



  • 書名:實用職業英語系列叢書•金融英語
  • 出版社:上海科學技術文獻出版社
  • 頁數:269頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:上海科學技術文獻出版社
  • 作者:胡志勇
  • 出版日期:2009年1月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9787543937512, 7543937514 




Unit 1 Overview of Finance
Unit 2 Money and Interest Rates
Unit 3 Commercial Banks and Monetary Market
Unit 4 Central Bank and Monetary Policy
Unit 5 World Bank and International Monetary Market
Unit 6 Balance of Payment
Unit 7 Exchange Rate and Reserve
Unit 8 International Monetary Fund
Unit 9 International Monetary System
Unit 10 International Financial Market
Unit 11 Currency Forwards and the Futures Markets, Foreign Exchange Options
Unit 12 Corporate Finance,Risk and Valuation
Unit 13 Accounting and Financial Statements
Unit 14 Bonds and Bond Market
Unit 15 Stocks and Shares, Stock Market
Unit 16 Mutual Fund
Unit 17 Insurance
Unit 18 Takeovers, Mergers and Buyouts


The Bretton Woods system broke down because the dynamics of supply, demand,and prices in a nation affect the true value of its currency, regardless of fixed rate schemes or pegging policies. When those dynamics are not reflected in the foreign exchange value of the currency, the currency becomes overvalued or undervalued in terms of other currencies. Its price —— fixed or otherwise —— becomes too high or too low,given the economic fundamentals of the nation and the dynamics of supply, demand, and prices. When this occurs, the flows of international trade and payments are distorted.
In the 1960s, rising costs in the United States made U.S. exports uncompetitive. At the same time, western Europe and Japan emerged from the wreckage of World War 11 to become productive economies that could compete with the United States. As a result,the US dollar became overvalued under the fixed exchange rate system. This caused a drain on the U.S. gold supply, because foreigners preferred to hold gold rather than overvalued dollars. By 1970, U.S. gold reserves decreased to about $10 billion, a drop of more than 50 percent from the peak of $24 billion in 1949.
In 1971, the U.S. decided to let the dollar float against other currencies so it could find its proper value and imbalances in trade and international funds flows could be corrected. This indeed occurred and evolved into the managed float system of today.
A nation manages the value of its currency by buying or selling it on the foreign exchange market. If a nation's central bank buys its currency, the supply of that currency decreases and the supply of other currencies increases relative to it. This increases the value of its currency.
On the other hand, if a nation's central bank sells its currency, the supply of that currency on the market increases, and the supply of other currencies decreases relative to it. This decreases the value of its currency.
The International Monetary Fund plays a key role in operations that help a nation manage the value of its currency.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is like a central bank for the world's central banks. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C., has 184 member nations, and cooperates closely with the World Bank, which we discuss in The Global Market and Developing Nations. The IMF has a board of governors consisting of one representative from each member nation. The board of governors elects a 20-member executive board to conduct regular operations.




