

  • 中文名:山東省家庭服務業協會工會聯合會
  • 外文名:Shandong Household Service Association
  • 成立時間:2012年1月8日
  • 成立地點:山東濟南
  • 性質:家庭服務業工會組織
“山東省家庭服務業協會”(英文譯名為:Shandong Household Service Association.縮寫為SDHSA)成立於2005年元月,是全國第一個省級家庭服務業協會。其業務主管部門是山東省商務廳,登記機關是山東省民政廳。其活動受國家法律、法規及有關政策的制約和保護。
Brief Instruction ofShandongHousehold Service Association
Shandong Household Service Association(SDHSA) is a social commmunity which has the legal entity. It is granted approval by the department of Shandong Association Management,andits administrativedepartmentis Shandong Municipal Commission of Economic and Trade. It's registering organization is Shandong Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs,and its activity is protected and restricted by state laws ,the statutes and the concerning policy.
SDHSAisthe localand nonprofit social groupand.SDHSAexists toserve thethe enterpriseswhich works in household service, community service, estate management service, house lease and purchase ,housedecoration, service forthe old-age, nourishment and health care , law service, education training , family medical treatment, familycatering,household appliances, household articles , rite and celebration ceremony, weddinggown's and children's photographs,matchmaking service, family tourism,motor vehicle maintenance, family finance management, hairdressing andbody-building , bathing and the foot therapy, second-hand goods purchasing, family shopping, appliance maintenance, cleaning, washing and ironing, house moving etc. Every enterprisesand government institutions concerned can join the SDHSA voluntarily.SDHSAcoordinates the relations of themembers,acting as a bridgebetween the govenment and the units.

SDHSA abides by the Constitution, state laws ,the statutes and the concerning policy.With this as a prerequisite,we securs employmentactivelywith the departments concerned,
and standardizes the acts of household serving enterprises to improve their quality of service.In addition,wesafeguards the legitimaterights and interests of theoperaters ,the consumers andthe employeesto do practical and useful things for people.
Thepurpose of the association:
contribute to the development of the profession heart and soul .
The genius of the association:
the self-discipline is first, the service is the major measure ;
the innovation is the basis , and thefairness doctrineis thestandards.
The development policy of the association:
voluntarily,self-discipline ,self-independence ,and self-reliance.
The association providesthe following service toward the member:
1,enacting the profession's regulations and contracts to establish the self-discipline mechanism , and promotes a fair,orderlyand transparent market .
2,providing thehuman resources training and educational certification.
3,providing the expansion service of the technique and product.
4, drawing up theevaluation standard, supporting the member's development , honoring the excellent enterprise, and setting up the profession brand.
5, assessing the qualifications grade of the enterprise.
6,extensively expanding the market for the members, organizing the commercial activity, for example ,exposition,exhibition etc..
7,making thedeveloped plan for the enterprises.
8, coordinating the interest of the professions, promoting a fair competition, andimprovingthe entire quality of enterprises.
10,propagandizing andadvertisingthroughtheinternet and the magazinefamily and community
11, providingthe cooperationprojectswith the enterprises concernedin other provinces.
12, communicating with the relevant government department to coordinate theservice charge
and supervising the service quality.
13,organizing the inspections and exchanges home and abroad.
14,issuingthe latest newson the profession.
15,assisting the governmentwith enacting thepolicies to promote the development of the members. .
16, accepting thesuggestion and complaintfromall social sectors ,dealing with the matter jointly with the departments concerned, and announcing through press and Internet.
Welcom the enterprises and government institutions to join us!
當協會の名稱は“山東省の家庭サービス業協會”(英文の訳名:Shandong Household Service Association.略してSDHSAと書きます)です。その業務の主管部門は山東省貿易事務室で、山東省の社會団體行政主管部門の許可をえて法人の資格を持つ社會団體で、登録機関は山東省民政庁です。その活動は國家の法律、法規と関連政策に制約し、保護されます。


