



  • 軟體名稱:對待街
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:7.87MB
  • 支持版本:iOS3.0及以上
尋找一個好玩的遊戲,讓您的小傢伙受理?歡迎來款待街的迷人世界。對待街充滿了樂趣,創造性和互動探索為您的孩子。現在你可以欺騙或治療一年之久。 對待街是由有需要的家長的配合應用程式,也是令人高興的耳朵為大家在房間裡開發的。這個遊戲可以由孩子年齡2享用99 。 豐富的圖形化和非結構化的探索遊戲讓這個遊戲樂趣年輕用戶。 遊戲方式簡單, - 服飾店:混搭的萬聖節服裝的選擇 - 治療街道:欺騙或款待的樂趣和美味的零食,和愚蠢的驚喜;或有一個良好的時間只是希望周圍的鄰居 - 禮包:排序通過所有的從夜的長途對待 附加功能: - 簡單,探索遊戲 - 角色扮演 - 簡單的符號,通過遊戲引導用戶 - 可愛和互動式圖形 - 傻的聲音 - 扮靚你的性格像貓,仙女,機器人,或童話貓機器人! Looking for a playful game to keep your little one entertained Welcome to the enchanting world of Treat Street. Treat Street is full of fun, creativity, and interactive exploration for your child. Now you can trick or treat all year long. Treat Street was developed by parents in need of an engaging app that is also pleasing to the ears for everyone in the room. This game can be enjoyed by kids ages 2 to 99. Rich graphics and unstructured exploratory play make this game a delight for younger users. GAME PLAY - Costume Shop: Mix and match for Halloween costume selection - Treat Street: Trick-or-Treat for fun and tasty treats, and silly surprises; or have a good time simply looking around the neighborhood - Goodie Bag: Sort through all the treats from the night's haul ADDITIONAL FEATURES: - Easy, exploratory gameplay - Role-playing - Simple symbols lead the user through the game - Cute and interactive graphics - Silly sounds - Dress your character like a cat, fairy, robot, or fairy-cat-bot! Sprinkle some holiday magic on any old day with Treat Street, for toddlers, preschool kids, and children of all ages. Languages: English instructions; game is non-verbal.

