2013- 中國石油大學(北京)油氣井工程系副教授、碩士生導師
教學情況:石油工程本科《完井工程》;碩士留學生《Advanced Well Completion》
教學情況:石油工程本科《完井工程》;碩士留學生《Advanced Well Completion》
[1]Xianzhi Song*, Zehao Lyu, Gensheng Li, Jinxia Liu, Ruixia Li, Yu Shi. Numerical Analysis of Characteristics of a Single U-tube Downhole Heat Exchanger in the Geothermal Reservoir [C]. Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, 2017. (EI)
[2]Zehao Lyu,Xianzhi Song*, Gensheng Li, Xiaodong Hu, Yu Shi, Yu Liu. Numerical Analysis of the Two-material Downhole Flow Field in Hydrothermal Jet Drilling [C]. Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, 2017. (EI)
[3]Yu Shi,Xianzhi Song*, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen, Jinxia Liu, Ruixia Li. Numerical Investigation on Reservoir Heat Production Capacity of a Downhole Heat Exchanger Geothermal System [C]. Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, 2017. (EI)
[4]Song, Xianzhi*; Xu, Zhengming ; Li, Gensheng ; Pang, Zhaoyu ; Zhu, Zhaopeng.A new model for predicting drag coefficient and settling velocity of spherical and non-spherical particle in Newtonian fluid[J]. Powder Technology, 2017,321: 242-250(EI)
[5]Song, Xianzhi*; Lyu, Zehao; Li, Gensheng ; Hu, Xiaodong .Numerical analysis of the impact flow field of multi-orifice nozzle hydrothermal jet combined with cooling water[J]. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2017, 114:578-589.(EI)
[6]Song, Xianzhi*; Lyu, Zehao; Cui, Li ;Li, Gensheng ;Ji, Guodong; Pang, Zhaoyu. Comparison of numerical analysis on the downhole flow field for multi-orifice hydrothermal jet drilling technology for geothermal wells[J]. Geothermics, 2017, 70:314-323.(EI)
[7]Xianzhi Song*, Yu Shi, Gensheng Li, Xiaodong Hu, Zehao Lv, Rui Zheng, Gaosheng Wang. Experimental Study on Specific Energy of Thermal Spallation Drilling Technology. 2017.6.25-28. 51st U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. San Francisco.
[8]Song, Xianzhi*, Lv, Zehao, Li, Gensheng, Hu, Xiaodong, Shi, Yu.Numerical analysis on the impact of the flow field of hydrothermal jet drilling for geothermal wells in a confined cooling environment. Geothermics 2017.01.01 66: 39~49 (SCI/EI)
[9]Song Xianzhi*, Li Gensheng, Xu Zhengming, Wang Mengshu, S.N. Shah, Pang Zhaoyu.Experimental study on the wellbore cleaning efficiency of microhole horizontal well drilling. SPE Journal, 2017,doi:10.2118/185965-PA.(SCI/EI)
[10]Zehao Lyu,Xianzhi Song, Gensheng Li, Xiaodong Hu, Yu Shi, Zhipeng Xu. Numerical analysis of characteristics of a single U-tube downhole heat exchanger in the borehole for geothermal wells[J]. Energy, 2017, 125: 186-196.(SCI/EI)
[11]X Song*, C Peng, G Li, K Wen. A Probabilistic Model to Evaluate the Operation Reliability of the Underground System in Underground Gas Storage Transformed from Depleted Gas Reservoir[C]//International Petroleum Technology Conference. International Petroleum Technology Conference, 2016.
[12]Xianzhi Song*, Gensheng Li, Bin Guo, Haizhu Wang, Xiaojiang Li, Zehao Lyu. Transport Feasibility of Proppant by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Fracturing in Reservoir Fractures. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B
[13]Jingbin Li, Gensheng Li, Zhongwei Huang,Xianzhi Song, Zhenguo He, Shikun Zhang. A discussion about the method to study the effect of ambient pressure on hydraulic jetting. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2016.10.21, 149 (2017): 203~207(SCI/EI)
[14]Xianzhi Song*, Zehao Lv, Liu Cui, Gensheng Li, Guodong Ji, Xiaodong Hu, Yu Shi. Numerical Analysis of Flow Field in Multiple Hydrothermal jet Drilling for Geothermal Wells. Geothermal Resources Council(GRC) 40Annual Meeting. California 2016:245~253(EI)
[15]Xianzhi Song*, Xiaodong Hu, Gensheng Li, Zehao Lv, Yu Shi, Bin Zhu. Research Progress of Hydrothermal Jet Drilling Technology. 11th Pacific Rim International Conference on Water Jet Technology, Xuzhou,China. 2016.10.17-2016.10.18
[16]Song, Xianzhi*, Lv, Zehao, Li, Gensheng, Hu, Xiaodong, Shi, Yu.Numerical analysis of characteristics of multi-orifice nozzle hydrothermal jet impact flow field and heat transfer. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2016.9.01 35: 79~88 (SCI/EI)
[17]Hu, Xiaodong,Song, Xianzhi(*), Li, Gensheng, Shen, Zhonghou, Cui, Liu, Lv, Zehao, Shi, Yu, Peng, Chi. Numerical analysis of bottomhole velocity and pressure distributions of high pressure high temperature hydrothermal jet. IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference, Singapore2016.8.22-2016.8.24(EI)
[18]Song, Xianzhi*, Peng, Chi, Li, Gensheng, He, Zhenguo, Wang, Haizhu.Optimization of Operation Parameters for Helical Flow Cleanout with Supercritical CO2 in Horizontal Wells Using Back-Propagation Artificial Neural Network[J]. Plos One, 2016, 11(6):e0156358.(SCI)
[19]Xianzhi Song*, Gensheng Li, Zehao Lv, Xiaodong Hu, Bin Zhu. NUMERICAL SIMULATION ON CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMAL JET IMPACT FLOW FIELD[C]// Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference. 2016.
