
《實用大學英語閱讀教程2》是2023年8月重慶大學出版社出版的圖書,作者:常鵬雲 劉琳。


  • 中文名:實用大學英語閱讀教程2
  • 作者:常鵬雲 劉琳
  • 出版時間:2023年8月21日
  • 出版社:重慶大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787568941174
  • 定價:42 元
  • 開本:16 開


作者:常鵬雲 劉琳
字數(千):418 頁數:206 印次:1-1
開本:16開 平裝
出版時間: 2023-08-21




Unit 1
Part 1Reading Skill:Writing Summaries
Section AExploratory Reading
Section BTrying Your Hand
Part 2Reading Comprehension
Section AReading in the Context
Section BReading and Matching
Section CReading in Depth
Part 3Translation
Part 4Guided Writing
Unit 2
Part 1Reading Skill:Understanding the Relationship Within Sentences
Section AExploratory Reading
Section BTrying Your Hand
Part 2Reading Comprehension
Section AReading in the Context
Section BReading and Matching
Section CReading in Depth
Part 3Translation
Part 4Guided Writing
Unit 3
Part 1Reading Skill:Distinguishing Facts from Opinions
Section AExploratory Reading
Section BTrying Your Hand
Part 2Reading Comprehension
Section AReading in the Context
Section BReading and Matching
Section CReading in Depth
Part 3Translation
Part 4Guided Writing
Unit 4
Part 1Reading Skill:Understanding the Text Structure
Section AExploratory Reading
Section BTrying Your Hand
Part 2Reading Comprehension
Section AReading in the Context
Section BReading and Matching
Section CReading in Depth
Part 3Translation
Part 4Guided Writing
Unit 5
Part 1Reading Skill:Critical Reading
Section AExploratory Reading
Section BTrying Your Hand
Part 2Reading Comprehension
Section AReading in the Context
Section BReading and Matching
Section CReading in Depth
Part 3Translation
Part 4Guided Writing
Unit 6
Part 1Reading Skill:Using Reference Sources
Section AExploratory Reading
Section BTrying Your Hand
Part 2Reading Comprehension
Section AReading in the Context
Section BReading and Matching
Section CReading in Depth
Part 3Translation
Part 4Guided Writing
Unit 7
Part 1Reading Skill:Taking Notes
Section AExploratory Reading
Section BTrying Your Hand
Part 2Reading Comprehension
Section AReading in the Context
Section BReading and Matching
Section CReading in Depth
Part 3Translation
Part 4Guided Writing
Unit 8
Part 1Reading Skill:Identifying the Author’s Purpose
Section AExploratory Reading
Section BTrying Your Hand
Part 2Reading Comprehension
Section AReading in the Context
Section BReading and Matching
Section CReading in Depth
Part 3Translation
Part 4Guided Writing
Answers and Explanations


