



  • 中文名:實用職場英語讀寫教程3
  • 作者:《實用職場英語》編寫組
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040428551




UNIT 1 Promoting Activities
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Creative Strategies: Prompt Consumers to Buy, Buy, Buy
Passage Ⅱ Promotion Methods
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
UNIT 2 Company Profiles
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Developing Your Company Image
Passage Ⅱ Everyone Has a Chance to Win
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
UNIT 3 Purchase and Payment
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ How Safe Is Your Mobile Wallet?
Passage Ⅱ E-business Means Opportunities
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
UNIT 4 Training Across Cultures
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
Passage Ⅱ Change, or Get Left Behind
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
UNIT 5 Brands and Advertisements
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Elsie the Cow
Passage Ⅱ Experiential Branding
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
UNIT 6 Sharingthe Loss
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Sharing Economic Losses Through Insurance
Passage Ⅱ Be Careful with Your Policy
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
UNIT 7 BusyAgenda and Schedule
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ A Survey Report on Owner-managers in the UK
Passage Ⅱ Tales from the American Taipan
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
UNIT 8 Thinking Global, Acting Local
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Real WTO Challenges for China
Passage Ⅱ A New Energy Age——Fueling the Future
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
Phrases and Expressions


