



  • 中文名:新編實用大學英語閱讀教程2
  • 作者:溫宗全
  • 出版社:西南交通大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787564342135


由董兵主編的教材《新編實用大學英語閱讀教程 (2高素質英語人才培養實用教材普通高等教育十三五套用型人才培養規劃教材)》以簡約實用為基本原則,努力根據學生實際水平和未來需求求打造一套實用、創新、有技術含量的教材。教程分為4冊,供英語專業第1、2學年度使用。這是本套教材的第2冊, 共10單元,選材注重文化和商務,既注重知識性、文化性,也注重趣味性與流行性,適量加入插圖及二維碼視頻材料輔助理解。練習也注重了多樣化、趣味性 、及思維訓練。各單元加入一個“中國風”板塊,系列化介紹中華文化、習俗及生活。


Unit 1 Part I Prereading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Top 10 American Icons Text B Unique Tradition from UK Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Test Yourself Part V Supplementary ReadingUnit 2 Part I Prereading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A The End of Email Era Text B Why I Can’t Kick The Apple Iphone Habit Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part IV Test Yourself Part V Supplementary ReadingUnit 3 Part I Prereading Questions Part II Extensive Reading Text A What Princess Diana’s Life Might Look Like Now Text B The Queen and Her Role to UK Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Test Yourself Part V Supplementary ReadingUnit 4 Part I Pre-reading Questions Part II Extensive Reading Text A The History ofthe Tower of London Text B Hollywood Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part IV Test Yourself Part V Supplementary ReadingUnit 5 Part I Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A The Way Ahead:Innovating Together in China Text B Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part IV Test Yourself Part V Supplememary ReadingUnit 6 Part I Prereading Questions Part II Extensive Reading Text A Jack Ma(I) Text B Jack Ma(Ⅱ) Part Ⅱ Reading Skills Part IV Test Yourself Part V Supplementary ReadingUnit 7 Part I Prereading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Text B China Can Help World with Infrastructure Experience and Investment:Economist PartⅢ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Test Yourself Part V Supplementary ReadingUnit 8 Part I Prereading Questions Part II Extensive Reading Text A China Looks for Bluesky Solmions as Smog Worsens Text B Carbon Emissions Trading Markets Worldwide Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Test Yourself Part V Supplementary Reading CrosstalkUnit 9 Part I Prereading Questions Part II Extensive Reading Text A CocaCola Captures Passion for Celebration in New Global Commercials for 2010 FIFA World Cup Text B “One Belt and One Road”to Further Boost the Risc of China Part II Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Test Yourself Part V Supplementary ReadingUnit 10 Part Ⅰ Prereading Questions Part II Extensive Reading Text A Why Do Asian American Students Excel in School? Text B Harvard University Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part IV Test Yourself Part V Supplementary Reading


