

宋朝省,男,1983年7月,博士,重慶大學機械工程學院副教授,博士生導師,中國機械工程學會高級會員,ASME會員,浙江省齒輪傳動與摩擦材料研究重點實驗室學術委員會委員,20餘種國際知名期刊通訊評審專家。2011年畢業於重慶大學,獲工學博士學位,長期從事船舶、新能源電動車、機器人齒輪傳動嚙合理論、設計分析與系統動力學及減振降噪方面的研究工作,主持國家自然科學基金青年基金,國家自然科學基金面上項目,中國博士後基金,重慶市重點產業共性關鍵技術創新專項及企業課題20餘項,獲教育部科學技術進步獎2項與上銀優秀機械博士論文佳作獎1項,在《Mechanism and Machine Theory》、《Journal of Mechanical Design》、《機械工程學報》、《振動與衝擊》等國際和國內學術期刊上發表論文50餘篇,授權國家專利12項。


  • 中文名:宋朝省
  • 畢業院校:重慶大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:機械設計計算機輔助工程等
  • 職務:重慶大學機械工程學院博士生導師


1. 機械設計計算機輔助工程
2. 系統動力學及振動噪聲分析與控制,電動車高速差減-輪邊-輪轂齒輪傳動減振降噪
3. 精密傳動與驅動,漸開線變齒厚齒輪傳動,螺旋錐齒輪與準雙曲面齒輪傳動,行星齒輪傳動


2015.09—至 今 重慶大學副教授
2016.02—2016.04 美國University of Cincinnati,機械系訪問學者
2014.02—2015.08 重慶大學 講師
2011.11—2013.11 清華大學&中冶賽迪集團有限公司 博士後
2011.07—2014.02 重慶賽迪冶煉裝備系統集成工程技術研究中心有限公司 高級工程師
2009.09—2010.09 美國University of Cincinnati機械系,國家公派博士聯合培養
2008.03—2011.06 重慶大學 博士研究生
2005.09—2007.12 重慶大學 碩士研究生
2001.09—2005.06 重慶大學 大學本科




[2]本科生課程“Machine Design”(全英文)



