《小孩怒了》是1999年David Holt、戴倫·沃爾什主演的一部微電影,導演是戴倫·沃爾什。
- 中文名:小孩怒了
- 外文名:Angry Kid: Bone
- 類型:喜劇 / 動畫 / 短片
- 製片地區:英國
- 導演:戴倫·沃爾什
- 編劇:Mike Cooper / Ian Dagger / 戴倫·沃爾什
- 片長:1 分鐘
- 上映時間:1999-01(英國) / 2001-10-24(烏普薩拉國際短片電影節)
- 對白語言:英語
From the Angry Kid series comes 'Bone', one of the funniest short movie from the series. In this one the kid is riding his bicycle and falls. A bone is sticking out of his arm and a dog tries toget it.
This short is hilarious from start to finish. Definitely not a wasted minute of my life.