



  • 中文名:宋佩佩
  • 民族:漢族 
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:環境科學與工程 




2. 山東省自然科學基金-博士基金,ZR2018BD003,2018.3-2020.12,10萬元,主持;
4. 國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項課題 “湘江重金屬污染河道底泥環保疏浚與生態修復技術” 2009ZX07212-001,2009.1-2011.12,543.38萬元,參與;
5. 國家自然科學基金-面上項目,電絮凝鈍化/破鈍機理及多物理場耦合反應動力學模擬研究,51578223,2016.1-2019.12,64萬元,參與;
6. 國家自然科學基金-面上項目,基於微泡擴增的污泥快速乾化行為及機理研究,51378189,2014.1-2017.12,80萬元,參與;
7. 國家自然科學基金-面上項目,微生物絮凝劑對重金屬的捕集行為及機制研究,51078131,2011.1-2014.12,40萬元,參與;
8. 環境衛生專業規劃項目:沅江市城鄉環境衛生專業規劃(2015-2030),常德市城鄉環境衛生專業規劃(2013-2030),臨武縣城鄉垃圾綜合處理規劃(2011-2030),邵東縣城鄉垃圾綜合處理規劃(2011-2030),參與;
9. 長沙市固體廢棄物綜合處理智慧型監管指揮平台建設項目,參與。


1. Peipei Song, Lingwen Ping, Jianpeng Gao, Xianxu Li, Mengjiao Zhu, Jun Wang*.Ecotoxicological effects of fertilizers made from pulping waste liquor on earthworm Eisenia fetida. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (SCI 2017 IF=3.974), 2018, 166, 237-241.
2. Jianpeng Gao#, Peipei Song#, Guanying Wang, Jun Wang*, LuSheng Zhu, Jinhua Wang. Responses of atrazine degradation and native bacterial community in soil to Arthrobacter sp. strain HB-5. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (SCI 2017 IF=3.974), 2018, 159: 317-323.
3. Peipei Song, Zhaohui Yang*, Guangming Zeng, Haiyin Xu, Xin Li, Weiping Xiong. Numerical simulation and exploration of electrocoagulation process for arsenic and antimony removal: Electric field, flow field, and mass transfer studies. Journal of Environmental Management (SCI 2017 IF=4.005), 2018, 228, 336-345.
4. Peipei Song, Zhaohui Yang*, Guangming Zeng, Xia Yang, Haiyin Xu, Like Wang, Rui Xu, Weiping Xiong, Kito Ahmad. Electrocoagulation treatment of arsenic in wastewaters: A comprehensive review. Chemical Engineering Journal (SCI 2017 IF=6.735), 2017, 317: 707-725.
5. Peipei Song, Zhaohui Yang*, Guangming Zeng, Haiyin Xu, Jing Huang, Xia Yang. Arsenic removal from contaminated drinking water by electrocoagulation using hybrid Fe-Al electrodes: response surface methodology and mechanism study. Desalination and Water Treatment(SCI 2017 IF=1.383), 2016, 57(10): 4548-4556.
6. Peipei Song, Zhaohui Yang*, Guangming Zeng,Haiyin Xu, Jing Huang, Like Wang. Optimization, kinetics, isotherms and thermodynamics studies of antimony removal in electrocoagulation process. Water, Air, &Soil Pollution(SCI 2017 IF=1.769), 2015, 226: 1-12.
7. Peipei Song, Zhaohui Yang*, Guangming Zeng, Haiyin Xu, Jing Huang, Xia Yang. Investigation of Influencing Factors and Mechanism of Antimony and Arsenic Removal by Electrocoagulation Using Fe-Al Electrodes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (SCI 2017 IF=3.141), 2014, 53: 12911-12919.