[1] Siyuan Liu,Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Chengcheng Liang,Xingyu Yang, Investigation on the influence of work holding equipment errors on contact characteristics of face-hobbed hypoid gear. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2019, 138:95-111.
[2] Siyuan Liu,Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Qi Fan. Concave Modifications of Tooth Surfaces of Beveloid Gears with Crossed Axes. Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,2019, 233(4):1411-1425.
[3] Siyuan Liu,Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Gaoxiang Ni, Najeeb Ullah. Concave and convex modifications analysis for skewed beveloid gears considering misalignments. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2019, 133:127-149.
[4] Xingyu yang,Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Chengcheng Liang, Ruihua Sun. Impacts of Misalignments on Mesh Behaviors of Face-Hobbed Hypoid Gear Considering System Deformation. IEEE-Access, 2019, online, 1-10.
[5] Chao Xiang,Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Yanxiang Weng, Wanlong Guo. Effects of Tooth Modifications on the Mesh and Dynamic Characteristics of Differential Gearbox Used in Electric Vehicle. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 43(S1):537-549.
[6]Chaosheng Song*, Siwei Zhou, Caichao Zhu, Xingyu Yang, Zufeng Li, Ruihua Sun. Modeling and Analysis of Mesh Stiffness for Straight Beveloid Gear with Parallel Axes Based on Potential Energy Method. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 2018, 12(7):1-14.
[7] Xi Chen,Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Jianjun Tan and Najeeb Ullah. Effects of macro-parameters on vibration and radiation noise for high speed wheel gear transmission in electric vehicles. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2018, 32(9):4153-4164.
[8] Xingyu, Yang,Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Siyuan Liu. Tooth surface deviation and mesh analysis of beveloid gears with parallel axis considering machine tool adjustment errors. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 2018, 12(4):1-15.
[9]Chaosheng Song*, Yaozhou, Caichao Zhu, Gaoxiang Ni, Siyuan Liu. Loaded tooth contact analysis of intersected beveloid and cylindrical involute gear pair with small shaft angle. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 2018, 12(1):1-15.
[10]Siyuan Liu,Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Gaoxiang Ni. Effects of tooth modifications on mesh characteristics of crossed beveloid gear pair with small shaft angle. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2018, 119:142-160.
[11]Qilin Chen,Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Xuesong Du, Gaoxiang Ni. Manufacturing and contact characteristics analysis of internal straight beveloid gear pair. Mechanism and Machine theory, 2017, 114:60-73.
[12]Zhiheng Feng,Chaosheng Song*. Effects of geometry design parameters on the static strength and dynamics for spiral bevel gear. International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2017, Article ID6842938, 8 pages.
[13]Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Huaiju Liu, Gaoxiang Ni. Dynamic Analysis and Experimental Study of a Marine Gearbox with Crossed Beveloid Gears. Mechanism and Machine Theory,2015, 92:17-28.
[14]Caichao Zhu,Chaosheng Song*, Teik C. Lim and Tao Peng. Pitch cone design and influence of misalignments on tooth contact behaviors of crossed beveloid gears. Mechanism and Machine Theory,2013, 59:48-64.
[15]Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Wenji Liu. Sliding friction effect on dynamics of crossed beveloid gears with small shaft angle. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2013, 27 (5):1255-1263.
[16]Caichao Zhu,Chaosheng Song*, Teik C. Lim and Sandeep Vijayakar. Geometry design and tooth contact analysis of crossed beveloid gears for marine transmissions. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2012, 25 (2), 328-337.
[17]Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Teik C. Lim and Tao Peng. Parametric Analysis of Gear Mesh and Dynamic Response of Loaded Helical Beveloid Transmission With Small Shaft Angle. ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design,2012, 134(8):1-8.
[18]Chaosheng Song*, Caichao Zhu, Teik C. Lim, Rong Fan. Computational Tooth Root Stress Analysis of Crossed Beveloid Gears with Small Shaft Angle. International Conference on Power Transmission, 2011, Xi’an, 86:188-191.
[19]Caichao Zhu,Chaosheng Song*, Teik C. Lim, Tao Peng. Effects of assembly errors on crossed beveloid gear tooth contact and dynamic response. ASME Internationl Design Engineering Technical Conferences / Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), 2011, August 28-31, DETC2011-47413, 1-9.
[22]宋朝省, 翁燕祥, 朱才朝, 向超,劉懷舉.考慮輪齒修形的電動車輪邊減速器動態嚙合性能研究. 振動與衝擊,2017,36(20):254-260.
[23]陳曦,宋朝省,朱才朝,翁燕祥,向超,郭萬龍. 電動車高速輪邊齒輪傳動動態特性分析與最佳化. 重慶大學學報, 2017,40(10):1-11.
[24]宋朝省,朱才朝, 劉立斌,寧傑,劉偉輝. 交錯軸漸開線變厚齒輪傳動節圓錐設計. 重慶大學學報,2012, Vol.35(8):48-53.
[25]宋朝省,朱才朝,Teik C. Lim,羅家元,徐向陽. 小角度空間交錯軸變厚齒輪傳動嚙合動態特性研究. 振動與衝擊,2012, Vol.31(8):153-157
[26]宋朝省, 朱才朝, 劉立斌. 船用交錯軸變厚齒輪嚙合性能研究. 西安交通大學學報,2012, Vol.46(11):64-68.


[1]宋朝省,陳曦,朱才朝.電動車輪轂驅動裝置[P]. 重慶:CN106926690B, 2019-07-02.
[2] 王爽,宋朝省,戴宇,李琪康,秦運根. 圓孔式硬幣清分裝置[P]. 重慶:CN105844776B,2019-07-02.
[3] 杜雪松,劉豪,朱才朝,宋朝省,黃玉成. 一種內嚙合變齒厚齒輪試驗台[P]. 重慶:CN106932199B,2019-04-23.
[4] 黃其明,宋朝省.電弧爐階梯擾動涵道廢鋼預熱裝置及預熱方法[P]. 重慶:CN103196296B, 2015-07-15.
[5] 黃其明,宋朝省, 徐傑. 使物料在輸送裝置上自動均布的輸料方法及輸料裝置[P]. 重慶:CN103146876B, 2016-04-06.
[6]宋朝省,梁成成,朱才朝.中空電機式電動汽車動力傳動系統[P]. 重慶:CN207374094 U, 2018-05-18.
[7] 許立新,宋朝省. 一種複式擺線減速器[P]. 重慶:CN207634623U, 2018-07-20.
[8] 李琪康,宋朝省,秦運根,王爽,戴宇. 螺旋式分幣滾筒[P]. 重慶:CN205845152U,2016-12-28.
[9] 秦運根,宋朝省,戴宇,李琪康,王爽. 硬幣清分入幣裝置[P]. 重慶:CN205827493U,2016-12-21.
[10]黃其明,張濤,宋朝省,劉春霆.豎爐-電弧爐還原鐵的連續熱送加料裝置[P]. 重慶:CN203307366U,2013-11-27.


