


  • 中文名:宋奎晶
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:焊接結構力學與可靠性
  • 任職院校:合肥工業大學


2014.04-2016.4,亥姆霍茲吉斯達赫特材料與海洋研究中心(Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht),固態連線部,博士後/項目研究員




1. 魏艷紅,董志波,宋奎晶,鄭文健,馬瑞,占小紅,方坤,張家銘,一種焊接過程熱影響區組織演變的模擬方法,2014.9.3,CN102750425B. 授權
2. 董志波,鄭文健,宋奎晶,張家銘,郭軍禮,王帥麗,魏艷紅,一種雷射焊接熱源模型的建立方法,2016.02.17,CN103049623B. 授權
3. 楊建國,方坤,宋奎晶,方洪淵,劉雪松,董志波,王濤,趙德龍,一種再納米化焊接的方法,2015.01.14,CN102689123B. 授權
4. 宋奎晶,魏艷紅,董志波,鄭文健,方坤,馬瑞,占小紅,焊接熱循環溫度與熱變形歷史材料本構關係建立方法及MSC.MARC二次開發,CN102819633A
5. 楊建國,方坤,宋奎晶,方洪淵,劉雪松,董志波,王濤,趙德龍,一種碾壓頭及利用該碾壓頭實現再納米化焊接的方法,CN102689123A
1. Kuijing Song,Yanhong Wei,Kun Fang,Zhibo Dong,Xiaohong Zhan,Wenjian Zheng,Cellular Automaton-based Study of Factors that Affect Dynamic Solid Phase Transformation Kinetics,Applied Mathematical Modelling,2015,39(17):5058-5072
2. Kuijing Song,Kun Fang,Jianguo Yang,Ran Ma,Xuesong Liu,Jiajie Wang,Hongyuan Fang,Acceleration of Regeneration Treatment for Nanostructured Bainitic Steel Welding by Static Recrystallisation,Material Science and Technology,2015,31(7):835-842
3. Kuijing Song,Yanhong Wei,Zhibo Dong,Rui Ma,Xiaohong Zhan,Wenjian Zheng,Kun Fang,Constitutive Model Coupled with Mechanical Effect of Volume Change and Transformation Induced Plasticity during Solid Phase Transformation for TA15 Alloy Welding,Applied Mathematical Modelling,2015,39(7):2064-2080
4. Kuijing Song,Yanhong Wei,Zhibo Dong,Xiaoying Wang,Wenjian Zheng,Kun Fang,Cellular Automaton Modelling of Diffusion, Mixed and Interface Controlled Phase Transformation,Journal of Phase Equilibria andDiffusion,2015,36(2):136-148
5. Kuijing Song,Zhibo Dong,Kun Fang,Xiaohong Zhan,Yanhong Wei,Cellular Automaton Modelling of Dynamic Recrystallization Microstructure Evolution during Friction Stir Welding of Titanium Alloy,Material Science and Technology,2014,30(6):700-711
6. 宋奎晶,魏艷紅,董志波,馬瑞,占小紅,鄭文健,方坤,焊接熱循環和變形歷史相關的A7N01-T6本構關係,焊接學報,2014,(04):87-90+94+117
7. 宋奎晶,魏艷紅,馬瑞,董志波,鄭文健,TA15鈦合金焊接熱影響區組織演變的數值模擬,焊接學報,2014,(02):28-32+114
8. Kuijing Song,Yanhong Wei,Zhibo Dong,Rui Ma,Xiaohong Zhan,Wenjian Zheng,Kun Fang,Virtual Front Tracking Cellular Automaton Modelling of Isothermal β to α Phase Transformation with Crystallography Preferred Orientation of TA15 Alloy,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,2013,22(1)
9. Kuijing Song,Yanhong Wei,Zhibo Dong,Xiaohong Zhan,Wenjian Zheng,Kun Fang,Numerical Simulationof β to α Phase Transformation in Heat Affected Zone during Welding of TA15 Alloy,Computational Materials Science,2013,72:93-100
10. Kuijing Song,Yanhong Wei,Zhibo Dong,Kun Fang,Wenjian Zheng,Rui Ma,Visco-elastic-plastic Constitutive Model for A7N01-T6 Alloy Welding and Analytical Solutions in Finite Element Codes,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,446-447:284-287
