AnhuiJingxian County smallridge Maoshanpaper plant)is locatedin the famousbirthplaceinAnhuiXuan paper--a small ridge,surrounded by mountains,waterflows,iscreated by natureto createtherice paper,since ad 1250began the creation ofXuan paper,never discontinuous,is the famoustown ofXuan paper.Several centuries in thelong years,a small ridgepaperhas itsunique superb technology,excellentquality,authenticandhanded down from generation to generation,forthe traditional culture of the motherlandto make due contribution.The factory isthe largestpaperbirthplace ofXuan paper productionenterprises,exportall over the country,the paperfocused on the tourismproject unitand papertravel goodsproduction unit Jin Longxuan rice paperispaper company in Chinaby GB18739-2002 nationalstandards organization of productionoftraditional handicraft products,its own artistic andfull of nationalcharacteristics of Chinese painting and Calligraphy ArtShowcase,a good name in the world.Having the texturesofttough,bright and clean as jade,not borers do not rot,ink rhyme andchangingcharacteristics,to enjoy the "thousands ofthe age of a personpaper" reputation,is a calligraphy,paintingart,have high artistic valueand collection value.Paperraw materialsby using at least2to 3 years ofMaoshan greenbark,Maoshansandy conglomeratestraw,natural water in Maoshan,from the originalredpaper plantof outstanding technical staffcarefully crafted,supplemented by108traditionalprocess.Produced by thepaperhas the texture ofcottontoughness,smooth asjade,not borers do not rot,inkrunchangingcharacteristics.Golden DragonXuanlicensing papercan be divided into the cotton,leather,specialnetnetskin three categories;according to thicknesscan be divided into singleXuan,folder Xuan,twolayerXuan,etc.;according to the specifications can bedivided intofour foot,fivefoot,sixfoot,eightfoot,two foot,and variousspecial specifications;presspapercan be divided intosingle,doubleSilkRoadSilk Road,rib,moire;cooked declared(also known as:ProcessingXuan)a total ofjade plate,cicada,mica,ice and snow,cooking,and so on more than 60 kindshammerthrowing.Paperproducts,stationery,albums,signature and stamp ofantiquepoetic coupletand seniorpaperfolding fan.The production of high,medium,lowand a variety of specifications andexported to Korea,Japan,Canada,Europe and other countries,bythepraiseof painting and calligraphy!Of time The factory hadtoQi,Huang Zhou,Zhang Daqianand otherfamouscustompersonalspecial rice paper,1993Qi Gongmasterfor my companyproblemThe word.WelcomeChineselovers visitXuan paper productionlabor on-sitevisit!For the national andforeign customers to providequalityand promotion ofXuan paper culture!