- 中文名:小塔塔鼠
- 外文名:Tataromys minor Huang,1985
- 形成時代:早漸新世(E3)晚期
- 產地:鄂爾多斯市杭錦旗三盛公
- 分類:化石
small and primitive tataromys; sphenopalatine foramen located above m1; lower jaw slender; cheek teeth brachydont, with distinct main cusps and low, narrow lophs; anterior cingulum usually absent on p4, usually isolated and with prominent anterocone on upper molar; on p4 posterior arm of paracone usually free and extends relatively posteriorly; on m1 and m2 mesosinus widely v-shaped, metaloph very low, thinning lingually and directed to posterior arm of protocone, protocone acute v-shape, sinus deep, oblique posterobuccally and often connected with posterosinus; on m3 metaloph free of bending posteriorly to join with posteroloph or hypocone, posterocone and posterior groove prominent; on lower molars arm of entoconid low, slender, oblique, and arm of hypoconulid low.。