 天津市挑戰杯創業大賽金獎
2010年 天津大學挑戰杯創業大賽金獎
1. Hairong Yue,Yujun Zhao, Xinbin Ma, and Jinlong Gong * ,
"Ethylene Glycol: Properties, Synthesis, and Applications"
Chemical Society Reviews , 2012, 41, 4218-4244.
"Ethylene Glycol: Properties, Synthesis, and Applications"
Chemical Society Reviews , 2012, 41, 4218-4244.
2. Hairong Yue, Xinbin Ma, and Jinlong Gong * ,
"An Alternative Synthetic Approach for Efficient Catalytic Conversion of Syngas to Ethanol"
Accounts of Chemical Research , 2014,47 (5),1483–1492.
"An Alternative Synthetic Approach for Efficient Catalytic Conversion of Syngas to Ethanol"
Accounts of Chemical Research , 2014,47 (5),1483–1492.
3. Jinlong Gong, Hairong Yue, Yujun Zhao, Shuo Zhao, Li Zhao, Jing Lv, Shengping Wang, and Xinbin Ma * ,
"Synthesis of Ethanol via Syngas on Cu/SiO2Catalysts with Balanced Cu-Cu Sites"
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 13922-13925(1: 並列一作, Cover Story, 2013 IF=11.444)
* Highlighted in Nature China: "Catalysis: An alternative route to ethanol production," June 13, 2012.
* Highlighted in JACS Spotlights: "Success at the surface: Ethanol production via copper catalysis," August, Issue 34, 2012.
"Synthesis of Ethanol via Syngas on Cu/SiO2Catalysts with Balanced Cu-Cu Sites"
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 13922-13925(1: 並列一作, Cover Story, 2013 IF=11.444)
* Highlighted in Nature China: "Catalysis: An alternative route to ethanol production," June 13, 2012.
* Highlighted in JACS Spotlights: "Success at the surface: Ethanol production via copper catalysis," August, Issue 34, 2012.
4. Hairong Yue, Yujun Zhao, Shuo Zhao, Bo Wang, Xinbin Ma * , and Jinlong Gong * ,
"A Copper-Phyllosilicate Core-Sheath Nanoreactor for Carbon-Oxygen Hydrogenolysis Reactions"
Nature Communications, 2013, 4, 2339.
"A Copper-Phyllosilicate Core-Sheath Nanoreactor for Carbon-Oxygen Hydrogenolysis Reactions"
Nature Communications, 2013, 4, 2339.
Highlighted in Nature China:October 2, 2013
5. Shuo Zhao, Hairong Yue, Yujun Zhao, Li Zhao, Bo Wang, Jing Lv, Shengping Wang, Jinlong Gong, and Xinbin Ma *
"Chemoselective Synthesis of Ethanol via Hydrogenation of Dimethyl Oxalate on Cu/SiO2: Enhanced Stability with Boron Dopant"
Journal of Catalysis, 2013, 297, 142-150.
"Chemoselective Synthesis of Ethanol via Hydrogenation of Dimethyl Oxalate on Cu/SiO2: Enhanced Stability with Boron Dopant"
Journal of Catalysis, 2013, 297, 142-150.
6. Chengxi Zhang, Hairong Yue , Zhiqi Huang, Gaowei Wu, Shuirong Li, Xinbin Ma, and Jinlong Gong * ,
"Hydrogen Prduction via Steam Reforming of Ethanol on Phyllosilicate-derived Ni/SiO2: Enhanced Metal-support Interaction and Catalytic Stability"
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2013, 297, 161-173.
"Hydrogen Prduction via Steam Reforming of Ethanol on Phyllosilicate-derived Ni/SiO2: Enhanced Metal-support Interaction and Catalytic Stability"
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2013, 297, 161-173.
7. Wenjie Shangguan,Jimin Song,Hairong Yue * , Siyang Tang,Chanjun Liu, Chun Li,Bin Liang, Heping Xie
An Efficient Milling-assisted Technology for K-feldspar Processing, Industrial Waste Treatment and CO2 Mineralization
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016,292,255-263.
