2006.1 - 2006.7美國
2006.8 - 2009.1美國
2009.1 -
1. Qingtao Song, Tetsu Hara, Peter Cornillon, and Carl A. Friehe, 2004: A Comparison between Observations and MM5 Simulations of the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer across a Temperature Front.Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.Vol.21, no.2, pp. 170-178.
2. Qingtao Song, Peter Cornillon, and Tetsu Hara, 2006: Surface Wind Response to Oceanic Fronts.Journal of Geophysical Research.Vol. 111, C12006, doi:10.1029/2006JC003680.
3. Richard J. Small, Simon deSzoeke, Shang-Ping Xie, Larry O'Neill, Hyodae Seo, Qingtao Song, Peter Cornillon, Mike Spall, and S. Minobe, 2008: Air-sea Interaction at Ocean Fronts.Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans,45, 274-319, .
4. Dudley Chelton and Qingtao Song, 2008: Observation and Modeling of SST Influence on Surface Winds,Proceedings of ECMWF Workshop on Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions.21-31.
5. Qingtao Song, Dudley Chelton, Steven Esbensen, Nicolai Thum, and Larry O'Neill, 2009: On the Coupling between Sea Surface Temperature and Low-level Winds in Mesoscale Numerical Models.Journal of Climate,22, 146-164.
6. Minwei Zhang, Junwu Tang, Qing Dong, Qingtao Song and Jing Ding, 2010: A new Chl-a retrieval algorithm using MODIS radiometer over the East China Sea.Remote Sensing of Environment.114, 392-403.
7. Xingwei Jiang and Qingtao Song, 2010: Satellite microwave measurements of the global oceans and future missions. Science and Technology Review, 28(3),105-111.