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  • 中文名:宋進喜 
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:西安理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生態水文、水文學及水資源
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學
2000-09--2004-04 西安理工大學 博士
1996-09--1998-06 長春科技大學(現吉林大學) 碩士
1992-09--1996-07 長春地質學院(現吉林大學) 學士
(1) 基於河流健康的生態流量及其保障措施研究,陝西省科學技術獎一等獎(證書號:2012-1-01-R1),2012, 第一完成人
(2) 基於河流健康的生態流量及其保障措施研究,陝西高等學校科學技術獎一等獎(證書號:2010-K17),2010,第一完成
(1) 搖蚊幼蟲與霍甫水絲蚓擾動對河流沉積物中氮、磷、氧釋放的影響,環境科學學報,2015,通訊作者
(2) 渭河流域大型底棲動物多度及其影響因子研究,北京師範大學學報(自然科學版),2015,通訊作者
(3) 渭河陝西段沉積物中總磷、總氮時空分布特徵及其影響因素研究,環境科學學報,2015,通訊作者
(4) Simulating spatiotemporal variability of blue and green water resources availability with uncertainty analysis,Hydrological Processes,2015,第4作者
(5) Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Evapotranspiration Paradox and Impact Factors in China in the Period of 1960–2013, Advances in Meteorology,2015,第4作者
(6) Water balance between surface water and groundwater in the withdrawal process: A case study of the Osceola watershed,Hydrology Research,2015,第5作者
(7) 北洛河潛流帶水交換研究,水土保持學報,2015,通訊作者
(8) Spatial variability of streambed vertical hydraulic conductivity and its relation to distinctive stream morphologies in the Beiluo River, Shaanxi Province, China,Hydrogeology Journal,2015,通訊作者
(9) Assessing the Variability of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Liquid-Solid Two-Phase and Related Environmental Risks in the Weihe River of Shaanxi Province, China,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2015,第1作者
(10) An evaluation of river health for the Weihe River in Shaanxi Province, China,Advances in Meteorology,2015,第1作者
(11) 渭河陝西段潛流帶污染特徵及其對河水的影響,乾旱區研究,2015,通訊作者
(12) 底棲動物擾動對河床滲透性的影響研究,Effect of invertebrate bioturbation on vertical hydraulic conductivity of streambed for a river,環境科學,2014,第2作者
(13) 渭河陝西段潛流帶沉積物重金屬變化初步分析,Variation of heavy metal concentrations in hyporheic sediments for the Weihe River of Shaanxi Province,環境科學學報,2014,第2作者
(14) 河流潛流帶顫蚓生物擾動對沉積物滲透性的影響研究,Effect of Tubificid bioturbation on vertical hydraulic conductivity of the hyporheic steambed sediments,環境科學學報,2014,第1作者
(15) Applicability analysis on the improved one-dimension steady-state river water quality model,,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,第2作者
(16) Changes in major factors affecting the ecosystem health of the Weihe River in Shaanxi Province, China,Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering,2013,通訊作者
(17) A wavelet-neural network hybrid modelling approach for estimating and predicting river monthly flows,Hydrological Science Journal,2013,第3作者
(18) Improving prediction accuracy of river discharge time series using a Wavelet-NAR network,Journal of Hydroloinformatics,2012,第3作者
(19) Simulating and predicting river discharge time series using a wavelet-neural network hybrid modeling approach,Hydrological Processes,2012,第2作者
(20) System dynamic simulation model for assessing socio-economic impacts of different levels of environmental flow in the Weihe River Basin, China,European Journal of Operational Research,2012,第3作者
(21) Statistical distribution of streambed vertical hydraulic conductivity along the Platte River, Nebraska,Water Resources Management,2011,第2作者
(22) Instream flow requirements for sediment transport in the lower Weihe River,Hydrological Processes,2010,第1作者
(23) Variation of specific yield with depth in an alluvial aquifer of the Platte River valley, USA,International Journal of Sediment Research,2010,第1作者
(24) Observation of Bioturbation and Hyporheic Flux in Streambed,Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China,2010,第1作者
(25) Spatial variability of specific yield and vertical hydraulic conductivity in a highly permeable alluvial aquifer,Journal of Hydrology,2010,第2作者
(26) Land use allocation based on interval multi-objective linear programming model: a case study of Pi County in Sichuan Province,Chinese Geographical Science,2010,第4作者
(27) Variability of Streambed Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity with Depth along the Elkhorn River, Nebraska, USA,Chinese Science Bulletin,2010,第1作者
(28) Feasibility of grain-size analysis methods for determination of vertical hydraulic conductivity of streambeds,Journal of Hydrology,2009,第1作者
(29) A new method for mapping variability in vertical seepage flux in streambeds,Hydrogeology Journal,2009,第2作者
(30) Effect of hyporheic processes on streambed vertical hydraulic conductivity in three rivers of Nebraska,Geophysical Research Letters,2007,第1作者
(31) Ecological and environmental instream flow requirements for the Wei River—the largest tributary of the Yellow River,Hydrological Processes,2007,第1作者


(1) 渭河生態環境需水量研究,Ecological and Environmental Instream Flow Requirements for the Weihe River,中國水利水電出版社,2004-10,第1作者


(1) 渭河流域生態-水文相互作用機理,主持,院級級,2015-01--2017-12
(2) 旱區流域水文-生態-經濟過程與調控(2014KCT-27),主持,省級,2014-06--2017-06
(3) 北方河流潛流帶水交換時空變異性與數值模擬-以渭河為例(20136101110001),主持,部委級,2014-01--2016-12
(4) 北方河流潛流帶水交換變化機理與數值模擬(51379715),主持,國家級,2014-01--2017-12
(5) 河湖水系連通的環境影響與生態效應(12&ZD216-02),主持,國家級,2013-01--2014-12
(6) 河水-地下水交錯帶中水量交換過程及其回響機理研究(NCET-11-1045),主持,部委級,2012-01--2014-12
(7) 渭河河流健康診斷評價及修復技術研究,主持,部委級,2012-01--2014-12