[20]Li, Jingbin, Li, Gensheng, Huang, Zhongwei,Song, Xianzhi, Yang, Ruiyue, Peng, Kewen. The self-propelled force model of a multi-orifice nozzle for radial jet drilling. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015.5.01, 24: 441~448(SCI/EI)
[21]Xianzhi Song*, Gensheng Li, Zhongwei Huang, Shouceng Tian, Haizhu Wang. Mechanism and Characteristics of Horizontal-Wellbore Cleanout by Annular Helical Flow[J]. Spe Journal, 2014, 19(1):45-54.(SCI/EI)
[22]Zhang, Haolin, Li, Gensheng, Tian, Shouceng,song, Xianzhi.A simplified mechanistic model for predicting the critical incipient velocity of cuttings in inclined pipes. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2014.01.01, 6(3): 735~744 (EI)
[23]Xianzhi Song*, Gensheng Li, Zhongwei Huang, Haizhu Wang, Yuxiong Cheng. Characteristics of horizontal wellbore cleanout by rotating jets. 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Water Jet Technology. Keju, Korea 2013.4.25-2013.4.27
[24]Song, Xianzhi*, Li, Gensheng, Huang, Zhongwei, Zhang, Laibin, Tian, Shouceng, Cui, Liu.Mechanismand characteristics of horizontal wellbore cleanout by rotating jets.2012IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference 2012 - Catching the Unconventional Tide: Winning the Future Through Innovation. 2012, 2:808-818(EI)
[25]Song, X.Z.*, Li, G.S., Huang, Z.W., Tian, S.C., Shi, H.Z.A Numerical Simulation on Characteristics of Annular Helical Flow in Horizontal Wellbore Cleanout. Energy Source Part A.2011,33(19):1832-1844.(SCI/EI)
[26]Song, X.Z.*, Li, G.S., Huang, Z.W., Wang, H.Z., Tian, S.C., Shi, H.Z.Experimental study on horizontal wellbore cleanout by rotating jets. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2010, 75(1-2) :71-76.(SCI/EI)
[27]Song Xianzhi, Li Gensheng*, Yuan Jinping, Tian Zhonglan, Shen Ruichen, Yuan Guangjie, Huang Zhongwei.Mechanism and Field Tests of Solution Mining Technique by Self-resonated Cavitation Water Jets. Petroleum Science.2010,7(3):385-389.(SCI)
[28]Li Gensheng,Song Xianzhi*, Tian Shouceng, Wang Haizhu, Yuan Guangjie.Self-resonated jet technology improves cavern construction. Oil and Gas Journal .2009, 107(46):51-56. (SCI)
[29]胡曉東,宋先知,李根生,沈忠厚,彭熾,朱斌.超臨界水射流焦湯係數計算與節流過程降溫效果分析[J].石油鑽采工藝, 2017, 39(2):163-168.
[33]郭宇健,李根生,宋先知,田守嶒,王夢抒.基於四參數流變模式的鑽井液穩態波動壓力計算[J].鑽采工藝, 2014(5):1-4.
[36]黃英勇,李根生,宋先知,付加勝. PDC鑽頭定向噴嘴井底流場數值模擬[J].石油鑽探技術,2011, 39(6):99-103.
[37]宋先知,李根生,王海柱,袁光傑,袁進平.多夾層岩鹽自振空化射流造腔技術研究[J].石油機械,2009, 37(12):20-23.
[38]宋先知,李根生,王海柱,丁國生,田守嶒.鹽穴儲氣庫底部碎屑旋轉射流沖洗數值模擬[J].天然氣工業,2010, 30(8):83-86.
[39]宋先知,李根生,袁進平,等.自振空化射流造腔機理與試驗[C]//中國石油學會地下儲氣. 2008.
[41]宋先知,李根生,黃中偉,等.油氣井工程研究生創新人才培養模式探索與實踐[J].石油教育, 2015(6):21-23.
[3]美國地熱資源委員會(GRC)第41屆年會的分會主席(Session Chair),2017.10
[5]Energy,Applied Energy,Applied Thermal Engineering,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Energy Sources Part A等期刊審稿人