11. 宋奎晶,魏艷紅,董志波,TA15鈦合金FSW金屬流動的有限元模擬,機械工程與技術,2013,2(4):105-109
12. Kuijing Song,Uceu F. H. Suhuddin,Junjun Shen,Jorge F. dos Santos,Preliminary Phase Field Simulation of Intermetallic Compound Formation and Growth in Dissimilar Al and Mg Friction Spot Welding Joint,Intermetallics 2015,Bad Staffelstein,2015.9.28-2015.10.2. Poster
13. 方坤,宋奎晶,梁寧,楊建國,方洪淵,偏析對納米貝氏體鋼再納米化焊縫組織性能的影響,焊接學報,2016,(03):13-17
14. Kun Fang,Jianguo Yang,Kuijing Song,Xuesong Liu,Hongyuan Fang,Acceleration of Regeneration Treatment for Nanostructured Bainitic Steel by Rotary Impacting Trailed Welding,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2014,214(12):2935-2940
15. Kun Fang,Jianguo Yang,Kuijing Song,Xuesong Liu,Hongyuan Fang,Study on Tempered Zone in Nanostructured Bainitic Steel Welded Joints with Regeneration,Science and Technology of Welding and Joining,2014,19(7):572-577
16. Kun Fang,Jianguo Yang,Kuijing Song,Xuesong Liu,Zhibo Dong,Hongyuan Fang,Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Bainite Weld with Regeneration,Metals and Materials International,2014,20(5):923-928
17. Wenjian Zheng,Zhibo Dong,Yanhong Wei,Kuijing Song,Onset of the Initial Instability during the Solidification of Welding Pool of Aluminum Alloy under Transient Conditions,Journal of Crystal Growth,2014,402:203-209
18. Zhibo Dong,Wenjian Zheng,Yanhong Wei,Kuijing Song,Dynamic Evolution of Initial Instability during Non-steady-state Growth,Physical Review E,2014,89(062403)
19. Wenjian Zheng,Zhibo Dong,Yanhong Wei,Kuijing Song,Junli Guo,Yong Wang,Phase Field Investigation of Dendrite Growth in the Welding Pool of Aluminum Alloy 2A14 under Transient Conditions,Computational Materials Science,2014,82:525-530
20. 方坤,黃楠,楊建國,宋奎晶,方洪淵,納米貝氏體鋼再納米化焊接接頭組織和性能,焊接學報,2014,35(1):105-108
21. Kun Fang,Jianguo Yang,Xuesong Liu,Kuijing Song,Hongyuan Fang,Harshad Kumar Dharamshi Hansraj Bhadeshia,Regeneration Technique for Welding Nanostructured Bainite,Materials & Design,2013,50:38-43
22. 方坤,宋奎晶,楊建國,劉雪松,趙德龍,方洪淵,納米貝氏體鋼TIG焊接頭組織和性能,焊接學報,2013,34(08):13-16
23. Kun Fang,Jianguo Yang,Delong Zhao,Kuijing Song,Zhongjie Yan,Hongyuan Fang,Review of Nanobainite Steel Welding,Advanced Materials Research,2012,482(484):2405-2408
24. Guangxu Hu,Zhibo Dong,Yanhong Wei,Kuijing Song,Xiaohong Zhan,Investigation on automated loading of dynamic 3D heat source during welding simulation,China Welding,2011,20(2):41-45
25. Zhibo Dong, Shujuan Wang, Rui Ma, Yanhong Wei, Kuijing Song, Guofu Zhai,Solute Redistribution with Shear Flow in Molten Pool of Ni-Cr Alloy. Journal of Materials Science & Technology,2011,27 (2): 183-188




