



  • 書名:實用英語閱讀技巧
  • ISBN:9787307050969 
  • 出版社武漢大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2007年1月1日


作者: 羅虹 編
出版社: 武漢大學出版社
ISBN: 9787307050969
出版時間: 2007年1月1日
版次: 1
頁數: 255
裝幀: 平裝
開本: 16開
所屬分類: 圖書>外語學習>英語專項訓練


《實用英語閱讀技巧》主要是為高等院校英語專業、大學英語學生及廣大英語讀者的英語閱讀學習、技能訓練、參加各類英語等級考試而編寫的實用性技巧用書。編者通過多年的教學經驗以及對國內外大量有關資料進行研究後,闡述了新的閱讀觀念,提出了克服各種閱讀障礙的方法,並詳盡介紹了多種實用閱讀技巧。 全書共分為九個章節。每個章節著重介紹一個方面的閱讀技能,並配合相關閱讀材料供讀者進行技能訓練與檢測。


Chapter 1 An Introduction to Reading
I. New Concepts about Reading
II. Some Typical Reading Problems
III. How to Solve the Reading Problems
Chapter 2 Recognizing Words
I. The Structure of English Words
II. Recognizing Words through Prefixes
III. Recognizing Words through Suffixes
IV. Recognizing Words through Stems
V. Compound Words
VI. Using the Dictionary
Chapter 3 Identifying the Meaning through Context
I. Definition,Apposition and Examples
II. Synonym and Antonym
III. Induction and Deduction
IV. Transitions
Chapter 4 Discovering Main Ideas
I. What is "the Main Idea"
II. How to Get Main Ideas
III. Tips for Getting Main Ideas
Chapter 5 Identifying the Patterns of Organization
I. Types of Language
II. Patterns of Organization
III. Mixed Patterns of Organization
IV. Analyzing the Organization
Chapter 6 Techniques for Speed Reading
I. How to Preview
II. How to Skim
III. How to Scan
IV. How to Be an Efficient and Flexible Reader
Chapter 7 Techniques for Critical Reading
I. The Definition of Critical Reading
II. How to Read Critically
III. Tips for Active Reading
IV. Ways to Make a Summary
Chapter 8 Strategies for Taking Tests of Reading
I. The Survey of Reading Comprehension Tests
II. The Types of Reading Comprehension Questions
III. Better Your Test Scores
Chapter 9 How to Read Specialized Materials
I. How to Read Textbooks
II. How to Read Newspapers
III. How to Read Business Letters
IV. How to Read Charts and Tables
V. How to Read Entertainments
VI. How to Read Job Ads
VII. How to Understand Bank Statements
VIII. How to Read Tourist Information


