(1) Yuanyuan Shang, Ge Li, Xiuzhuang Zhou, and etc. Sky Detection by Effective Context Inference, Neurocomputing, 2016, 208: 238-248.(SCI)
(2) Jiwen Lu, Xiuzhuang Zhou, Yap-Peng Tan, Yuanyuan Shang, Jie Zhou. Neighborhood repulsed metric learning for kinship verification. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI). 2013. (SCI)
(3) Jiwen Lu, Xiuzhuang Zhou, Yap-Peng Tan, Yuanyuan Shang, Jie Zhou. Cost-sensitive semi-supervised discriminant analysis for face recognition. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. vol.7, no.3, pp.944-953, 2012. (SCI)
(4) Xiuzhuang Zhou, YuanyuanShang, and etc. Ensemble similarity learning for kinship verification from facial images in the wild. Information Fusion, 2016, 32: 40-48.(SCI)
(5) Zhuhong Shao, Yuanyuan Shang, Xiaoyan Fu, Huazhong Shu, Huimei Yuan. Double-image cryptosystem using chaotic map and mixture amplitude-phase retrieval in gyrator domain, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017, doi:10.1007/s11042-016-4279-0(SCI)
(6) Zhuhong Shao, Yuanyuan Shang, Yu Zhang, Xilin Liu, Guodong Guo, Robust watermarking using orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments and chaotic map for double images, Signal Processing, 2016, 120: 522-531.(SCI)
(7) Xiuzhuang Zhou, Qirun Huo, Yuanyuan Shang, Min Xu, and Hui Ding. Learning spatially regularized similarity for robust visual tracking. Image and Vision Computing, 2017, 60: 134-141.(SCI)
(8) Tie Liu , Haibin Duan , Yuanyuan Shang, Zejian Yuan, Nanning Zheng. Automatic salient object sequence rebuilding for video segment analysis. Science China Information Sciences , 2018 , 61 (1) :012205(SCI)
(9) Xiuzhuang Zhou, Lin Ma, Min Xu, Yuanyuan Shang. Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Learning for Online Tracking of Sperm Cell, Neurocomputing, 2016, 208: 218-224.(SCI)
(10) Xiuzhuang Zhou,Kai Jin,Qian Chen,Min Xu, Yuanyuan Shang. Multiple face tracking and recognition with identity-speci?c localized metric learning. Pattern Recognition. 2017
(11) Min Xu,Yuanyuan Shang,Kinship Measurement on Face Images by Structured Similarity Fusion, IEEE Access,2016, 4: 10280-10287.(SCI)
(12) Min Xu,Xiuzhuang Zhou,Qirun Huo, and Hui Liu, Efficient Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo Sampling for Heterogeneous Redundancy Allocation Problem, IEEE Access,2016,4: 7383-7390.(SCI)
(13) Xiuzhuang Zhou, Haibin Yan, and Yuanyuan Shang. Kinship verification from facial images by scalable similarity learning. Neurocomputing, 2016, 197: 136-142.(SCI)
(14) Zhong Luan, Yuanyuan Shang, Xiuzhuang Zhou, Zhuhong Shao, Guodong Guo, Xiaoming Liu. Fast single image dehazing based on a regression model. Neurocomputing, 2017, 245: 10–22.(SCI)
(15) Yu Zhu,Yuanyuan Shang,and etc. Automated Depression Diagnosis based on Deep Networks to Encode Facial Appearance and Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TAFFC.2017.2650899.(SCI)
(16) Zhuhong Shao, YuanyuanShang, RuiZeng, HuazhongShu, GouenouCoatrieux, Robust watermarking scheme for color image based on quaternion-type moment invariants and visual cryptography, Signal Processing-Image Communication, 2016, 48: 12-21.(SCI)
(17) Xu Min, Yuanyuan Shang, and etc. Kinship Verification Using Facial Images by Robust Similarity Learning, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 2016:1-8, DOI:10.1155/2016/4072323) .(SCI)
(18) 尚媛園,關永,張偉功等. Design and evaluation of a high-performance CCD camera for astronomical imaging. IOP Journal: Measurement Science and Technology (UK).2009.Vol 20(No.10). 104002 .(SCI)
(19) 尚媛園,關永,張偉功等. A high dynamic range complementary metal oxide semiconductor camera using multi-slope response and an image reconstruction algorithm. IOP Journal: Measurement Science and Technology (UK).2009.Vol 20(No.10). 104005.(SCI)
(20) Fu Xiaoyan, Shang Yuanyuan, and etc. An Improved Diagonal IMM Algorithm for Maneuvering Target Tracking Based on H_/infty Filter,IET Control Theory and Applications, 2015(SCI)
(21) Xiuzhuang Zhou, Yuanyuan Shang, and etc, Polygonal Approximation of Digital Planar Curves via Hybrid Monte Carlo Optimization. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 2013,20(2): 125-128.(SCI)