An Efficient Milling-assisted Technology for K-feldspar Processing, Industrial Waste Treatment and CO2 Mineralization
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016,292,255-263.
8.Yujun Zhao,Shuo Zhao,Yaochen Geng, Yongli Shen,Hairong Yue,Jing Lv,Shengping Wang,Xinbin Ma *
Ni-containing Cu/SiO2 catalyst for the chemoselective synthesis of ethanol via hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate
Catalysis Today , 2016, .
Ni-containing Cu/SiO2 catalyst for the chemoselective synthesis of ethanol via hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate
Catalysis Today , 2016, .
9. Bing Zeng, Hairong Yue, Changjun Liu, Tao Huang, Jing Li, Bin Zhao, Ming Zhang, Bin Liang *
Desulfurization Behavior of Fe-Mn-Based Regenerable Sorbents for High-Temperature H2S Removal
Energy & Fuels , 2015 , http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef502092v (SCI, 2012 Impact Factor =2.733)
Desulfurization Behavior of Fe-Mn-Based Regenerable Sorbents for High-Temperature H2S Removal
Energy & Fuels , 2015 , http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef502092v (SCI, 2012 Impact Factor =2.733)
10. Jiao Lei, Hairong Yue, Hao Tang, Bin Liang *
Heat Integration and Optimization of Hydrogen Production for a 1 kW Low-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cel
Chemical Engineering Science, 2015 ,123, 81-91SCI,2013 Impact Factor =2.613)
Heat Integration and Optimization of Hydrogen Production for a 1 kW Low-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cel
Chemical Engineering Science, 2015 ,123, 81-91SCI,2013 Impact Factor =2.613)
11. Hairong Yue, Yujun Zhao, Li Zhao, Jing Lv, Shengping Wang, Jinlong Gong, and Xinbin Ma * ,
"Hydrogenation of Dimethyl Oxalate to Ethylene Glycol on a Cu/SiO2/Cordierite Monolithic Catalyst: Enhanced Internal Mass Transfer and Stability"
AIChE Journal, 2012, 58, 2798-2809.(2013 IF=2.613)
"Hydrogenation of Dimethyl Oxalate to Ethylene Glycol on a Cu/SiO2/Cordierite Monolithic Catalyst: Enhanced Internal Mass Transfer and Stability"
AIChE Journal, 2012, 58, 2798-2809.(2013 IF=2.613)
12. Xinbin Ma, Hanwen Chi, Hairong Yue , Yujun Zhao, Yan Xu, Jing Lv, Shengping Wang, and Jinlong Gong * ,
"Hydrogenation of Dimethyl Oxalate to Ethylene Glycol over Mesoporous Cu-MCM-41 Catalysts"
AIChE Journal, 2013, 59, 2530-2539.(2013 IF=2.493)
"Hydrogenation of Dimethyl Oxalate to Ethylene Glycol over Mesoporous Cu-MCM-41 Catalysts"
AIChE Journal, 2013, 59, 2530-2539.(2013 IF=2.493)
13. Bing Zeng, He Li, Tao Huang, Changjun Liu,Hairong Yue, Bin Liang *
A Kinetic Study on the Sulfidation and Regeneration of Manganese-Based Regenerable Sorbent for High Temperature H2S Removal
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015 , http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ie503233a (SCI, 2012 Impact Factor =2.235)
A Kinetic Study on the Sulfidation and Regeneration of Manganese-Based Regenerable Sorbent for High Temperature H2S Removal
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015 , http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ie503233a (SCI, 2012 Impact Factor =2.235)
14. Longpo Ye, Hairong Yue,Yufei Wang, Haoyi Sheng, Bo Yuan, Li Lv, Chun Li, Bin Liang * , Jiahua Zhu, Heping Xie
"CO2 Mineralization of Activated K-feldspar+CaCl2 Slag to Fix Carbon and Produce Soluble Potash Salt "
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2014 ,53(26),10557–10565 SCI, C級期刊,2013 Impact Factor =2.235)
