尤瑾,女 ,武漢大學哲學學院講師。主要研究領域和方向為文化、社會心理學,老年心理學。
2000-2004 華中師範大學心理學院,心理學、英語(雙學位),本科
2004-2007 華中師範大學心理學院,基礎心理學,碩士
2007-2010 香港中文大學心理系,畢生發展心理學,博士
2004-2007 華中師範大學心理學院,基礎心理學,碩士
2007-2010 香港中文大學心理系,畢生發展心理學,博士
2013-至今 武漢大學哲學學院心理系,講師
2014-至今 湖北省楚天學者人才計畫。
老年心理學,跨文化心理學,健康心理 。
期刊論文(* 為通訊作者)
1. Li, C., Sun, Y., Ho, M., You, J.*, Shaver, P. R., Wang, Z. (in press). State narcissism and aggression: The mediating roles of anger and hostile attributional bias. Aggressive Behaviors.
2. Lu, Q., Yeung, N. C. Y., You, J., & Dai, J. (in press). Using expressive writing to explore thoughts and beliefs about cancer and treatment among Chinese American immigrant breast cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology.
3. Lu, Q., Man, J., You, J., & LeRoy, A. (2015). Ambivalence over emotion expression, intrusive thoughts, and depressive symptoms among Chinese breast cancer survivors. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 79, 153-158. (SSCI, SCI, impact factor: 2.89)
4. You, J., Huang, J. L., Ho, M. Y., Leung, H., Li, C., Bond, M. H. (2015). Perceived support and relational conflict as mediators linking attachment orientations to depressive symptoms: A comparison of dating individuals from Hong Kong and theUnited States. Personality and Individual Differences, 73, 50-55. (SSCI, Impact factor: 1.88)
5. Lin, H., Gao, H., You, J., Liang, J., Ma, J., Yang, N., Xu, H., Jin, H. (2014). Larger N2 and smaller early contingent negative variation during the processing of uncertainty about the future emotional events. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 96(3), 292-297. (SCI, SSCI, impact factor: 2.036)
6. Lu, Q., You, J., Man, J., Loh, A., Young, L. (2014). Evaluating a Culturally Tailored Peer Mentoring and Education Pilot Intervention among Chinese Breast Cancer Survivors using a Mixed Methods Approach. Oncology Nursing Forum, 41 (6). (SCI, SSCI, Impact factor: 2.39)
7. You, J. & Lu, Q. (2014). Social constraint and adjustment among Chinese breast cancer survivors: A mediation model. Quality of Life Research, 23(9), 2577-2584 (SCI, Impact factor: 2.42)
8. Zhang, H., & You, J.*, Teng, F. & Chan, D. (2014). Differential roles of physical characteristics, earning capability in predicting sense of power: A gender comparison. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 70, 343-355. (SSCI, Impact factor: 1.47)
9. You, J.* & Lu, Q. (2014). Source of social support and adjustment among Chinese cancer survivors: Gender and age differences. Supportive Care in Cancer, 22(3), 697-704. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.65).
10. Ho, M. Y., Cheung, F. M., You, J., Kam, C., Zhang, X., Kliewer, W. (2013). The moderating role of emotional stability in the relationship between exposure to violence and anxiety and depression. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 634-639. (SSCI, Impact factor: 1.88).
11. Zhang, H., Luo, X., Miao, C., Shen, Z. & You, J. (2013). Adaptive goal selection for agents in dynamic environments. Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal, 37, 665-692. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.23)
12. Ho, W. Y., You, J.*& Fung, H. L. (2012). The moderating role of age in the relationship between volunteering motives and well-being. European Journal of Ageing, 9, 319-327. (SSCI, Impact factor: 1.27)
13. Umezawa, Y., Lu, Q., You, J., Kagawa-Singer, M., Maly, R. (2012). Belief in divine control, coping, and race/ethnicity among older women with breast cancer. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 44, 21-32. (SSCI, Impact factor: 4.20)
14. Fung, H. L., & You, J. (2011). Age differences in anger responses under different relationship contexts: A comparison of Hong Kong Chinese and Mainland Chinese. Psychology & Aging, 26, 605-611. (SSCI, Impact factor: 2.73)
15. You, J., Fung, H. L., & Isaacowitz, D. M. (2009). Age differences in dispositional optimism: A cross-cultural study. European Journal of Ageing, 6, 247-252. (SSCI, Impact factor: 1.27)
1. 從二元的視角看隔代撫養對祖、孫兩代人的影響. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金-武漢大學自主科研青年項目(113-274098), 2014-2016.
2. 健康的貧富差距:社會文化心理學角度的探索. 教育部人文社會科學青年基金 (14YJC190023), 2014-2017.
3. 積極課堂對師生髮展的雙重效應:本科教學的行動研究. 武漢大學本科教學改革課題(2015JG03),2015-2019.
1. To reduce psychosocial burdens among Chinese speaking breast cancer survivors, American Cancer Society, 2011-2013.
雜誌匿名評審:Behavioral Medicine;Supportive Care in Cancer;Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics;Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and applied;心理科學;心理發展與教育;心理科學進展
2009 美國心理學會(APA,52分會)優秀論文獎
2008 湖北省優秀碩士學位論文
2005 湖北省優秀學士學位論文一等獎.