(22) Xiuzhuang Zhou, Jiwen Lu, Yuanyuan Shang, and etc, abor-based gradient orientation pyramid for kinship verification under uncontrolled environments, Source: MM'12- Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Multimedia, ACM Multimedia. 2012,1061-1064(A類頂級會議)
(23) Xiuzhuang Zhou, Jiwen Lu, Junlin Hu, Yuanyuan Shang, Yong Guan. “Kinship Verification from Facial Images under Uncontrolled Conditions,” ACM Multimedia, pp. 953-956, 2011. (A類頂級會議)
(24) Jiwen Lu, Junlin Hu, Xiuzhuang Zhou, Yuanyuan Shang, Yap-Peng Tan, Gang Wang. Neighborhood repulsed metric learning for kinship verification. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp.2594-2601, 2012. (A類頂級會議)
(25) Jiwen Lu, Junlin Hu, Xiuzhuang Zhou, Yuanyuan Shang. Activity-based person identification using sparse coding and discriminative metric learning. ACM Multimedia (ACM MM), pp. 1061-1064, 2012. (A類頂級會議)
(27) Tan Zhao, Hui Ding, Yuanyuan Shang, Xiuzhuang Zhou. Low-light Image Enhancement Based on Constrained Norm Estimation.Chinese Conference on Computer Vision 2017, Tianjin, China. (CCCV 2017)
(28) Yunfei Wang, Hui Ding, Yuanyuan Shang, Zhuhong Shao, Xiaoyan Fu. An Improved Anchored Neighborhood Regression Enhancement for Face Recognition, Journal of shanghai Jiaotong University (Science),2017(EI)
(29) Kang Yajun, Jiang Xiao, Yin Ye, Shang Yuanyuan, Zhou Xiuzhuang. Deep Transformation Learning for Depression Diagnosis from Facial Images. In: 2017 Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition, 2017.10.27, Shen Zhen(EI)
(30) Xiaoyan Fu, Yuanyuan Shang, A Reduced-Complexity Interacting Multiple Model Algorithm for Location Tracking in Heterogeneous Observation. Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 2, No. 3 (December 2015), 173-176(EI)
(31) Yinmeng Hu, Yuanyuan Shang, Xiaoyan Fu. A low illumination video enhancement algorithm based on the atmospheric physical model. International conference on image and signal processing, 2016
(32) Xiaoyu Sun, Xiaoyan Fu, Zhuhong Shao, Yuanyuan Shang, Hui Ding. Local Zernike Moment and Multiscale Patch-Based LPQ for Face Recognition. Proceedings of 2016 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference, 405: 19-27(EI)
(40) 尚媛園等. Characteristics evaluation of the High-speed CMOS Imaging Sensor, International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (EI源刊)
(41) 馬森,尚媛園等. Design of panoramic mosaic camera based on FPGA using optimal mosaic algorithm, Journal of Computers(EI:20113014188456)
(42) 尚媛園,關永等. The design of EUV CCD camera. Proceeding of High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy. 2008. Vol7021 1O(EI: 20092512134001)
(43) 尚媛園,楊新華,徐達維,牛惠卓等. IP Core Design for Image Sensor Driver based on Avalon Bus. The 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. 2010. Taiwan(EI)
(44) 尚媛園, 關永,趙曉旭等. Design and Characteristics Measurement of a High-speed CMOS Imaging System, the proceeding of 2009 IEEE imaging system and technique.2009.5. p:127-131 (EI: 20094212373622)
(47) 尚媛園, 張偉功,關永等. Research on a Method to Extend Dynamic Range of CMOS APS. Proceeding of IEEE Workshop on Imaging System and Technique. 2008:212-216 (EI:20090111830787)
(48) 尚媛園,牛惠卓,張偉功,楊新華等,Design and Implementation of the JPEG-LS Image Compression Algorithm,The 2th International Conference on Communication Systems, Networks and Applications.(EI)
(49) 尚媛園,關永,馬森等. The Design of 2K×2K High Performance CCD Camera for Astronomical Imaging. Proceeding of 2008 IEEE Workshop on Imaging System and Technique: 127-132 (EI:20090111822149)
(51) 馬森, 尚媛園等. Design of Panoramic Mosaic Camera Based on FPGA. Proceeding of International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science (EI)
(52) 馬森, 尚媛園等. Design of Teleconference Camera Based on SOPC. Proceeding of PACIIA 2009, Volume I, 480-483 (EI)
(53) 馬森, 尚媛園等. Research on Embedded Surveillance Platform in Severe Environment. Proceeding of IEEE 5th International Symposium on Embedded Computing. P47-51 (EI: 20090211848189)
(54) 侯雪峰,尚媛園等.Research on the real-time image edge detection algorithm based on FPGA,CSIE 2011(EI:20112914164452)
(55) 韓寶媛,尚媛園等. Modeling and Simulation of CMOS Imaging Sensor based on Simulink, CISP-BMEI 2011(EI檢索)
(56) 楊新華,尚媛園等. The design of high-speed CMOS imaging system based on SOPC technology, 2010 International Symposium on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies(EI:20110213567071)