"CO2 Mineralization of Activated K-feldspar+CaCl2 Slag to Fix Carbon and Produce Soluble Potash Salt "
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2014 ,53(26),10557–10565 SCI, C級期刊,2013 Impact Factor =2.235)
15. Chao Wang,Hairong Yue * , Chun Li, Bin Liang, Jiahua Zhu, Heping Xie
"Mineralization of CO2 using Natural K-feldspar and Industrial Solid Waste to Produce Soluble Potassium"
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014 ,53 (19),7971–7978, (SCI, C級期刊,2013 IF=2.235)
"Mineralization of CO2 using Natural K-feldspar and Industrial Solid Waste to Produce Soluble Potassium"
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014 ,53 (19),7971–7978, (SCI, C級期刊,2013 IF=2.235)
16. Li Zhao , Yujun Zhao , Shengping Wang ,Hairong Yue , Bo Wang , Jing Lv and Xinbin Ma * Hydrogenation of Dimethyl Oxalate Using Extruded Cu/SiO2 Catalysts: Mechanical Strength and Catalytic Performance"
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51 (43), pp 13935–13943.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51 (43), pp 13935–13943.
17. Sheng Haoyi, Lv Li, Liang Bin, Li Chun * ,Yuan Bo,Ye Longpo,Yue Hairong,Liu Changjun,Wang Yufei,Zhu Jiahua,Xie Heping
Aqueous carbonation of the potassium-depleted residue from potassium feldspar–CaCl2 calcination for CO2 fixation
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015 ,73(11):6871-6879
Aqueous carbonation of the potassium-depleted residue from potassium feldspar–CaCl2 calcination for CO2 fixation
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015 ,73(11):6871-6879
18.Yuan Bo, Li Chun, Liang Bin, Lv Li * ,Yue Hairong,Sheng Haoyi,Ye Longpo,Xie Heping Extraction of potassium from K-feldspar via the CaCl2 calcination route
Chinese Journal Of Chemical Engineering, 2015 ,23(9):1557-1564
Chinese Journal Of Chemical Engineering, 2015 ,23(9):1557-1564
19. Heping Xie * , Hairong Yue, Jiahua Zhu, Bin Liang, Chun Li, Yufei Wang, Lingzhi Xie, Xiangge Zhou
Scientific and Engineering Progress in CO2 Mineralization Using Industrial Waste and Natural Minerals
Engineering, 2015,1(1) http://dx.doi.org/10.15302/J-ENG-2015017. (中國工程院《engineering》雜誌首期邀請綜述)
Scientific and Engineering Progress in CO2 Mineralization Using Industrial Waste and Natural Minerals
Engineering, 2015,1(1) http://dx.doi.org/10.15302/J-ENG-2015017. (中國工程院《engineering》雜誌首期邀請綜述)
20. Ye Longpo, Li Shuang, Yue Hairong * , Li Chun, Liang Bin, Zhu Jiahua, Xie Heping
Process intensification by coupling reaction and extraction for CO2 mineralization in Ca2+-rich solution
CIESC Journal, 2015,66(9), 3511-3517. http://10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150981.
Process intensification by coupling reaction and extraction for CO2 mineralization in Ca2+-rich solution
CIESC Journal, 2015,66(9), 3511-3517. http://10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150981.
21. Liang Bin * ; Wang Chao; Yue Hairong; Li Chun; Xie Heping
Evaluation for the Process of Mineralization of CO2 Using Natural K-feldspar and Phosphogypsum to Produce Sulfate Potassium
Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 2014 , (03), 168-174. (EI期刊 In Chinese)
Evaluation for the Process of Mineralization of CO2 Using Natural K-feldspar and Phosphogypsum to Produce Sulfate Potassium
Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 2014 , (03), 168-174. (EI期刊 In Chinese)
1. 馬新賓,趙玉軍,岳海榮,王勝平,呂靜,王保偉,李振花,徐艷