- 中文名:寧志軍
- 外文名:Z. Ning
- 職業:助理教授
- 畢業院校:華東理工大學化學與分子工程學院
- 代表作品:Air-stable n-Type Colloidal Quantum Dot Solids
- 研究方向:材料化學,光電功能材料
2009年畢業於華東理工大學化學與分子工程學院,獲得套用化學系博士學位,導師田禾教授,2009年至2011年在瑞典皇家工學院進行博士後研究,2011年至2014年在多倫多大學電子工程系從事博士後研究,導師Edward H. Sargent教授,2014年12月加入上海科技大學物質科學與技術學院,任助理教授。
- Z. Ning, O. Voznyy, J. Pan, S. Hoogland, V. Adinolfi, J. Xu, M. Li, A. R. Kirmani, J. Sun, J. Minor, K. W. Kemp, H. Dong, L. Rollny, A. Labelle, G. Carey, B. Sutherland, I. Hill, A. Amassian, H. Liu, J. Tang, O. M. Bakr, E. H. Sargent,Air-stable n-Type Colloidal Quantum Dot Solids. Nat. Mater., 2014, 13, 822–828. (highlighted in CNET, PhysOrg, Science Daily, Nat. Mater.)
- Z. Ning, H. Dong, Q. Zhang, O. Voznyy, E. H. Sargent, Solar Cells Based on Inks of n-Type Colloidal Quantum Dots,ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 10321–10327. (highlighted in Nanotechnology)
- Z. Ning, D. Zhitomirsky, V. Adinolfi, B. Sutherland, J. Xu, O. Voznyy, P. Maraghechi, X. Lan, S. Hoogland, Y. Ren, E. H. Sargent, Graded Doping for Enhanced Colloidal Quantum Dot Photovoltaics,Adv. Mater., 2013, 25, 1719-1723.
- Z. Ning, Y. Ren, S. Hoogland, O. Voznyy, L. Levina, P. Stadler, X. Lan, D. Zhitomirsky, E. H. Sargent, All-Inorganic Colloidal Quantum Dot Photovoltaics Employing Solution-Phase Halide Passivation, Adv. Mater., 2012, 24, 6295-6299.
- A. H. Ip, S. M. Thon, S. Hoogland, O. Voznyy, D. Zhitomirsky, R. Debnath, L. Levina, L. R. Rollny, G. H. Carey, A. Fischer, K. W. Kemp, I. J. Kramer, Z. Ning, A. J. Labelle, K. Wei Chou, A. Amassian, E. H. Sargent, Hybrid Passivated Colloidal Quantum Dot Solids, Nat. Nanotech., 2012, 7, 577-582.
- Z. Ning, H. Tian, C. Yuan, Y. Fu, H. Qin, L. Sun, and H. Agren, Solar Cells Sensitized with Type-II ZnSe-CdS Core/Shell Colloidal Quantum Dots, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 1536-1538.
- Z. Ning, Y. Fu, and H. Tian, Improvement of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: What We Know and What We Need to Know. Energy Environ. Sci. 2010, 3, 1170-1181.